The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1605: Invincible opening angle

A disciple of the Supreme Master is sad, but also happy. Tomato Little ◇say ☆net `----`

A proud son of the Supreme Master, who has practiced since he was a child, he has a steady stream of various resources, a steady stream of various spiritual things, the care of the elders of the disciple, the guidance of the Supreme Teacher, and there is no shortage of various Dao classics. , Never worry, just practice step by step.

But the disciples of the Supreme Master are sad, because under the majesty of the ancestors, these patriarchs of heaven have begun to format their thoughts since childhood. Under the influence of the ancestors of the Supreme Master, it is difficult to escape, and the wisdom of the ancestors still remains. If it is a vast ocean, how difficult it would be to surpass it! .

Therefore, the disciples of the nine supreme sects, who want to prove the Dao, never think about how to transcend the ancestors, but think about how to create a budding trail of their own on the periphery of the avenue of the ancestors, belonging to the ancestors of the nine supreme sects. Great road, but another way.

Just like Yu Duxiu, directly breaking the shackles of the ancestors and comprehending his own brand-new road, Yu Duxiu is the first person in the nine supreme sects.

This is the sorrow of the nine supreme sect monks. Although they are well-informed, they are framed by what they have seen and heard. As for the disciples of the minor sects, there are no supreme ancestors. If you want a righteous path, you can only work hard and accumulate experience by yourself. It can be said to reproduce the path taken by the nine supreme ancestors and open up your own road without being suppressed by anyone. --`-`

Although the disciples of the Nine Great Sects have taken a different approach, this is definitely not the reason why people look down on the disciples of the Nine Great Sects and say that the disciples of the Nine Great Sects are weak in cultivation.

Being able to walk on a path of one's own under the suppression of the great avenue of teaching ancestors has already demonstrated his talent.

It's like Taiping ancestor and Zhang Jiao.

The Fulu Avenue of the Taiping Jiaozu includes all the Fulu Avenues in the world. It is the ancestor of all Fului in the world. It is empty talk and only has a big frame. Zhangjiao Avenue belongs to the Taiping Jiaozu Avenue and completes the Taiping Jiaozu Avenue.

Zhang Jiao's Tao fruit is to draw on the power of all the ghosts and gods in the heavens and all realms, including the innate gods and the acquired gods, as long as they have a thought, they can use it.

The rune in the hand of that horn changed for a while, and it instantly turned into a ghostly rune, forming a light curtain, blocking the five innate ghosts back, and then seeing the innate rune turning into a big net. , Towards the suppression of the Yin Si prince. Tomato Little ◇say ☆net `----`

"It's only a small path." The prince Yinsi smiled contemptuously, stretched out a palm, and controlled life and death: "The Hades asked you to die for three shifts, and that will leave you for five shifts."

Faced with this trick of the Yinsi prince, Zhang Jiao smiled: "See how I restrain you."

While speaking, he saw the sky full of runes merged into one, and instantly fell into Zhang Jiao’s hands. When the runes in that Zhang Jiao’s hand turned, there were six black holes formed, which were the power of the ghost master. .

The ghost master is also one of the ghosts and gods of the heavens and all realms, and his power is boundless, and he can naturally be used by the angle.


The six reincarnations are superimposed, and the devils are instantly smashed out, and countless palace faults in the distance are instantly turned into powder.

"This is the power of my Father God, how could this be possible, how could my Father God lend you his power? You thief, you really deserve to die, and I will kill you today to prevent future troubles." Murderous intent in the eyes of the prince rushed into the sky. Tomato Novel Network `-```-

Among the Yin Division, the ghost master's expression was gloomy: "This supernatural power is simply invincible as a gangster. I borrowed the power of the master and never asked the master at all. It is really improper to be a son of man. This law is too evil, as evil as the law of the sky." .

"This Dao Guo has some meaning." Tai Yi Jiaozu slapped the beard on his chin, and then shook his body, his eyes were full of disbelief: "That is Dao Guo,,,,, that is Dao Guo,,,,, ".

"The silver talisman in the hand of Zhang Jiao is its Tao fruit. Zhang Jiao's Tao fruit is really powerful. It can actually be like a chaotic green lotus. It is out now. This seat has lived for so many years. "My Dao Fruit-like weird Dao Fruit" Yu Duxiu opened her mouth in astonishment. Once the angled Dao fruit is formed, it can be used. It is simply another kind of projection of innate spiritual treasure.

"This Dao Guo is really evil. Why does the Taiping Road have monsters every day? The former Shouzheng is not counted, and then it is Yu Duxiu. Now it is Zhang Jiao's turn. Is the number of days in Taiping Road really so good? Freaks keep appearing one after another?" Taiyuan Jiaozu looked unwilling. ▽◇``

"Dao Guo is simply invincible in this corner." Jin Lin's eyes straightened in the East China Sea.

The "Yam Luo sentient beings" yelled from the prince of Yin Si, and the evidence of the lives and deaths of all sentient beings was sinking.

"Look at my judge's road, judge Luofu sentient beings." The talisman in the hand of the horn changed again, and the judge's face on one side was green: "This is my power, how can you use my law, my power".

"Asshole, don't take a shot to help me." The prince of Yinsi's Yan Luo sentient beings were judged by the judge's law, and a blow was fruitless. In an instant, a palm stretched out again and patted towards the corner: "Palm destroys sentient beings."

"The Avenue of Trial" the Yin Division judge shot.

Seeing the two coming together, Zhang Jiao didn't fear at all, and saw a strange smile on his face: "The road of fate, the judgment of fate".

Destiny judgment, fixed number writing, unchangeable.

Tai Yi Dao, who was still complimenting his horn before, suddenly turned green: "This is my ability, my strength, how can I borrow this horn, and after borrowing it, I won't be under my control at all." .

Fate was intertwined, and the talisman ignited. After the blow of the prince of Yinsi and the judge's strike collided with the magical power of the horn, they were instantly annihilated, and the power of fate flowed, and he wanted to severely inflict the prince and judge.

"Yan Luo Shen and Floating" The figure of countless sentient beings around the Yinsi Prince kept kneeling and worshiping, the power of the six reincarnations flowed, and the power of life and death was formed. I saw that the Yinsi Prince actually asked the endless beings in the underworld to bear the power of destiny for him, and he was quite capable. .

The judge was also very good, holding the judge pen in his hand, and immediately pointed out: "trial".

With a trick that has been eaten all over the world, the judge has realized his skill to transform into a magical realm. Even if the road of fate of the corner collides with the judgment, it will be instantly annihilated.

After all, Zhang Jiao is not a quasi-superior realm powerhouse, and he will suffer a lot when he fights with the judge, a truly veteran Yinsi powerhouse.

"What a terrible power" Watching the judge's power fade, Zhang Jiao retreated in an instant, then the corner of his mouth was slightly raised, and he said calmly: "You two, can you withstand this method?"

"Take it, you can bear it, naturally you can afford to lose weight." The prince of the **** looked gloomy.

The judge glanced at the prince Yinsi: "Prince, the method of this corner is too weird. Let's take a long view."

"No, this prince must defeat this servant today. Yamada Dao will dominate the lives and deaths of all heavens in the future. No one can jump off Yamada Dao except for the supremely strong, even the quasi-superior cannot do." The prince of Yinsi gritted his teeth. .

The changes of the talisman seals in Zhang Jiao's This time, the talisman seals in the hands of the "Yan Luo sentient beings" were not created by the prince of Yinsi, but were borrowed from the talisman seal in Zhang Jiao's hand.

Not to mention Zhang Jiao, even if the face of Yu Duxiu on one side is green, Zhang Jiao's power is simply invincible. This fellow doesn't even know how to converge. He is not afraid of being calculated and followed his own footsteps in the past.

"Damn", the prince of Yinsi watched his own magical powers attacking him, and he was immediately furious: "You will live and die in one word, Zhang Jiao, your life is exhausted, and you will not return to the underworld quickly."


The two magical powers collided, and the prince Yinsi's complexion changed, feeling the power of the open angle, a flash of joy flashed in his eyes, as if he understood something.

"The magical power of Zhang Jiao is extremely against the sky. If you fight against people, you will be maddened by them, even if you can't kill the enemy, you will also have to disgust the enemy." Yu Duxiu was speechless, and Wukong was also dumbfounded: "I Lao Sun fought a lot with people, but it was the first time I saw such shameless supernatural powers, using the opponent's power to attack the opponent, this is simply,,,,, shameless, okay,,,," .

Wukong scratched his head and scratched his cheeks: "If anyone meets Zhang Jiao, I guess he will have a dead heart." (To be continued.)

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