The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1608: The cause and effect of Fuyao

"Don't dare to be, don't dare to be, the heavens and the worlds, why my human race is different from other races, it is because my human race is the most important human relationship, etiquette, dignity and inferiority, the senior sister is now respected as a majestic queen, in charge of the power of heaven and earth. , Is the manifestation of the mighty power of heaven, the younger brother dare not offend "Mingyu Boy has a respectful look. Tomato Novel ◇△Net---```-``

When Na Miaoyu saw this, he did not reluctantly, but changed the subject and said: "I don't know what the younger brother is here for?".

Mingxian said: "At the order of the ancestor, the teacher's brother was severely injured and his life was dying. The physical body was afraid that he would be abolished. Now thinking about it, only the flat peach of the senior sister has the effect of extending life and promoting vitality, but it is a pity. Brother Miaoxiu is not here, otherwise, using the means of Brother Miaoxiu to take the world and the world, want to repair the body of Dao Zhang Jiao, it is just between thoughts." Mingyu Boy's face was full of regret at this time.

Miaoyu nodded when she heard the words, and the maid on one side was holding a tray with a layer of red silk and satin. The two red flat peaches were so attractive.

Miaoyu sighed slightly: "Last time there was a riot in the Palace of Heaven, there was a thief in the flat peach garden. All the flat peaches were stolen, but now these two 6,000-year-old flat peaches are still something I managed to save, one of them The younger brother took it back to teach the ancestors to return to life, and the other one for self-consumption is that these six thousand years of flat peaches, six thousand years of flowering and six thousand years of fruit, now it is only five hundred years away from the Tiangong, it is really impossible to find more The flat peach". □▽○Tomato☆Small○Shuowang`---``---

"Thank you, Senior Sister, thank you, Senior Sister." Na Mingyu boy's eyes lit up when he heard the words, and he looked at the red flat peaches. He unceremoniously picked up a couple of mouthfuls and swallowed it. The lifespan was increased by three thousand years. Such benefits have missed today. , I want to look for opportunities in the future, but I don’t know what year and month.

There are countless great abilities in the heavens, from the ancestors to the quasi-superior, and the generals of all kinds of gods, and the powerful figures in the heavens have already entrusted the flat peaches, even if the Ming 圡 is the palm of the Taiping Dao. Even though he can't cultivate, this flat peach still doesn't have his share, let alone a nine-thousand-year flat peach, or a three-thousand-year flat peach, I have never seen it before.

After eating one of them, looking at the peach pit in his hand, Ming Wei carefully put the peach pit away. This peach pit is also an incredible spiritual object, with many magical uses.

Na Mingxu carefully collected another flat peach, and then respectfully saluted Miaoyu: "After taking the benefits of the senior sister, there is no merit and no reward. There is a piece of news here, I don't know if it should be said." ``-----

"But it doesn't hurt to speak".

Miaoyu's eyes rolled upon hearing this.

Na Mingyu looked around with a pair of eyes, and then lowered his voice and said, "Senior Sister, we are not outsiders, so I won't hide it. Now Senior Sister is in a bad situation."

"Oh, please enlighten me." Miao Yu casually drank the tea.

Mingxian lowered his head and said: "The flat peach in the hands of senior sister is really eye-catching. With this flat peach, don't you want to control all the powers of the heavens and the world in your hands? Besides, this flat peach belongs to the senior sister. It belongs to my Taipingdao disciples to enjoy, how can this kind of gods escape out."

"Huh?" Miaoyu looked at Mingyuan, and the void instantly stagnated. Mingyuan seemed to carry a large mountain on his back, and smiled bitterly: "Senior sister, don't want to get angry. This is not what I said, but the sect. What those old guys said, Senior Sister should know that although I am the head teacher, there are always some old immortals in the sect who refuse to listen to my dispatch. It is useless to tell the ancestor." -

"How do you think about this matter?" Miaoyu withdrew the pressure without a trace.

Mingwei was silent for a while, then smiled bitterly and shook his head: "Don't dare to teach ancestors."

Looking at that Mingyu's expression, Miaoyu already knew the answer she wanted.

"Want to be a peach tree? Really wishful thinking. If it was before, I might still be afraid of two or three points. Now Brother Miaoxiu's road to the sky is about to be completed. Brother Miaoxiu will support me, and there are people such as Chaotian, Buddha, Gorefiend, etc. Help out, I'm afraid of that again?".

Looking at Miaoyu who was silent, Mingqi said: "The ancestor has a far-sighted vision. It is not something that an ordinary disciple of me can arbitrarily make. Please forgive me. The ancestor is still waiting for the little brother's Pantao to continue his life. I dare not stay for a long time. Goodbye".

Watching Mingyu walk out of the main hall, Miaoyu slowly leaned on the seat: "I am not afraid of being watched by a supreme powerhouse, but there are some troubles. This matter may be able to break the game with Qiantian." .

Speaking of this, Miaoyu sneered: "The vision of the Taiping Patriarch is indeed good, but it is also a lot worse. If you misunderstand Brother Miaoxiu, this loss will never be remedied." □▽○Tomato☆Small○Shuowang`---``---

Miaoyu has a vague clue in the heavens, when Yu Duxiu and others on the road to the sky are also in trouble.

"Master and apprentice, listen to this old man saying that not far in front, there is a big river. It was more than five thousand years ago. One day, a vision between the heavens and the earth was shaking the earth, the stars swayed, the Tianhe was upside down, and the Tianhe was there. Amidst the unparalleled power, they stayed in the world and turned into a big river in this world.” Wukong, the four masters and apprentices, rode white horses to a town, walked through the crowd, stood on the dock, and looked at the vast sea. Wukong spoke.

The old ancestor Zhu Ba came over and said: "It is true. My old pig was in charge of Tianhe. This river contains the power of Tianhe. Although more than five thousand years have passed, the power of Tianhe still has not dissipated."

Speaking of this, the ancestor Zhuba slapped his head: "I know the ancestor, this Tongtianhe, isn't this Tongtianhe, when the Immortal Fuyao was proving the Dao, the air force went straight to the Xiaohan Xinghe, and the **** wind drove a wave on Tianhe I rolled it up and disappeared. The Emperor of Heaven ordered me to inspect for a long time, but I never found the place of the wave. For this reason, I hit the board. I didn't expect the wave to fall here."

While speaking, he saw the ancestor Zhu Ba fell into the Tianhe with a ‘poof’, his face was full of joy: “There is a breath of home in it, it’s comfort.”

"Huh? Something's wrong."

The ancestor Zhuba instantly became stiff, and suddenly rushed out of the Tianhe: "Brother Monkey, this river is weird."

"Isn't this your house? What's weird in your house" Wukong said with a strange voice.

"I,,,,, my old pig has been in charge of Tianhe for so many years, and I am very familiar with Tianhe's Qi machine. There are impurities hidden in the Tianhe Qi machine. There must be weird things hidden in you and I don't know, brother Don't be careless".

Wukong heard the words and looked at the sky: "This river is vast, and it is a hundred times wider than the river set by the Prince of Inspiration. If we want to cross the river, it will be very difficult. Today, I am afraid it will not be possible. We need to find a place to rest. Let’s talk about crossing the river tomorrow."

Yu Duxiu opened her eyes without a trace and glanced at the river, and then all her mental energy was once again immersed in the Xuanhuang Qi in her body, constantly interacting with the will derived from that Xuanhuang Qi, and communicating countless Thanks to Yu Duxiu Yuanshen's innate information, otherwise it would have been turned into powder by the will of the mysterious yellow air.

But even so, Yu Duxiu's will is tempered by the impact of the will in this Xuanhuang Qi, and it has become more powerful, pure, and benefited extraordinary. It is more about Yu Duxiu about the vast world and countless laws. Understand, it is a blast.

"Then find a place to a place to cross the river tomorrow," Yu Duxiu said casually.

The old ancestor Zhu Ba took the white dragon horse and muttered: "What my old pig said, why is the river drawn by the inspiration of the prince's day a little familiar? It turns out that the river was drawn here."

While speaking, the four masters and apprentices walked into a house and knocked on the door: "Donor, I am a monk from the Central Territory. Those who want to go to the west to worship the Buddha and ask for sutras, pass by the expensive manor and ask the master to take him in. one night".

This is the border of the country of Che Chi. At this time, it shouldn't be called the country of Che Chi. With the retreat of the prince of Yin Si, Che Chiguo was instantly torn apart, each was king, and the war started.

I opened the door and saw an old man in the village walked out: "It turned out to be a monk from the Middle Territory. Okay, a few elders please come here quickly. I'm waiting for something to ask the elders. Please elders give pointers. ".

Hearing that Yu Duxiu reported herself to the house, the old man suddenly opened the door, his face full of joy.

Well, to be precise, it was the 27th or the 28th plus update. I have been too busy lately. Let's try harder next month. I hope you guys will understand. (To be continued.)

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