The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3445 Red Dragon Spell

( ) Ba Tie said excitedly: "Xiao Ling, you really know the dragon spell! So do you know how to break the dragon spell? If you can help our Red Dragon clan remove this spell, we..."

He suddenly paused and couldn't continue what he said...

This is because the spell of the Red Dragon Clan reminds them that at some time in the future, if the Crimson Dragon Clan is lucky, a talented young man may come here to help them drive away evil and usher in light. In the end, the Red Dragon Clan will also leave with this young man...

This prophecy has been circulating among the Red Dragon Clan for a long time, and many people almost don’t believe it!

There are many reasons for disbelief. For example, no matter how talented a young man is, how can he defeat so many powerful people in his clan?

Even the powerful figures in these tribes could not avert those disasters, so how could a young man do it?

And the last point is that the entire Red Dragon clan will follow that young man. How is this possible?

Will everyone join him?

How could a young man, He De, make the people of the Red Dragon Clan fall completely in love with him?

Even so, the Red Dragon Clan has survived and evolved in the Red Dragon Star Territory for countless years. The entire foundation is there. How could they leave?

The Red Dragon Tribe has encountered many crises and disasters in its history, but which one has it not survived? Will they continue to survive and develop in the Red Dragon Star Territory?

Therefore, the things mentioned in the spell are so incredible that no one will believe it. People's focus is always on the rules of when disaster will come. In the eyes of the powerful people in the Red Dragon Clan, , as long as this can be explored, it can help the clan avoid these disasters in advance, thereby reducing losses.

However, although they have good intentions, unfortunately, disasters always come unexpectedly, causing heavy losses and pain to the Red Dragon tribe every time, making every Red Dragon tribe member's expression change...

When Batie thought about the contents of his family's spell, it suddenly occurred to him that this spell seemed to be possible! ! !

How terrible!

Who could have predicted that something like this would happen so early?

Because judging from the current situation, the Red Dragon Clan has to relocate as a whole. No one can compete with the great power on the Tiangang Star. The entire Red Dragon Star Territory may be controlled by them.

Or become a weapon in their hands and directly hit the core planet of the Turia Galaxy!

If the Red Dragon Clan does not leave, their final fate will be extremely tragic. This is a certainty.

In addition to this being confirmed, the appearance of that magical boy has also become a reality. In Ba Tie's view, Ling Daozi is that magical boy. Of course, the Liufeng mentioned by Ling Daozi just now is also possible. After all, if Ling Daozi If what he said is true, then Liufeng is more powerful than him, and has become the master of some people of his clan, then it is really possible for him to respond to the requests of those people and help his clan to relocate!

At this point, the whole spell can be said to have begun to take shape and is almost about to be realized!

This made Ba Tie stunned, and his thoughts were secretly wondering whether to tell the matter...

"How are you doing?" Xiaoxing asked with a smile.

"We...will definitely be grateful to you!" Batie said.

"Hehe, forget it then! There are so many people who want to be grateful to me that I can hardly remember them! As for your spell, what disasters are specifically involved? Maybe I can help you find out what the reason is. Caused by..." Xiaoxing laughed.

Shaomai's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he quickly said: "Speaking of the natural disasters we have encountered in history, there are really countless. Let me tell you in detail..."

Shaomai himself is also good at calculations. He has already calculated and analyzed the problem of his clan's spell countless times, so now he talks about it clearly and in detail. Everyone's mood fluctuates with the plot of the story he tells. , very emotional...

It seems that there have been many disasters in the history of the Red Dragon Clan. Countless people have perished due to the disasters mentioned in the spell, which makes people feel terrified!

I didn’t expect that a mere spell could cause a race to endure such painful experiences and losses. What is the reason for this?

Fairy Meiping listened to the side and secretly rejoiced in her heart. Fortunately, her Qingque clan did not have any spell problems. Otherwise, she would not be able to appear here now, because she might have already suffered the disaster with the emergence of those spells. Died…

The people from the Phantom Group were also very engrossed in what they heard. They felt extremely unbelievable about what happened to the Red Dragon Clan and wondered why they were punished like this by God.

However, in their opinion, the Red Dragon tribe is still an extremely tough race. After suffering so many terrible disasters, it can still develop to the level it is today and become a higher race in the universe. Compared with other races in the Milky Way, they are actually Much luckier, right?

Of course, this cannot be said, because the reason why the races in the Milky Way are relatively backward in development is mainly because of the short development time. Due to the short time and the absence of some sudden stimulating factors, the major races can achieve rapid development. If it grows rapidly, it is naturally impossible to compare with the Red Dragon Clan, which has developed for such a long time.

Shaomai finally sighed: "The most recent disaster happened about three thousand years ago. In terms of time, it was shortened by about fifteen hundred years compared to the previous disaster. This is something we never thought of before. !”

"Why didn't you think of it?" Xiaoxing asked.

"Because the time of each disaster is shortened by more than three thousand years, from hundreds of thousands, hundreds of thousands, tens of thousands to thousands of years. The last dozen disasters have basically stabilized at four thousand and five years. About a hundred years, we mistakenly thought that the disaster mentioned in the spell might be coming to an end. Unexpectedly, the recent one was shortened by fifteen hundred years, which really made everyone feel a little panic!" Shaomai said .

"That's true..." Everyone nodded after hearing this.

This is because disasters erupt faster and faster each time, and then start to accelerate again after stabilizing for a while. This trend shows that disasters may be accumulating power during that stable period, and then start to accelerate again after reaching a certain level. This phenomenon is extremely Horrible, just this pressing situation makes people feel chilling...

It can be seen that the judgment of the people of the Red Dragon tribe that the disaster is coming to an end is not accurate. On the contrary, the disaster may be accelerating its evolution, and their fate may be almost unbearable!

Shaomai continued: "In that disaster, we lost nearly a million people. What is disturbing is that in previous disasters, those who died were often frail and sick middle-aged and elderly people, but in that disaster, nearly a million people died. Half of them are young people!”

"Oh? Have you found out what caused their death?" Xiaoxing asked.

"No! We have tried our best to investigate, but we can't find out what caused them to fall ill and die. We can only watch them suffer from the disease and die. That scene is really..." Shaomai said with tears in his eyes. Red, obviously, the scene at that time must still be vivid in his mind, unforgettable!

"What are their symptoms?" Xiaoxing asked.

"Symptoms? These people basically start to lose weight inexplicably, lose their essence, energy, spiritual power, flesh and blood... and finally turn into mummies..." Shaomai described.

"Oh my god..." Everyone was horrified when they heard this, and they almost didn't dare to listen anymore...

Fairy Meiping and Fairy Guanghan could hear their upper and lower teeth chattering, shaking non-stop, and couldn't even speak a word...

"Are the drugs that replenish the essence useless?" Xiaoxing asked.

"No! The best doctors in our clan give them medicine every day, and also replenish essence and various supplements, but those patients are like being possessed by evil spirits. No matter how much we feed them, by the next day They always become a little thinner than the day before, and this trend cannot be reversed until they finally turn into skeletons..." Shaomai sighed.

When Xiaoxing heard this, his heart became extremely bright. In fact, he had already thought of the reason for this situation before. In the final analysis, it was because the Red Dragon clan members had swallowed a large amount of food alive during the process of transforming from small reptiles into Red dragons. Caused by people of the same race!

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The so-called spell may have been made up by people, and it is unlikely to be a curse from God. The content will involve some genius boy. It is more because the boy represents the future of a race and can give people more expectations.

As for whether the whole clan will follow him, it does not mean that the whole clan will join him, but the person who made up the spell may feel that there is no way to stay here in the Red Dragon Star Territory. Since someone comes to rescue, then the rest will Just take everyone away...

Of course, this universe is extremely magical. Maybe this spell is really a curse cast by heaven. Otherwise, why do multiple dragon clans have spells?

It can be seen that there are too many problems in the emergence and development process of the dragon race. They are relatively powerful, so they are easy to cause trouble, and it is not surprising that they cause the wrath of God.

Just like the Thunder Dragon Clan where Xiaoxiang belongs, it is because they caused harm to the world that they caused the heaven to cast a spell. Coincidentally, it also mentioned that the rescuer was a young man. Could it be that these Dragon Clan spells really have something to do with Li Yun and Xiao Xing? Is it relevant?

Regarding this issue, Xiaoxing decided to take some time to study it carefully in the future...

As for the Red Dragon Clan, in Xiaoxing's opinion, since they have swallowed many people of their own tribe alive, this is much more serious than their devouring people of other races alive!

Because the corpse poison produced by those members of the clan is more likely to invade their blood and bone marrow, and the broken souls are more likely to invade their brains. It is impossible to purify and remove it with the ability of the Red Dragon clan!

These toxin molecules have reached the micron level. They continue to multiply and increase in the host body. When they reach a certain level, they will explode. Each time they explode, they will evolve, and the speed will naturally become faster and faster...

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