The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3446 The Development of Viruses

( ) In fact, not to mention that the Red Dragon Clan does not have this ability, even the race of the sixteen new fleets that have recently appeared around the Milky Way are also unable to deal with the invasion of micron-level corpse poison elements and broken souls. Now they are also experiencing A blow similar to a disaster, but it has not exploded as violently as the Red Dragon clan...

To a certain extent, the levels of corpse poison molecules and broken soul molecules are similar to the mutated virus molecules currently spreading in the universe. Their strongest ones can reach the level of large particles, which are slightly smaller than small molecules. After breaking through the molecular level, their abilities greatly increased and they spread faster, making it impossible for ordinary life to stop their progress.

From the perspective of these three, the role of broken soul elements is to affect the integrity and attribution of the souls of the new population, causing the new people to suffer all kinds of troubles in the process of growing up. They sometimes get dizzy and don’t know who they are. Who, where are they coming from, where are they going, what should they do and what should they not do? Such a state will of course affect their normal growth, and some of them have directly inherited it because they were too deeply affected by the broken soul elements. The soul and thoughts of another person pave the way for their future life. It is a disaster for the family and the race, because the souls and thoughts they inherit have too much resentment, and no one is willing to be betrayed by others. Eaten alive and absorbed the essence, so their thoughts are full of resentment and revenge, no matter how good their enemies are to them later...

The corpse poison molecules among the three can actually be regarded as another form of virus molecules, but they occupy a high-end position as soon as they appear, reaching the level of large particles, and they are powerful players among virus molecules.

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Therefore, ordinary beings cannot discover them, nor can they stop their reproduction and spread, and mistakenly believe that this is a disaster and a curse...

As for the virus molecules among the three, they have actually existed since the birth of the universe. These virus molecules actually had a complete little life at the beginning, because they have a molecular membrane that represents life, that is, the appearance, and the inside of the molecular membrane. Various small organs, as long as they are nourished and nourished, they can gradually grow and continue to reproduce...

Don’t underestimate virus molecules. Although they were basically at the lowest level when they were first born, far from being comparable to corpse poison molecules, corpse poison molecules seem to have no intention of evolving after occupying the high-end position at the beginning and always stay there. People in this position are popular and drink spicy food, absorbing the rich nutrition of the host body, but have no enterprising spirit. They are typical people who occupy the latrine and do nothing.

Virus molecules are different. Because they are larger in size at the beginning, they are easily discovered by others. Therefore, they will be attacked by other beings if they make any trouble. Whether it is using the power of divine consciousness or the power of medicinal stones, they can be destroyed. Countless times, killing them until they were pissed off and discarded their armor...


Virus molecules are extremely resilient. They always die and come back to life. Each time they always leave a declaration, that is, "I will come back..."

From this perspective, the development potential of virus molecules is actually much greater than that of corpse virus molecules!

Don’t deceive young people into being poor. It’s a similar principle.

Many times, when we look at a problem, we should not be too obsessed with the immediate gains and losses, but should value its long-term development and its potential for future development. Just like a woman who wants to choose a husband, if she is short-sighted and lacks her own qualities, she does not work hard to improve. , but tend to put all kinds of skin care products and beautiful clothes on their bodies. This is equivalent to marking themselves with the same price as the goods, waiting for rich people to buy them. This approach may attract Some unqualified nouveau riche favored her and spent a lot of money to marry her back, so that she got a lot of money in one fell swoop...

However, this approach seems to be successful, but there are countless possibilities for failure. For example, because the union between the two parties is based on money and beauty, rather than on feelings, then as long as one of the factors changes, it will soon What led to the failure of this union was that there was no emotion as a bond, and the union between the two parties was loose. They might not even be able to talk to each other, so how could they get along harmoniously for a long time?

Once the nouveau riche loses his money, or the woman becomes old and mature, separation is inevitable.

When this happens and we look back at the woman's choices and actions, we can clearly see how unwise and superficial her actions were...

On the contrary, if she can improve her own quality, not put a price tag on herself, and can look at some people who do not have much money but have development potential, and choose one of them who has good character and can establish a relationship with each other. Bond, such a combination will appear wise and warm. Even if you live a hard life at the beginning, this is also the best period to cultivate relationships. As the potential of both parties continues to be realized, the days will definitely get better and better, and relationships will It will become stronger and stronger. By that time, even if you lose some money due to temporary failure for some reasons, or become old and yellow, it will not affect the stability of this union at all. This is the most important thing for both parties. Beautiful things…

Without further ado, let’s get back to the topic.

Viral molecules have endless potential. After repeated failures, they were blown up completely by other powerful life forms and various drugs. They were almost not even qualified to be a complete viral life because they did not even have the virus membrane. Already mutilated!

Just when the virus molecules were about to stop saying "I will come back again", some of the virus molecules mutated. They bravely abandoned their original life state and started with their own incomplete bodies. Another kind of life is to invade other living organisms, attach to their cells and molecules, suck nutrients, and then invade their cells and molecules, hide within them, and live a parasitic life!

In fact, such virus molecules can no longer be regarded as complete life forms, because they no longer possess the basic characteristics of complete life. However, it is precisely this approach that greatly enhances the ability of virus molecules, reaching an extremely powerful level, making It is difficult for ordinary beings to discover them anymore, and they can no longer use the power of spiritual consciousness and medicine to attack them. They can only allow them to continue to multiply in the body, and then cause chaos from time to time...

What’s even more frightening is that the virus molecules will pass on the successful mutation in some way, causing other surrounding virus molecules that can still remain intact to follow them and actively implement their own mutations!

That's right, these complete virus molecules take the initiative to decompose themselves, and one can separate into countless ones. Then, through these incomplete bodies, they begin to invade other life forms, living a parasitic life of eating and opening their mouths. Becoming more and more moisturized…

After the virus molecules reach this level, their level has caught up with the corpse poison molecules. Moreover, they still retain the potential for evolution. It is only a matter of time before they surpass the corpse poison molecules...

Earlier, when Li Yun and Xiaoxing entered the dark universe and traveled to the Yeshi Tribe, the Mojie Tribe, the Blue Blood Tribe, the Nanli Tribe, and the Ice Crystal Tribe, as well as participating in the starry sky chess match in the Phuket Star Territory, they had already discovered that virus molecules had the help of beasts. After the race evolved, they entered space and spread, and the situation gradually became serious. Many races in the universe have been infected with a new generation of virus molecules.

These new virus molecules are accelerating their reproduction and evolution, and they even have a premonition that a figure like the King of Viruses may emerge!

They also established a development model and found that the evolutionary process may be like this. First, some relatively low-level virus kings are produced within a certain range. Then, these virus kings will fight and fuse with each other, devouring each other. , gradually forming a more advanced virus king!

Since each virus king may be formed from different forms of viruses, they cannot be monolithic. Hatred and friendship will also be formed during the battle. This is just like the development process of races in the universe, except that, Each virus king is composed of countless tiny viruses, but after they form a virus king, they will still act according to certain rules until they form a powerful virus king!

Once the King of Viruses with powerful abilities appears, their actions may not be restricted by the rules of the universe, because they feel that their power is extremely powerful enough to break the constraints of the rules of the universe, and they may even join forces to deal with the Lord of the Universe. , finally unified the universe and trampled all living beings underfoot! ! !

This development model of the virus surprised both Li Yun and Xiaoxing, so that they had to pay more attention to them.

Later, they arrived at the Tea Star Group and discovered that the new generation of viruses had actually begun to sneak into more people's bodies, making countless people the host for their reproduction and development. This provided a solid foundation for the emergence of the King of Viruses, and also In other words, the emergence of the King of Viruses is unstoppable!

Of course, the two of them still held back and did not take action because they were still a little afraid of the Lord of the Universe. If they took action in a hurry, they would most likely be discovered by the Lord of the Universe. What they knew was that they were the singularity of the universe. Where!

The so-called singularity can be understood as the loophole or Achilles heel of this universe, or it can be understood as the door of life and opportunity of this universe. The most important thing is to see how the two people do it!

If the two of them stabbed each other in the back when the universe was in crisis, then this singularity would evolve into the Achilles heel of the universe, and the universe would die at the drop of a hat.

On the contrary, if the two people come to help when the universe is in crisis and change the entropy increasing trend in the closed space of the universe into the entropy decreasing trend, then they can help it not to perish due to the "heat death" phenomenon...

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