The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3444 The house leaked and it rained all night

( ) “That makes sense!!!” When everyone heard this, they couldn’t help but nod in agreement!

My understanding of Ling Daozi has deepened further!

Yes, although Ling Daozi is young and powerful, he has not been dazzled by this transcendent wisdom and ability. In his heart, he still has a string of vigilance, which is a sense of awe for the universe. Heart…

This is quite commendable.

Many successful people, especially those who become famous at a young age, often find it difficult to control their inner demons. They will think that the world is simply designed for them, that everything in this world is just a cloud to them, and that success means nothing to them. It is a piece of cake for them, as long as they flick their fingers and have a flash of thought, success will fall from the sky and hit them hard on the head!

As success accumulates, their ambition will continue to grow, turning into ambition, and then into ambition, until they despise everything, as if they are standing on the highest point of the world, looking down at all the living beings in the world crawling at their feet. Shivering...

That feeling is so good! So cool! ! !


What these people don’t know is that when a person allows his inner demons to magnify and fly without limit, danger will befall him inadvertently...

Becoming famous at a young age, and many people achieving success on their own way, actually have many hidden factors, or it is because there is a lack of strong competitors in their own region and field, resulting in a lack of competitiveness, thus highlighting their excellence. ; Either because the elders have already laid a solid foundation for him and paved the way for him, so that he is much higher than others at the starting point, then it is not difficult to achieve a certain degree of success in the early stage. Some of the successes are even specially arranged by the elders. What comes out is not achieved by one's true personal ability; it is either born at the right time, the situation is good, the luck is good, that is, good times, no matter what you do, you can have a small amount of success, but this is a unique advantage caused by environmental conditions. Once this happens, Changes in environmental conditions become adversity, and if individuals do not make progress and change accordingly, failure is inevitable...

Therefore, if you do not keep your mind clear when you succeed, you may attribute these successes to your own personal abilities and wisdom. This is very dangerous. If those external factors change, then The so-called success will also disappear with the wind, and it will no longer be as courageous as before...

Not only that, some people tend to get carried away when they are successful, so they say a few offensive words, kill a few related or unrelated people, and do a few random things that harm others, neighbors or the race... these things It may be covered up when it is successful, but once it goes downhill, these things may backfire and accelerate its failure...


It is extremely important to restrain the inner demons from amplifying and letting go. The so-called self-examination three times a day means that a person should always keep a clear mind and reflect on his own words and deeds. If he finds that inner demons are growing, he must stop and overcome them in time.

Only by being careful can the boat sail forever, some people can always maintain this kind of caution, so that they can go further and climb higher in life.

There are also very few people who can extremely keenly identify the risk factors contained in success, and use this to guide their words and deeds. Generally speaking, small successes have small dangers, big successes have big dangers, and huge successes There are often more serious dangers behind them, so these people will choose to retire after their successes, lest their lackeys be cooked and eaten when they kill the rabbits...

There are many such wise people in the history of the universe, but there are still too few such people. There are many people who have been knocked down by inner demons. Watching him build a tall building, watching him entertain guests, watching his building collapse, many successful people finally They fell into extremely miserable and desolate situations, and even had their heads removed and were devoured by others. This was all because they failed to realize their own shortcomings when they succeeded, thus laying the foundation for future failure. They did not know I don’t know why I succeeded, and I don’t know why I failed. It’s really sad!

Xiaoxing smiled and said: "There is always a mountain high. There are mountains outside this mountain, and there is a sky beyond the sky. Even in the Milky Way, Mr. Liufeng is one of the targets I chase, not to mention the great power in the Gangbao Star of that day? "

Ba Tie was surprised when he heard this: "What? You said Mr. Liufeng is the target of your pursuit?"

"Of course! Do you think Mr. Liufeng is a vegetarian? His wisdom and ability are far superior to mine, but he doesn't show them easily..." Xiao Xing said happily.

"Wo..." When everyone heard this, they couldn't help but burst into an uproar!

Especially people like Shui Xin, Guo Wei, Yi Xing, Lai Huan, He Mu and Lin Yang. In their original opinion, among Ling Daozi and Liu Feng, Ling Daozi should be the main one, with Liu Feng as the supplement. Because Ling Daozi has always talked a lot and done a lot, while Liufeng has always been reticent and only occasionally showed his prowess in doing things.

Unexpectedly, Ling Daozi actually said that Liufeng's wisdom and ability were superior to his. What was going on?

is this real?

Shui Xin, Guowei and others were all doubtful and still did not fully believe Ling Daozi's statement. Moreover, they believed in their hearts that this was another proof of Ling Daozi's humility in character.

There is no doubt that people who can sincerely admire others are of noble character.

Fairy Meiping said quickly: "Xiao Ling, since Young Master Liufeng is so powerful, should we also invite him to come to our clan? If you two come, then our clan leader will definitely be able to agree to the relocation! "

"Well, Mr. Liufeng's whereabouts are elusive. It's not easy to find him, so I can't promise you this now! But..."

"But what?"

"Young Master Liufeng should also know that the two major galaxies are about to collide. In addition, he now accepts people from the two tribes as slaves. For the safety of their hometown and people, I believe he will also consider making a trip. Therefore, I will Try to find him and discuss the matter with him!" Xiaoxing said.

"Great! Let me just say, so many of our good soldiers are following him now, and those soldiers still have relatives, comrades and friends in their hometowns. He can't just ignore these, can he?" Fairy Meiping said in surprise.

"Hmph, if he doesn't come, how will we face those soldiers in the future? Although our soldiers will lose their autonomy if they follow him, and will mainly rely on Liu Feng, but as a master, we must always be for his Just think about it, slave?" Batie teased.

"That's for sure! So, it's okay if Liufeng doesn't know about the collision of two galaxies. If he knows, then he must come and help our two races realize their plan to relocate!" Shaomai agreed.

"Oh, didn't Xiao Ling just say that? Mr. Liufeng knows about this, and he is a good person, so he will definitely come when the time comes. I believe this!" Fairy Guanghan said with a sweet smile.

"That's right! You must come, our Qingque tribe has so many beautiful fairies waiting for you..." Fairy Meiping echoed...

"Haha, our Red Dragon Clan also has many handsome young men waiting for you..." Batie laughed.

Xiaoxing heard what they said getting more and more outrageous, and smiled: "I hope you can come on your own, the sooner the better. If you have to wait until eight hundred years to move, there may be some unexpected situations, such as..."

"Like what?" Fairy Meiping was shocked when she heard this and asked urgently.

"The Qingque Clan may be better off, but the Crimson Dragon Clan is a bit close to the Tiangang Treasure Star and may feel the terrifying power it is about to erupt in advance. Moreover, the Crimson Dragon Clan itself has some hidden dangers that have not been eliminated..." Xiaoxing said.

"Hidden danger? You mean..." Ba Tie was startled and asked doubtfully.

"Are there any hidden dangers such as spells in your clan?" Xiaoxing reminded.

"Spell? This...there is indeed a problem in this regard! I wonder how you learned about it?" Batie said in surprise.

"Dragon clan generally has spells, so it is not surprising that your Red Dragon clan has spells! Spells like this may appear more regularly in normal times, but if they are affected by huge external forces, there will be It may accelerate the spell phenomenon, which means that the risks caused by your spells may explode in advance!" Xiaoxing analyzed.

"Oh my God!!!" Ba Tie and Shaomai both screamed, their expressions changing drastically.

Thinking of the huge harm that the spell had caused to the Red Dragon Clan in history, the two of them suddenly felt bad. Fortunately, Ling Daozi reminded them, otherwise they would not have to wait until eight hundred years later, and the Crimson Dragon Clan would soon fall into chaos. , by that time, not to mention that the whole family has moved, it will be difficult to even form a joint force...

From this incident, the two also understood a truth, that is, even if a race is very powerful, if it has problems within itself, it may fall apart as long as it is affected by some external factors, so strength must come from the inside out. Powerful, if it is only superficially powerful, it is not terrible.

In addition, many disasters may occur one after another, one link after another. Once problems begin to occur in one link, it may cause problems in more links. In the end, there may be a complete collapse of the situation. It will become unmanageable...

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As the saying goes, it rains all night when the house leaks. For some races and individuals with problems, God may not show mercy to you at all. Instead, it will continue to bring disasters to their heads and use up the little capital they have left. I will take them all away until they disappear...

This is one of the rules of the universe. The weak eat the strong, and the strong are respected. If you are not strong enough, you will not be able to protect yourself. If you have problems that cannot be solved, then problems may come one after another. Until I am completely overwhelmed by these problems...

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