The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2658 A gift from the universe?

( ) Li Yun nodded and said: "These planets are indeed attracted by the strong gravity of the black hole, and sooner or later they will be torn into pieces by it. The question is, where did this dark matter cloud swallowing up the positive matter come from? This place was originally the right place. The universe, and the Ika Sun is extremely powerful, forming an extremely strong positive matter world here, but there is such a powerful black hole, and there is such a weird dark matter cloud?"

"In fact, we have answered this question before!" Xiaoxing said with a smile.

Li Yun was startled, thought for a moment, and suddenly said: "It makes sense!!!"

During the lightning-like thought process just now, Li Yun actually thought of a lot. The most important thing was that he thought about his thinking process when he first came into contact with demonic energy...

In fact, whether it is spiritual energy or demonic energy, they are energy gases between heaven and earth. It does not matter whether it is good or bad, good or evil, the key is the person who uses it. They are all needed by a complete world. A mature world must be There are various energy gases, but some areas will be dominated by certain energy gases, supplemented by other energy gases. Therefore, there will also be a demonic environment in the aura environment, and there will also be a demonic environment in the aura environment. There is a Reiki environment.

Moreover, due to the oppression of spiritual energy, the evil energy becomes more and more concentrated in the spiritual energy environment, becoming more and more pure, and the level will be relatively high! vice versa.

In the current Tianyun World and Xingyun Castle, there is such a situation. There is both positive matter and dark matter, and there is both positive energy and dark energy. It’s just that right now, positive matter and positive energy are still the main ones...

If we extend this idea to the entire universe, then the existence of dark matter and dark energy in the positive universe is a very common thing, and there will also be positive matter and positive energy in the dark universe. There is nothing to make a fuss about. of!

Even under the squeeze of positive matter and positive energy, it is not surprising that the levels of these dark matter and dark energy are relatively high!

Therefore, it is not a big deal that the dark matter and dark energy nebula in front of us can be so powerful that it gradually swallows up many positive matter planets and converts them into dark energy...

And this also reflects the preciousness of this nebula, because its level must be high, even if it is placed in the dark universe, it will definitely not be low...

After Li Yun figured this out, he felt as if he had opened an acupuncture point in his body and felt extremely comfortable, and his mood became extremely happy!

"Sir, we had a plan before to collect this nebula to promote the evolution of Tianyun World and Xingyun Castle World. However, due to concerns that doing so may affect people in various star fields, If the nebula disappears, then they will have to face the impact of the black hole, so this plan is suspended.

But now the situation is different. All the indigenous people on the five main planets have moved into Xingyun Castle. The remaining Yimi people and their puppet races may also move in in the future, or live in bases on major planets. The other races are those that are relatively scattered, and their influence is not big anymore. So, can we start to implement this plan? "Xiaoxing analyzed.

"This... it is indeed possible! This nebula is too vast, and it will not be collected in a short while. It may take a long time, so it is good to start early..." Li Yun agreed.

"Yes! Until now, our monitoring network has not been able to break through this nebula. It can be seen that its scope is too large. The black hole we will face in the future is also very likely to be a larger one, and the level will definitely not be low!" Xiaoxing said.

"This is indeed an opportunity for us, but we must be careful. Facing such a monster, we must first ensure the safety of the trillions of creatures in our fort..." Li Yun emphasized.

"Don't worry, sir! We will never act rashly if we are not sure! As we said last time, although high-level black holes may be the best way to enter the dark universe, we still have to find some lower-level ways to get in. Even if the route is longer and the time is longer, we must first ensure that we can control everything!”

"That's how it should be!"

After the two discussed for a while, they finally decided to implement the plan to collect the dark energy nebula...

In addition, the two also discussed the issue of the cosmic mapping environment again, and finally came to the conclusion that there is no cosmic mapping environment in this starry sky now!

This conclusion is also based on this in-depth nebula exploration...

As the two discovered, this nebula was too vast and had completely blocked the possibility of mapping the black hole to the starry sky.

Xiaoxing has analyzed before that when the black hole mutates, it will cause the nebula to mutate, causing a gap to appear in the nebula. When the black hole, gap and star are exactly in line, the energy wave will When it happens to seriously affect a star, it is possible to transmit various information on the star to the black hole, thus causing the phenomenon of cosmic mapping.

However, this nebula is too thick now. No matter how big the black hole's mutation is, the mutation it will produce is only a second to third level mutation at most. It is impossible for such a degree of mutation to produce a more severe one. Energy waves cause the mapping process of living matter.

So, why was the previous history of Yika planet mapped to the outer universe?

From the current analysis, it seems that the dark energy nebula in front of us was not so vast a long time ago, but was relatively thin, and could well conduct the changes caused by the black hole, thus creating favorable mapping environmental conditions!

From that time until now, this nebula has continued to grow. There should be at least two reasons for this. First, in this corner of the universe, many scattered dark matter and dark energy are oppressed by positive matter and positive energy. They ran over and hugged each other for warmth; secondly, this nebula also swallowed up a lot of planetary matter and converted it into dark energy, thus strengthening itself!

The growth of the nebula blocks the view between the black hole and the major stars, and also causes the former cosmic mapping environment to slowly disappear...

"Sir, if you want to collect this nebula, you must first determine whether it is alive!" Xiaoxing said.

"There is a spirit? It makes sense! What do you think?" Li Yun asked.

"There should be! In this universe, any matter that has greater energy and exists for a longer time can produce intelligence under certain conditions, and thus appear spiritual." Xiaoxing said.

Li Yun nodded and said: "Of course there are conditions here! Various interstellar activities are staged around here, producing vibrations all the time, and these vibrations can induce the performance of intelligence in this nebula..."

"Your Majesty is right! Vibration is one of the main conditions for the generation of life intelligence, and this nebula has been here for so long, and is used to seeing the autumn moon and spring breeze, the ebb and flow of the tide, the shifting of stars, and it is getting stronger and stronger, swallowing up There is a lot of planetary material, which makes it difficult for people not to doubt that it is spiritual..."

"If it really has a spirit, we may be discovered by it when we collect dark matter and dark energy, and the consequences are unpredictable..." Li Yun pondered.

"Indeed! However, Yun Ling's body is too large, and its senses cannot be very sensitive, especially in the edge areas. In addition..."

"What else?"

"Yunling's current key task should be to devour and consume the positive matter, which will consume a large amount of its dark matter, so it also has to try to attract more dark matter from farther away, which will divert its attention, so As long as we quietly absorb some dark matter and dark energy in the edge zone, there should be no problem..." Xiaoxing analyzed.

Li Yun's eyes lit up when he heard this and said: "In that case, we might as well monitor its main movements first and collect the scattered dark matter and dark energy. They should not belong to Yun Ling's body. At the same time, those attracted from the periphery can be focused They have no problem at all collecting it!”

"Yes..." Xiaoxing suddenly realized and agreed.

As a result, a large-scale operation to collect dark matter and dark energy quietly kicked off...

Through the dark energy monitoring network, the small star can not only monitor Yunling, but also collect dark matter and dark energy. Therefore, Xingyun Castle can obtain a steady stream of material energy without getting close to the nebula. This process is quite secretive, because Li Yun and Xiaoxing didn't want to disturb the possible Yun Ling.

They found that there were indeed some scattered parts in the nebula. These parts were most likely added to the nebula recently, but they had not been well integrated, so they were in a dissociated state...

In addition, outside these free nebulae, there are indeed many new dark matter and dark energies constantly superimposed. These are most likely the matter and energy that flew over from the periphery to hug each other for warmth!

Although these two parts of dark matter and dark energy distributed in a free and scattered state are insignificant to the entire nebula, they are already extremely large in terms of their size, enough to be swallowed up by Xingyun Castle, so Xiaoxing opened the monitoring network to full capacity. Energy, absorbed with confidence and boldness...

"Sir, it's true that a horse can't fatten without night grass, and a man can't be rich without windfall. With this material energy, it's many times better than the hard work we used to find scraps!" Xiao Xing said happily.

"The key is that these matter and energy are still urgently needed by us! Only with a large amount of dark matter and dark energy can we simulate the shape of the dark universe, study the operation of the dark universe, and learn more about the secrets of the dark universe!" Li Yun said excitedly .

"Exactly! If we want to understand the dark universe, or even enter the dark universe, and practice dark pole particles, this nebula in front of us is the best gift the universe has given us!"

"Don't worry, there should be many nebulae like this in the universe. Just like we have discovered many demon veins in the spiritual world before, with this experience, we will find more and more..."

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