The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2659 1 discovery

( ) Xiaoxing agreed: "Yes! This is just a small corner of the universe, and we have just come out of the Wild Star Region. If we calculate the distance, from the Wild Star Region to Yika Sun, and then to Yi A dense civilization happens to be an equilateral triangle close to one light-year, and a three-dimensional light-year is simply an insignificant space in the universe. It can be said that this is just the starting point of our journey in the universe!"

"It makes sense! But for many people, this starting point may not be reached in a lifetime. We must cherish it and understand everything we can!" Li Yun said.

"No problem!" Xiaoxing said confidently.

As dark matter and dark energy continue to enter, the Tianyun world and the Xingyunbao world are quietly undergoing unknown changes...

The two worlds seem to have more waves and changes, and are no longer as eternal as before. In the eyes of Li Yun and Xiaoxing, these two worlds are becoming more and more vivid, becoming Two real small universes!

This kind of change can only be noticed by people like them who have the Dark Spirit Root Factor. Therefore, only a few people in Xingyun Castle can experience this vivid change, while the vast majority of people are completely unaware...

Li Yun and Xiaoxing know that it is very important that these two worlds are transforming in the direction of the real universe. Only in this way can they have the opportunity to see the emergence of black holes and dark universes in these two small universes, and find out from them The key to entering and exiting the dark universe!

In this process, the two will make rapid progress in their understanding of dark matter, dark energy, dark universe, black holes, etc...

During this time, the base construction project presided over by Rosen was also in full swing. A large number of puppet races and native people of Hongshan Star were reorganized and invested in this huge project.

The reason why these people work so hard is because their situation has undergone a fundamental change. Before, they were working for the Yimi Civilization, but now they have become people of Xingyun Castle!

That's right, after Yimi No. 9 sent a large number of people who were sick with the virus to the Red Mountain Planet, everyone was frightened!

They quickly learned what was going on, and the entire people of the Red Mountain Star, including all the Yimi people, puppet races, and aborigines, fell into deep fear...

Under such circumstances, the project to build the base could not proceed at all. After seeing this situation, Rosen had no choice but to ask Ling Daozi for help.

So Xiaoxing simply told Rosen the bottom line set by Li Yun, which meant that as long as they invested in Xingyun Castle, they could forget about it and everyone could get the detoxification pill.

This news is undoubtedly a godsend to the people on the Red Mountain Star. As long as there is no brain problem, they will choose to invest in Star Fortune Castle. Sure enough, after Rosen announced the news, everyone did not hesitate to invest in Star Fortune Castle. To the embrace of Xing Lun Castle!

They all soon got the antidote pill they were eager for, which eliminated this major worry. Moreover, after they learned about the civilization of Xingyun Castle, they were all overjoyed. They felt that they had finally found an organization, and they started working as usual. What I want to do has become what I want to do. Under such circumstances, the rapid progress of the base project is a matter of course...

Not only are the various bases gradually taking shape, but the natural appearance of Hongshan Planet is also gradually improving. Some of the many large pits caused by the last energy storm have turned into large expanses of water, while others have been filled up and turned into an endless expanse of water. Some of the grasslands or woodlands have been turned into unique underground scenic spots, with unlimited creativity...

In the view of Li Yun and Xiaoxing, major stars such as Hongshan Star, Shangtang Star, and Yika Star will most likely fall into the gravitational field of the black hole in the future, and then they may be torn into pieces and swallowed. , instead of doing this, it is better to move them all into the Xingyun Castle, but now is not the time, because these main stars are extremely huge, they have formed a relatively powerful force here, and any big changes may cause the entire Yika Solar System to drastic changes, and this drastic change is probably not comparable to the changes in the Xuanling Solar System...

With the current capabilities of Xingyun Castle, the two feel that they are still unable to fully control this change, so they must take their time. Therefore, things like building a base on Hongshan Planet and improving the environment can also be done. After all, there is still quite a long time. I want to stay in this starry sky.

And once there is a big change in the high-energy nebula in front of us, these bases can come in handy to protect the people on the Red Mountain Star.

In addition, these bases can also conduct observation, protection, and conduct a series of experiments, etc., which are of great use...

"Eh?!" Xiaoxing suddenly shouted softly.

"What's going on?!" Li Yun asked.

"My lord, please look!"

The little star flicked open a light curtain, and saw a light and shadow passing from the distant sky, stopping for a while in the sky near the Red Mountain Star...

This light and shadow flickered on and off. Against the background of the starry sky, it was difficult to spot it unless you looked carefully. However, under the monitoring network arranged by Xiaoxing, it still could not escape the fate of being discovered. At this moment, it was already being discovered. Under surveillance...

The two of them stared at the light and shadow closely, their expressions looking quite solemn. At their current level, they could tell one, two, and three just by looking at the performance of these things. They found that this light and shadow was by no means simple. Could it be that Is it something from other advanced civilizations? !

Thinking of this, the two of them couldn't help but become a little nervous...

You know, this starry sky has now become the starting point of their planned journey to the universe. They have just finally understood the situation, found the weaknesses of the Yimi people, and have a sense of control. Unexpectedly, other civilizations will intervene. This is terrible. It's a bit troublesome!

"It shouldn't be from Yimi civilization, right?" Li Yun asked suspiciously.

"It doesn't look like it! Moreover, if it comes from the Yimi civilization, then information should have arrived here in advance, but we have not intercepted any information about it, so it should have come from somewhere else..." Xiao Xing analyzed.

"It has nothing to do with the Yimi civilization, but it has a high level of civilization, and is also interested in the Hongshan star... Where is its previous trajectory?" Li Yun pondered.

"Checking..." Xiaoxing responded.

Since the current monitoring network has reached a huge range, it can be traced all the way back to determine where this object came from...

However, due to the high level of this object, the monitoring network did not notice it at first. It was not until it arrived at Red Mountain that it was finally locked, so it is quite difficult to trace back...

After a while, Xiaoxing finally said: "It should not come from the Yimi Civilization, nor from the direction of the Wilderness Star Region, but from another direction, and..."

"And what?" Li Yun asked urgently.

"It seems that it didn't want to come to the Yika solar system at first, but flew along the wild star field to the Yika sun, and then to the edge of the one-light-year cube of the Yimi civilization. But after approaching the Yika solar system So I changed my direction and went from the outer periphery to the habitable zone area. I have already been to other main stars, and now I have moved to Hongshan Star..."

"Where's Shangtangxing?"

"I haven't been there yet."

"What else is it doing from the periphery to the livable zone?" Li Yun asked.

"This... is a bit strange. With its speed, it shouldn't have taken such a long time to reach the habitable zone..." Xiaoxing was startled for a moment, then started checking again.

The light curtain kept bouncing up, and the monitoring objects that had captured the object gradually fed back the information. The two of them followed closely, and their expressions suddenly became not very good...

"Faith in Travertine?!" The two of them shouted almost at the same time!

When it comes to belief in cave stones, the two of them have always been on guard, because they know that those who believe in caves will cause trouble sooner or later in the world!

As early as when Li Yun came into contact with the Faith Travertine for the first time, he discovered that it was by no means an auspicious thing. If he opened it rashly, it would definitely cause a disaster over time...

When Ling Daozi and Gu Cheng explained, Li Yun and Xiaoxing's understanding and judgment of Belief Travertine was actually more precise. That is, they actually had a game carefully prepared by someone. This game should be the same as the one Gu Cheng mentioned. It’s related to Tiangang Baoxing!

The Tiangang Treasure Star is very rare and precious in the universe. There must be many people who covet it. Countless cosmic forces may be staring at it. If possible, everyone would want to take a bite of Tang Monk's meat...

Moreover, not only people from the positive universe, but also people from the dark universe may intervene, because from the perspective of energy level, the level of people from the dark universe is much higher than that of ordinary people from the positive universe. However, due to They will feel uncomfortable after coming to the positive universe. There is no good environment for them to exert their full strength, so they must also be careful.

Li Yun and Xiao Xing once speculated that this belief cave stone was most likely a trap set up by the people in the dark universe. By using them to swallow up the vitality of the universe, they formed an extremely huge world power to deal with the Tiangang Baoxing...

Why is it said that he is a person from the dark universe and not a person from the positive universe?

The reason is that they sense extremely rich dark matter and dark energy from the stone spirits who believe in travertine. It would be difficult for others to tell the difference because there are too few people with the dark spirit root factor!

This is also the reason why it is difficult for people to discover Shi Ling’s intentions. Many people cannot detect the existence of Shi Ling at all, so it is easy to fall into its trap without warning, become its puppet, and actively serve Shi Ling. The devouring action creates conditions…

Li Yun's slave Fang Zijing was one of the victims who believed in travertine. He almost lost his life because of that stone!

Later, information about the Belief Travertine was brought from Gu Cheng. It was precisely because he got a Belief Travertine that Gu Cheng got into trouble and was seriously injured. He fled all the way from the Xinyun Star Territory to the Wilderness Star Territory, and finally died. Transform the world to heal…

The two deduced from this that the faith travertine is definitely not a matter of one or two pieces, but a problem of two batches. With so many faith travertines, there must be those who successfully devour them. When they grow stronger, they will become a nuisance to the universe...

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