The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2657 A sad story

( ) “President Ying?!” Everyone was startled.

I couldn't help but realize that Ince was not on these five main stars. This was a problem!

"Is he on the road? Has he not been encountered by us?" Rommel asked suspiciously.

"It's possible, but..." the ship spirit pondered.

"but what?"

"He set off before us and should have arrived at at least one of the planets. In this case, his information will appear on the surveillance network of that planet. However, we have checked all five major stars. Except for the previous Yika planet, No information about him was found on the other four main stars, which means that he has not been to any of the four main stars..." Ship Spirit analyzed.

Rommel suddenly realized and agreed: "That's right! Then where did he go?"

"The information sources in this starry sky are now in chaos. We don't know where he went, but this incident can at least explain one thing..." Ship Spirit said.

"What's going on?!" Rommel and Jueba asked urgently.

"Rosen may have lied to us..."


Rommel and Jueba were startled and looked at each other!

After carefully recalling the previous events, the two found that the ship spirit's judgment was quite reasonable, because with Yingsi's great power, although he had never been to this starry sky before, he had Yimi No. 4 and had been to Yika Star, so It is unlikely that a simple mistake like getting lost will happen...

And if he has been to the other four main stars, he will definitely leave corresponding information on the surveillance network. Now that there is no such information in the major surveillance networks, it means that Ince has not been there, and he does not know where he has wandered...

Why didn't Ince go to survey the base building location? Why would Rosen lie to people like himself? !

But the ship spirit said again: "Ince's main mission is to carry out his experiments here. This is very important to him, so he cannot wander around. Now he has never been to these main stars, except for the possibility of Rosen lying. In addition, there is another possibility that although Rosen did not lie, Ince had an accident!"

"An accident happened?!" The two of them were shocked.

"Yes! I suspect that he was most likely kidnapped by that person!" Ship Spirit said.

"Oh my god!!!" The two heard this and said,

His expression changed drastically.

Ship Spirit's inference seems to be more reasonable, because Ince cannot make mistakes, and it is impossible not to survey the base building location, so the reason why he disappeared should be because he met a more powerful person!

With that person able to cut off the surface of the five main stars and move them away, it is not difficult for such a powerful person to capture Ince...

"What should we do? Without President Ince, the construction of our bases would be in trouble!" Jueba said loudly.

His mission was to help Ince and Rosen build a base. Unexpectedly, such a change happened now, which made him feel extremely frustrated, because protecting Ince and Rosen was actually one of his missions.

After coming here this time, it can be said that I encountered bad things one after another, which made Jueba feel extremely depressed...

"Brother Jue is very worried. Now President Ying Si is very likely to be in the hands of that person, so we should find this person as soon as possible!" Ship Spirit said.

"But how to find it? Now there are no clues at all, not even an aborigine to ask!" Jueba asked.

"There are still clues..." the ship spirit muttered.

"What clue?!" Jueba and Rommel's eyes lit up and they asked urgently.

"If that person really kidnapped Ying Si, he would definitely kidnap Yimi No. 4 as well. The ship spirits of us Yimi high-end spaceships can all sense each other within a certain range. Moreover, I believe At that critical moment, Ship Spirit No. 4 will definitely leave me some information. Therefore, as long as we wander around in this starry sky a few more times, we may find traces of No. 4, and thus find President Ince and that People!" Ship Spirit said confidently.

"So that's it..." The two of them suddenly realized.

Unexpectedly, there is such a way of communication between ship spirits, which undoubtedly greatly increases their confidence in finding Ince and that person!

As a result, Yimi-9 began to circle around the starry sky...

Seeing this scene, Li Yun and Xiaoxing couldn't help but admire the ship spirit of Yimi No. 9. His thinking was meticulous, his deductions were reasonable, and his intelligence reached a very high level!

And his conclusion is correct to a certain extent, because Ying Si entered the Star Luck Ship, which is equivalent to being "abducted" by Ling Daozi!

At that time, the Yimi No. 4 was actually left at the Hongshan Star Headquarters for urgent use by Rosen and others. However, the No. 4 ship spirit also entered the Xingyun Fort at the same time, so it has been restraining its aura and has not been destroyed by the Nine. Discovered by the ship spirit No. 9, it is impossible for the ship spirit No. 9 to sense the ship spirit No. 4.

This also makes the current actions of Yimi No. 9 can only end in futility...

Xiaoxing quickly told Rosen about the suspicion of Ship Spirit No. 9 so that he could be mentally prepared.

Although Yi Mi Shipling has high intelligence, he is not a real life yet, but can only be regarded as a tool spirit in the world of cultivation. He does not have a living body. However, this also gives him a benefit, that is, Not infected by Death Sixteen.

The anxiety and uneasiness of the No. 9 ship spirit are mainly because his master Nishimitsu Souta is now ill. He is suffering and losing weight day by day, and he has no intention of even presiding over the war.

Therefore, Ship Spirit No. 9 was fully committed to finding Yingsi and Ling Daozi, and could not care about other things.

In fact, this matter is also the most important problem faced by the people of Yimi at present. If it cannot be effectively solved, then no matter what else is done, it will be meaningless.

In addition, for the people here, the existence of Ling Daozi is their biggest hope. Compared with the local people in Yimi, they feel that they are a little happier, because the ship spirit quickly analyzed that the local people in Yimi may There will be a large-scale infection of Death XVI, and no one there can cure this poison!

In this way, the local people in Yimi can only wait for death in despair, but the people here can also look for Ling Daozi to help them detoxify. No matter how high the price is, it is worth it. There is hope than no hope. Big difference on...

"Sir, these people are looking for us all over the sky now..." Xiao Xing said happily.

"Well, we have only one principle. As long as they leave Yimi and join us in Xingyun Castle, we can help them detoxify!" Li Yun said.

"Sir, do you really think so?" Xiaoxing was a little gloating at first, but now she was startled when she heard this.

"None of the people here are in charge. They all came here to act after following the instructions from the superiors of Yimi. Therefore, in a certain sense, they are innocent when they are infected by Death Sixteen..." Li Yun analyzed.

"What about...Nishiguang Souta?" Xiaoxing asked.

"He has the highest level, and judging from the information, he is also a member of the Yimi Supreme Elders Council. It should be said that he was partly responsible for the issuance of the order, so we can ignore him for the time being... but he is the master of the No. 9 Ship Spirit , if we only treat others but not Nishimitsu Souta, he will definitely hinder us..." Li Yun continued.

"What if he also invests in Star Fortune Castle?"

"Since they are all invested in Xingyun Castle, it is equivalent to a clean break with everything in the past. We can think that they have reformed, and it doesn't matter!" Li Yun affirmed.

"The adults are right! How about the little slave conveying this information to them? The current chaos will only affect our research on the central high-energy area. Bringing those races over can help build a base so that we can conduct better research. That dark energy nebula..."

"Yes, the dark energy nebula and the black hole behind it are our key tasks. There is no need to delay this matter! But..." Li Yun said.

"But what?"

"It's too early to send the message to them now. It would be most efficient to wait until they are about to collapse..." Li Yun said with a smile.

"Hey, what you said makes sense! Then let them suffer some more torture..."

The two soon shifted their focus to the study of dark energy nebulae and black holes...

During this period, the dark energy monitoring network deployed by the small star is still expanding rapidly, but until now it has still not been able to penetrate the nebula, which shows that the vastness of this nebula is unimaginable!

However, information about this nebula is still being transmitted continuously, and the two now know more about it...

"Sir, I'm afraid there is a sad story behind the formation of this nebula..." Xiaoxing said.

"Oh? What did you think of?" Li Yun asked with interest.

"We now know that this dark energy nebula actually contains a lot of positive matter. These positive matter are diverse and extremely large. There is no problem in forming them into ten large planets like Ika, but they all Wrapped in a layer of dark matter mist, it is slowly disappearing..."

"You mean, these positive matter are being consumed by dark matter?" Li Yun was startled.

"Yes! Because we found that in addition to dark matter and positive matter, there is also a lot of dark energy in the nebula! The source of these dark energy is most likely derived from the interaction between some dark matter and positive matter! In a broad sense, in addition to positive matter and positive matter, Material energy other than energy can be called dark matter and dark energy. The energy produced by their annihilation when they meet does not belong to positive energy, so it can be classified as dark energy. Of course, dark energy includes this part of derived energy. In addition, there are many other forms of energy in the dark universe..." Xiaoxing explained.

"It makes sense! So, the sad story you are referring to should be that some planets in the positive universe were torn apart and shattered by the strong gravity of the black hole. Finally, they were gradually swallowed up and consumed by this dark nebula, and turned into dark stars. Energy?" Li Yun analyzed.

"Hehe, your Excellency is right! There are quite a few planets torn apart by black holes in this part. It is estimated that the Yika Star, Xin Yun Star, Yuen Long Star, Qiu Shui Star and Yao Qing Star will all have this fate in the future..."

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