The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 1097: Separation and Transaction (Second Update)

This reminded him of the information he had received on Earth.

The end of all universes stems from entropy increase, which is an irreversible and inevitable ending.

This power of true destiny made Lin Yi feel creepy.

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"It's incredible that such a thing was condensed."

This desperate true destiny made the entire void fall into silence.

All members of the Super World Alliance felt the horror of this true destiny.

Everyone saw the black sun in their hearts. The first true destiny that appeared was madly blooming with power, as if to announce its arrival to all things.

A piece of pure black spread to the entire void with the Super World Alliance as the center.

All things or existences that do not belong to the void are heading towards self-chaos and collapse under the power of entropy increase.

There is not even the slightest resistance. Just touching this black light will disintegrate from the inside.

The power of the true destiny is irresistible, and the endless river lying across the void is also heading for collapse under the influence of this power.

Even the endless river has not been excluded from the land of life like purification, but has already headed for destruction.

The strange sea at the bottom of the life void is also constantly disintegrating under the black light, and finally collapsed and was destroyed.

The land of life shrouded in black - the void, seems to have completely gotten rid of the fixation of a certain force.

Begin to move in the "void".

The Central Continent, the Purification Dynasty, which has just recovered from the purification of the true destiny.

They also noticed the changes in the void. It was a true destiny that was like despair, which made them feel extremely terrified even if they condensed the purification.

"Is this the essence of the void?"

"It's really a cruel place."

The God Emperor Dragon and the demon gods of the God Dynasty looked at the direction of the void thoughtfully.

At this time, Lin Yi of the Wanshiwu watched this scene quietly.

Whether it is purification or entropy increase. They are all true destiny condensed by countless lives in the world.

From it, he saw great potential.

It is not inferior to the true destiny held by the sub-true or true people in the holy land.

Even if it is his own true destiny, it is not more powerful than these two mysterious world true destiny.

He pursues personal transcendence, while the world true destiny seems to pursue self-salvation, and the directions of the two seem to be different.

Indistinctly, Lin Yi noticed a problem.

"The direction of true destiny is different, the purpose is different, and the condensed true destiny may be different."

"So once the true destiny goes in the wrong direction, it may go to destruction."

"So that's it, so the "Yi Ling Jing" is the truly perfect path."

"As long as the true destiny is infinitely condensed successfully, it means that from now on it will be free from all constraints and have all possibilities."

"Facing these purely destructive true destiny, it has no effect on me."

"No matter how gorgeous, fierce, or powerful the true destiny is, it has flaws."

"And my system is unlimited."

"The mystery of true destiny is not in strength, but in perfection."

In an instant, Lin Yi seemed to have figured something out.

"The world's true destiny has been successfully condensed, which means that a counterattack against the Holy Land is possible."

"The next thing to do is to find more powerful life places."

"Help them condense their own world's true destiny, and then let them form an alliance."

"Form a force that can truly compete with the Holy Land."

"Buy time for my path."

With a complete strategic idea in mind, Lin Yi showed a faint smile on his face.

In the Endless River, a fierce war is taking place on the front line of the Endless Fortress.

Countless glories are colliding with the harvesters.

Just when the war was in full swing, the Endless River trembled violently.

The water flow of the Endless River began to dry up rapidly.

A torrent washed over and flowed into the Sea of ​​Eternity.

Immediately afterwards, the entire Endless River dried up, and there was no more river water.

The Endless Fortress was suspended alone in the Endless River.

The harvesters also paused briefly after the Endless River dried up.

They seemed to have never encountered such a change.

In the Galaxy Palace, Galaxy was horrified.

"What's going on?"

A note appeared here silently.

"The void has undergone a major change, and the Endless River has been destroyed."

"The void is escaping from the control of the Endless River."

"The front line has become an isolated island."

Looking at the content on the note, Galaxy's face was stiff and incredible.

"What on earth is going on?"

He wrote down the question on the note.

"The specific situation is very complicated and cannot be explained in one sentence."

"But now you have become homeless."

"So do you want to make a deal?"

At this time, Galaxy's heart was confused, and countless questions flashed through his mind.

His face changed, "What do you want to do?"

"It's very simple, from now on."

"Everyone in the Endless Fortress must sign a contract with me."

"Serve me for 1 trillion years."

"What I will give you is to save you from the Endless River."

"Soon the strong men of the Holy Land will come, and you are on their way."

"I don't need to say more about the result, you should understand what it will be like."

Yinghe's face immediately turned gloomy. He had heard the meaning of Lin Yi's words.

If he refused, they would face death.

After taking a deep breath, Yinhe said slowly.

"I want to discuss with them."


Yinhe looked at the note in front of him, and a magnificent will instantly filled the entire Endless Fortress.

The next moment. All the strong men in the fortress were in an uproar.

Everyone had an unimaginable fear in their hearts.

The void was separated from the Endless River, which meant that they would never think of going back.

In front of the Endless River was the mysterious Eternal Sea.

There were countless small and large harvesters there.

There was no other possibility except accelerating death.

Even if they drove the fortress over, the ending could only last for a while longer.

Because they would lose the supply from behind.

The consumption of mental power in this kind of battle was very terrifying. Without the support from behind, it would be impossible to persist.

Relying purely on self-recovery, that was far from enough.

At this time, Lin Yi's conditions seemed to be the only way to survive.

Almost 90% of the void creators who came here had signed a contract with Lin Yi.

It was precisely relying on this contract that many of them were able to enter the third level of the mind.

So they did not have much resistance to signing the contract again.

Moreover, serving for a trillion years seemed like a long time, but in fact it was just a period of time for them.

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