The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 1096: Torrent, Entropy Increase (First Update)

The power of the True Fate, they saw it in their eyes, that was the only hope.

At this time, Lin Yi of Wanwu fell into thought.

"The True Fate of the World, I really didn't expect them to be able to create such a thing, this is really unexpected, but can the True Fate be created so easily?"

There was a light in his eyes.

He also felt the will of the Super World Alliance.

But his hunch is that they will not succeed so easily.

The reason is very simple, the foundation of the Central Continent is far stronger than the Void.

The most important thing is, the three thousand oldest demons in the Central Continent.

Each of them has reached the end of their road, and even has undergone a transformation, and is already in the state of a half-true life prototype.

And the number has reached 3,000.

The eternal nature that constitutes the one-element rule is not an ordinary eternal nature, but an eternal nature at the level of the eternal wheel.

The rules evolved from this eternal nature are far stronger than the rules evolved from the eternal nature of the Void strongmen.

The two places of life, maybe there is no difference in the world itself, but the spiritual level and quality of the life in them are at least 10 times different.

The condensation of true destiny depends more on the quality and level of the soul of life, as well as the depth of its own truth.

Whether it can promote everything in the entire land of life and produce the final transformation.

However, although Ke Lan is not optimistic about the possibility of the void life condensing true destiny.

But this made him see a glimmer of possibility.

This glimmer of possibility means that as long as there are enough lands of life, it is possible to condense a large number of world true destiny.

Then use the entire world as the foundation and the true destiny as a weapon to launch a counterattack against the holy land.

He has clearly realized that it is almost impossible for others to condense true destiny by themselves except himself.

At least it is absolutely impossible in a short period of time, and it will take a long time to do it.

Thinking of this, a trace of solemnity appeared in his eyes.

"Maybe it's an opportunity."

"It's the quality of the rules and the quality of life that the Central Continent is strong in."

"But the strength of the void lies in the number of eternal properties."

"One quality, one quantity, it's not completely without a chance."

"Next, it depends on whether they have seen a little mystery of the true destiny of the Central Continent."

Thinking of this, Lin Yi watched the changes quietly and had no intention of intervening.

His eyes have fallen on the Central Continent again.

At the moment when the opponent's true destiny power appeared, the note left by Lin Yi was also purified and destroyed.

However, the coordinates of the central continent did not change.

The power of the wish shrine was activated again, and the power of the note appeared in the central continent.

All the notes were shrouded in the boundless power of true destiny.

At this time, the central continent, although the power of purifying true destiny has weakened countless times.

But the entire land of life is still shrouded in a thin evolutionary power.

This power is extremely powerful. Any abnormality will be discovered, sensed, and then destroyed as long as it enters it.

So the weird power cannot enter here either.

Only the power of the same true destiny can offset the nature of the power of evolution.

The note descended again, and Sakuramiya Shirley and the others could start working again.

At this time in the void, with the covenant as the starting point, countless spiritual powers were connected.

It quickly spread to the entire void, and all rules were filled with spiritual power.

All the lives in the super world were connected together by the rules, including their minds were locked by this power.

A magnificent force is condensing, and the covenant is shrouded by endless spiritual power.

The covenant itself began to change wonderfully, and countless truths flowed out of the rules and poured into the covenant.

Something unusual was brewing, attracting Lin Yi's attention.

"What is this? Can it really breed true destiny?"

At this time, the will of the emperor sounded in the hearts of countless lives.

"All lives, we were born in this land of life, and we have been harvested countless times."

"The enemies from the unknown land treated us as cattle and horses."

"If we don't make changes, our future will not change."

"In order to survive, all lives must contribute a part of their strength."

"Open your hearts and contribute our strength to the world."

"Use our hearts to change the destined ending."

The vast will is showing countless lives the cruel fate of the past, which is despair itself.

More than 2,000 harvests, the fall of trillions of lives.

This cry was transmitted to the void, every corner of this land of life.

In the dark, Lin Yi was surprised to find a change.

Countless phantoms filled the void.

These phantoms only had a vague outline, and even the mask could not see it.

But in the eyes of Zhenming, he realized what it was?

This was the life that had been harvested for countless years, the existence of death, the mark they left behind, existing in the void of life.

This was the only thing they left, filled with their unwillingness, shouting, and sadness.

At this time, with their appearance, the entire void seemed to have undergone a wonderful change.

Countless marks were integrated into the rules, and wonderful things flowed into the covenant.

Countless unwillingness and despair in the chaotic era affected the covenant.

That was the life from more than 2,000 harvests, the existence that died in humiliation in one era after another, and the life whose soul was harvested by the creators.

That was the torrent formed by the unwillingness of trillions of lives.

And this torrent, in an irresistible form, is affecting the covenant.

In the covenant, the power of 500 billion creators is being affected by this brand and unwillingness.

The creators of the Super World Alliance all felt something was wrong.

But at this time, the torrent from countless eras could no longer resist them.

Countless lives are opening their hearts, and the mighty changes are condensing at an unimaginable speed.

A dark light appeared in the covenant, which was a true destiny that was extremely deep, terrifying and desperate.

At the moment it was conceived, everyone knew what it represented.

"True destiny - entropy increase."

Its power appeared in everyone's mind. It was a black sun, which was condensed from countless blood, death, despair, and fear.

In front of this true destiny, everything will go to chaos and end. This is the end of everything.

It seems to represent the absolute truth, which can never be changed.

When Lin Yi saw the information of this true destiny, he was extremely shocked.

He didn't expect that the true destiny condensed in the void would be such a thing - entropy increase.

"This is the destiny that is destined for everything."

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