The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 1098 Purpose and Guidance (First Update)

After all, they have infinite life, which is not unacceptable.

The people who were originally stationed in the Endless River had some ideas.

However, after Yinhe told them the detailed terms of serving Lin Yi.

These people also gave up the last struggle in their hearts.

Because Lin Yi only needed them to complete various tasks for him.

Such tasks basically would not pose much threat to them.

Because they were all asked to complete the wishes of various low-level lives and exchange the spiritual essence of those low-level creatures.

There would also be some special tasks that Lin Yi gave them that were not necessarily fatal.

This left a lot of room for maneuver, and everyone put down their resistance in their hearts.

Finally, in the entire Endless Fortress, 1.01 billion strong men above the third level of the mind decided to accept Lin Yi's recruitment.

On a note, the names of all the strong men in the fortress appeared.

As the note slowly ignited.

Lin Yi and these warriors in the Endless River signed an unbreakable contract.

The two quickly connected, and a gate formed by a wish shrine and a random door appeared on the Endless Fortress.

The gate opened, and the warriors quickly entered the gate and disappeared.

They did not enter the Wanshiwu, but entered another gate at the same time.

That gate connected to a destroyed land of life, where Lin Yi's clone was.

This was exactly what Lin Yi discovered, a land of marine life that was completely occupied and destroyed by the weird and the harvester.

At this time, Lin Yi planned to create a brand new time and space here.

More than 1 billion strong men came here.

Lin Yi's figure appeared in their sight.

Lin Yi said calmly, "Everyone, this is a brand new land of life."

"The same place as the void."

"But this land of life has been completely destroyed."

"What we have to do next is very simple."

"Restore the prosperity of this land of life."

"Restore it bit by bit."

As he said, Lin Yi told all the strong men who came here about the past of this ocean world.

At the same time, he said, "But I will not let you start from scratch."

"I have the coordinates of the void here, and we can still return to the void."

"You can move your original forces and subordinates in the void here."

"The void is vast and boundless, and there will be no problem without you."

"And this is a complete land of life, although there are weirdness and harvesters."

"But with my help, this place will be conquered by us soon."

"This land of life will become a brand new house of everything. It will connect to all the lands of life and establish a huge alliance."

"Fight against the black hands behind the harvesters and weirdness."

At this time, Lin Yi had made a decision. He wanted to turn a land of life into a house of everything.

The more than 1 billion strong men who came here were surprised to hear Lin Yi's words.

But soon they made a decision in their hearts.

Moving their subordinates in the void here can at least form the volume of 1 billion huge life nests, and rebuild the life system of this land of life.

Then use this as the center to revitalize this land of life.

The brilliance of their souls has seen the situation outside through this temporary time and space.

This is a dry land of life. No life lives here, and even the rules have disappeared from this land of life.

Only ruins without any rules remain.

There are not many strange phenomena.

There is no trace of the endless river above this land of life. Obviously, after the harvest, both the weird and the harvester chose to leave.

However, they also vaguely discovered that in some hidden corners of this world, there are still some traces of life left.

Obviously, this land of life is not completely dead.

In their opinion, this may be left deliberately by the harvester and the weird.

In order to let life take root again, come to harvest again at some time in the future.

That also means that this is a relatively safe place.

Because it has been harvested once, the danger will not come for the time being.

Everyone was excited, which means that they will have a long time to develop.

At this time, Lin Yi's thoughts also sounded in their hearts again.

"Then now, I will open the passage to the void for you."

"The next thing you have to do is to migrate and bring your people here."

"Get ready to start rebuilding this land of marine life."


This is a huge project. Through the Wanshiwu, these strong men in the Endless Fortress once again returned to the void.

Their return naturally attracted the attention of the Super World Alliance.


In the palace of the Super World Alliance, Lin Yi's figure appeared here.

His eyes looked at all the members of the Super World Alliance, "Members of the Super World Alliance, I am very happy to see you again."

"Because the Endless River was expelled, the resistance in the Endless Fortress were abandoned there, and their lives and deaths were at their own risk."

"I used my own power to reach an agreement with them. From now on, they are all workers in my Wanshiwu."

"They will serve me for one trillion years."

"They are back now to receive their past wealth."

"I hope you won't stop me."

"Do you understand?"

At this time, Lin Yi was smiling and polite.

But everyone could feel the hideousness behind this smile.

Especially those who had signed a contract with Lin Yi were more vigilant.

The contract Lin Yi signed with them was to make a move once, and the content could be ever-changing.

If they made a move, Lin Yi could even ask them to kill those who disturbed his plan.

This formed a strong deterrent, and no one dared to act rashly.

Those who did not sign the contract naturally heard that Lin Yi had signed a contract with a large number of creators.

Therefore, they were also very cautious and did not speak about it at all.

Lin Yi smiled slightly, "The Void Super World, since it has condensed the true destiny of the world."

"I will tell you some more profound news."

"Also let you know who the real enemy is."

As he said, he raised his hand and waved, and a huge strange continent appeared in their sight.

It was a huge world made up of countless weird things, with countless terrifying auras flashing.

At this time, countless holes were appearing on the weird continent, connecting with the Holy Land.

In the holes, the soldiers of the Holy Land were shrouded in infinite mysterious power, colliding with countless weird things. Those soldiers were incredibly powerful.

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