The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2185: The regent is coming

Su Peian also lowered his head and his face was ashamed. He just wanted to say that this was the only way to go, when Mrs. Su was extremely resisted: "No, if you report to an official, Yue'er's reputation will be ruined!"

In a word, Su Peian and Su Ziyue had nothing to say.

Su Peian sighed, "What should I do?"

"Look, keep looking! I can't find Yue'er, so I won't live anymore, ooh" Madam Su is a daughter, whose whereabouts are unknown and her life or death is unknown. She hasn't eaten well and can't sleep in the past two days. The whole person lost a circle when he looked at it.

The same goes for Su Ziyue, not to mention sleeping, but he didn't even close his eyes.

Su Peian was annoyed and annoying: "What are you talking about? There will be nothing wrong with Yue'er!"

"Master, do you think Yue'er will be killed or not?" Madam Su thought of her Bing Qing Yujie daughter, she didn't know what had happened in the past two days, and her heart broke.

"No, mother, I'll go find my sister again!" Su Ziyue took a sip of water, turned and walked out.

At this moment, someone hurriedly walked in from outside: "Master, son, a carriage came outside, saying yes."

"What are you talking about? Hesitating, just say something!" Su Peian shouted angrily.

The man swallowed hurriedly, and said with a hum, "Say the prince is looking for you!"

"The prince? What can he do with me now?" Su Peian asked the prince in confusion.

Could it be that he knew the content of that fold?

Hey, I have known for a long time whether it is a blessing or a curse. Su Ziyue also glanced at Su Peian with a frown, and condensed her eyebrows worriedly: "Father."

Su Peian sighed, her daughter was not found.

It is estimated that it is not good, this time, I don’t know whether it is bad or good!

"Let's go, don't let the prince wait too long!" Su Peian dragged his leg to leave, and Su Ziyue followed closely behind.

Madam Su thought about the possible discrimination that the Ming Palace might have against Su Palace, and she stepped forward and grabbed Su Peian: "Master, I will go with you too!"

Su Peian shook his head, smiled and said with relief: "It's okay, you are at home!"

"No, I want to go with you!" Madam Su insisted.

Su Peian didn't even need his official hat, just to get rid of the Ming Palace, and now the Ming Palace is looking for him at this moment, afraid that he still doesn't know what to do to the Su Family!

"Don't go, Ming Prince's Mansion won't take us anything." After all, the two will get married in a few days.

"You just stay at home, maybe Yue'er is out of anger, she will come back when she figured it out, there will be no one at home, she should be nervous!" Su Peian worked hard to squeeze out a smile and pat Su Madam's hand comforted her.

Don't let the prince wait too long, Su Peian and Su Ziyue arrived at the gate very quickly, but when they saw the carriage at the door, Su Peian was a little surprised: "This carriage?"

This is not the horse-drawn carriage of the Ming Palace, it is just as luxurious as this horse-drawn carriage, but they are not very familiar with this carriage!

"Father, this is not the carriage of the Ming Palace" Su Ziyue exhorted softly.

Su Peian knew, and nodded, saying that the prince came to him, but this carriage

When he was puzzled, he heard a lazy but gazing voice from all beings: "Master Su, come up!"

Su Peian instantly froze.

Su Ziyue didn't know whose voice was from. Seeing that Su Peian was so nervous, he hurriedly asked, "Father, what's wrong with you?"

Su Pei'an hurriedly pulled La Su Ziyue's hand, motioned him not to speak, and then pulled Su Ziyue into the carriage.

There was a cave inside the carriage. After they entered, they just knelt outside. There was a door in the curtain of the carriage, and several people could kneel outside.

After getting into the carriage, Su Peian didn't dare to act rashly, and knelt down hurriedly: "The official, please, the king, the king is a thousand years old and a thousand years old."

"Master Su, please waive the ceremony!" The voice of that person came from inside, with supreme dignity in the coldness. s

Su Ziyue knelt afterwards, but still didn't figure out who was here, after all, this young but arrogant voice was not Shu Hao's.

"This king heard that Master Su wants to resign today? But what is the reason?" The people sitting inside didn't even mean to let them in.

Su Peian didn't dare to go in, so he could only stand humblely outside, waiting for the people inside to speak.

As soon as Su Peian heard that this was the case, he hurriedly explained: "If you return to the prince, it is that the subordinates have been away from home for too long and are in poor health. They want to take you back to the hometown early and buy a few acres of Susukino in their hometown. Enjoy and enjoy the last relaxing time."

Su Peian’s words did not convince the people inside. He was speechless for a while, but quickly asked: "What about Master Su? Master Su is getting old, but Master Su is in his prime of life, and he is very knowledgeable and talented. Coupled with the connections of Lord Su, Master Su has a promising future!"

Su Peian wanted to sneer after hearing this, what a promising future, if he married the Mingdu princess, he would not be an official in his entire life!

Until then, Su Ziyue suddenly remembered who this young voice belongs to!

Qin Ziye, the regent who assisted the new emperor.

I heard that he was cold-faced and cold-blooded, turning his hands for the cloud and covering his hands for the rain. If he angered the regent, it would be the end of the whole family.

Needless to say, it was Su Ziyue, even Su Peian had never seen the real face of the regent.

Many ministers, including those in the court hall, have never seen the real face of the prince, and some people say that the prince is extremely ugly and has no face to see people, so he never appeared in front of everyone!

But no matter what kind of statement, the court officials in the entire capital have basically never seen this regent who has been sitting behind the curtain and can't see the true face.

Su Ziyue didn't know what Qin Ziye was doing when he came to Su's house. Seeing Su Pei'an cautiously, it seems he didn't know!

The people inside did not go around with these two people, and said directly: "This king agrees with you to resign, but you have to cancel your marriage with the Mingdu Princess, and after the matter is over, this king will pick you up again. Reinstate your officer!"

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