The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2184: I promise you that

The meal was very warm. Gu Fangxi occasionally asked Qin Mozhi what he was busy with, and Qin Mozhi answered them one by one.

Qin Yizhi also asked Gu Ning'an from time to time about Gu Ning'an at Dali Temple. Gu Ning'an has been trying to get started as soon as possible recently. In addition, Lin Haitian had heard his fate in his ears before. Although he was young, he also gave Dali. Things in the temple are clear.

Gu Xiaoyi doesn’t need to say. Every day, it’s not embroidery, but clothes. The queen’s birthday is temporarily not handled because of her pregnancy. She is afraid that she will be tired and that all kinds of people will enter the palace and bump into her stomach. Prince.

He planned to wait for the prince to land before he came to have a big deal.

Gu Xiaoyi made a piece of clothes tightly at home. The style was already designed by Gu Xiaowan. In the palace, the princess Lihua also came to the size of the queen's empress and was making it.

As for the things for the little babies, Gu Xiaowan decided to make only more than a dozen sets of little clothes for babies.

The cloth made of the best white jade cotton is used, it feels soft and skin-friendly, and the skin of children is delicate and tender, and the best one to wear next is cotton!

Gu Xiaowan asked her to prepare more than ten sets, all of which were simple but very practical. Even if others messed up, they couldn't do anything with these baby clothes.

Furthermore, four simple patterns of plum, orchid, bamboo and chrysanthemum were embroidered with cotton thread at the foot. They were all drawn by Gu Xiaowan with simple strokes, very simple but vivid.

Anyway, I don’t know if it is a boy or a girl. This plum, orchid, bamboo and chrysanthemum is the best.

Qin Yuzhi nodded after hearing this, feeling relieved about Gu Xiaowan's arrangement.

After dinner, Gu Xiaowan was about to go with Qin Yizhi, but Gu Fangxi said that there was some food sent by Li Fan in the kitchen. She didn't know how to prepare, and wanted her to take a look.

Gu Xiaowan didn't doubt he was there, so she raised her foot and headed for the kitchen.

Gu Fangxi fell behind. Seeing Qin Yizhi also followed, he followed him and asked quietly: "When do you plan to marry Xiaowan? Xiaowan is not young, she is already seventeen and has passed It will be eighteen years later."

Gu Fangxi worried that Gu Xiaowan was getting older and older, but Qin Mozhi didn't mention marriage at all. You know, Gu Fangxi was in a hurry. Seeing Qin Mozhi right now, for fear of when he will leave again, he hurriedly asked.

The tone was a little anxious, with indisputable questioning.

Qin Yizhi was a little bit dumbfounded. Why didn't he want to marry her home? Now he was anxious to marry her home in the next second, so that other men could no longer covet her.

However, before the matter is resolved, marrying her will only harm her.

Qin Yizhi's hesitation turned into rejection in Gu Fangxi's eyes. She was anxious: "What do you mean? Why is my Xiaowan not worthy of you? You don't want to marry her?"

Gu Fangxi lowered his voice, with a rather bad tone. But Qin Mozhi was not upset at all. Auntie really cared about Xiaowan.

Qin Yizhi shook his head and decided to give his aunt a reassurance: "Don't worry, aunt, I assure you: In this life, I will only have Wan'er alone."

Originally, he didn't need to explain too much to Gu Fangxi. After thinking about it, he was afraid that she would be worried. He added another sentence: "Master Huiyuan will return to the capital soon, and I will ask him to choose a lucky day! Besides, I have prepared everything such as the betrothal gifts. Don't worry!"

Gu Xiaowan had already gone far. Seeing that they didn't follow up, she hurriedly turned her head and smiled and said, "Come on!"

Qin Yizhi smiled, and strode forward. Gu Fangxi heard Qin Yizhi's explanation just now, and his brows were overjoyed, and all doubts were dispelled.

When Qin Yizhi left Qingyuan, the sky was already dark. He left Qingyuan through the back door just like when he came, and when he returned to the palace, Ah You was already waiting for him, holding a copy in his hand. The booklet is densely remembered what happened in Beijing during this period.

When one of Qin Yi came in, Ah You began to report to him.

"Su Pei'an went to two books, one was to report to the emperor that Shu Lin bought the students and falsified the household registration, causing turmoil. Those five students who had done tricks were immediately picked out by Lin Haitian."

"Did Lin Haitian caught it?" Qin Mozhi asked.

"Well, five people, none of them are wrong, none of them are missing!"

For a moment of contemplation, Qin Mozhi asked, "What was written on the other folding sheet?"

"Su Peian wants to sue the old man and return home!"

"Report to the old and return home?" Qin Mozhi asked rhetorically, as if he had misheard.

"Well, he wrote on the notes that he had been away from home for a long time, missed his hometown, and wanted to go back."

"Then if he leaves, what will happen to the marriage with the Ming Palace?" Qin Yizhi sneered, thinking of the look that Su Ziyue had when he looked at Wan's childhood, his heart was filled with fire.

"I haven't heard of it yet! But Miss Su's family is gone! After running out of the house, she disappeared inexplicably. The Su family has been searching in the capital for a long time, but there is no trace!"

Qin Yizhi condensed his eyebrows: "What is happening in the Ming Palace?"

"After Su Pei'an went to the Zhezi, Prince Ming once sent someone to take the Zhezi, but afterwards he didn't know why, and the Zhezi was sent to the palace as usual."

Qin Yizhi nodded. At this time, the clothes were changed again, and he changed to home-style clothes. He was dressed in a brocade robe embroidered with a four-claw golden dragon on a black background. The inside was a long gown with a white background. Bunch of obscure piping jade belts, black obscure blouses, and blue satin and white boots.

Rumo's long hair was tied with a golden crown, but under a pair of sword eyebrows there were a pair of Danfeng eyes that lifted upwards, flying eyebrows into the temple. The face is carved with distinct features, and the angular face is unusually handsome.

After finishing everything up, Qin Yizhi turned around a white jade finger that he was wearing on his hand, with a cold voice: "Enter the palace!"

Below the tranquility of the Su family at the moment, there was a madness that was about to erupt.

Su Qianyue is gone, and no one has been found until now.

Although there is no chaos outside the Su Mansion, the masters of the Su Family are about to be in chaos.

"Father, what should I do? Do you want to report to the official? Our people have been looking for a long time, but there is no movement at all!" Su Ziyue frowned.

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