The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2186: As long as you retire

"What?" Su Peian asked again as if he hadn't heard.

After reading and listening, Su Zi also looked shocked. He looked at the man behind the curtain, and then turned to look at Su Peian next to him.

"Two adults, let's go, my prince's words are all here!"

Su Peian asked what else, but heard another person's voice inside.

The two of them couldn't, they could only suppress the doubts full of stomachs. After bowing down, they got out of the carriage, and then the carriage disappeared into the night.

Madam Su was still waiting in front of the hall, and when she was quietly wiping her tears, she saw Su Ziyue and Su Peian returning.

She wiped her tears hurriedly: "Why are you back so soon? What did the prince and prince say? Master, would you embarrass you?"

Since entering, Su Peian and Su Ziyue's faces have not been very good.

Seeing Su Peian's head dull and not speaking, Madam Su became anxious, and looked at Su Ziyue who was aside: "Yue'er, tell my mother what is going on? The prince and prince did not embarrass you, right?"

"Mother" Su Ziyue looked at Su Pei'an, and seeing that he had no objection, she told Madam Su what had happened just now.

"We are not the King Ming to see"

"What? Not Prince Ming? Who is that?" Didn't it mean Prince Ming, why not Prince Ming? Then who else will look for them.

"It's the regent!" Su Ziyue said firmly.

"What? It's Qin Ziye? Didn't he never associate with these ministers? How could he come to you? What happened?" Madam Su's tears were about to fall again.

It's really a leak in the house that happened to rain overnight.

"Mother, don't worry!" Su Ziyue hurriedly comforted: "The prince is here, saying that he agrees to his father's resignation. He also said that we should cancel the marriage with the Ming Palace. After the matter is settled, he said that he will pick up again. Let's go back to the capital and let the officer return to his post!

""Mrs. Su was shocked. There was too much information that she couldn't digest for a while: "Why would he be the prince?"

"I also find it strange now that this regent is only loyal to the current emperor. He has never contacted the court ministers, but he came to help me when he listened to him. Hey, I never remember when I had contact with him. , Why should he come to help us!" Su Peian was puzzled.

For so many years, Qin Ziye has never appeared in the court, and it is said that in order to assist the emperor, to collect information from these court officials, he has trained a group of elite recluse guards, the capital and even those in the Qing Dynasty. , The shameful, big, small, public, and secret things can't be hidden from those hidden eyes.

It was easy for Qin Ziye to investigate a person!

Now, Su Peian was a little worried about what Qin Ziye said.

What is after the dust settles?

Since he has such a powerful hidden guard, he should also know that Su Qianyue is missing now? Su Peian frowned when he thought of this.

Su Ziyue was also confused, but in the end he could only say: "Father, let's go find my sister. Tomorrow, I'm going to retire!"

Su Peian looked up at this time, glanced at the determined Su Zi, and then looked at Madam Su again. No one said anything.

After Su Ziyue said this, he turned around and left.

In a simple but luxurious carriage, a tall man sits in it.

Ah You was a little puzzled: "Master, why are you helping Su's family?"

Qin Yizhi opened his eyes slowly at this time: "He helped Wan'er, and he can be regarded as repaying them for his life-saving grace!"

Ah You nodded, and heard Qin Mozhi's faint voice: "Wan'er sent Ah Zuo to find someone. You send two more hidden guards. Be sure to find someone!"

Gu Xiaowan woke up early in the morning the next morning, thinking that the day was very peaceful, but at this moment something big happened in Beijing.

Su Ziyue ran to the emperor in person and asked to retire!

Retire! The emperor's imperial decree has come down, and all the marriage matters have been prepared, and Su Ziyue even asked to retire!

When Shu Min heard the news, she couldn't believe it, and immediately went to the palace.

The emperor did not see her, and naturally did not see Su Ziyue, who was kneeling in the Hall of Cultivating the Heart, so Shu Min had to run to find the empress dowager.

Shu Min pulled down this face and cried on the spot in the queen mother's bedroom.

"Queen dowager, Min'er has admired Ziyue's brother for so many years, how can he say that he retires after he retires? This marriage was decided by the emperor's brother. All the marriage matters have been prepared, and Min'er's wedding dress has been embroidered. The clothes look good, oh queen mother, you have to be the master of Min'er! Min'er doesn't want to quit her brother Zi Yue!"

The queen mother also had a headache in her mind, and she immediately slapped her armchair with anger: "He dare! The emperor personally issued the imperial decree, he still dares to resist the edict and fail to comply with it! Mingdu, when you get up, the Aijia must be your master!"

The dignity of the royal family is not to be despised. Su Ziyue came to retreat when he was about to get married. If this marriage really retreated, where would the royal face be? Where is the face of Ming Dynasty Palace?

After Prince Ming heard about this, his angry beard was about to curl up, and he immediately followed into the palace.

Shu Lin didn't enter the palace, and went to Su Mansion to find Su Pei'an to settle the account. No one knew that Su Mansion did not open the door at all, and there was no movement at all, as if he was dead.

We will get married in three days. At this moment, Su Ziyue still went to raise her relatives, and the entire capital was boiling after learning about it.

When Gu Xiaowan heard about this, she was shocked and couldn't recover for a long time.

"Are you sure? Su Ziyue left his relatives?"

Zuo nodded: "The spread of madness has been spread outside. I heard that the Princess Capital and Prince Ming have both ran into the palace, and the elder son ran to the Su family to make a big noise, saying that he must give the Su family an explanation!"

"The emperor Su Ziyue personally asked for? Did the emperor agree?" Gu Xiaowan felt that this matter was too strange. I heard that the Su family had already prepared everything they needed for their marriage. How early is it to propose a marriage proposal at this time? Don't say it!

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