The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1989: Want to refuse marriage

After finding it with great difficulty, everyone took a breath when they saw that Su Ziyue didn't look like a human or a ghost.

How does this resemble the handsome and talented son before them!

The Kung Fu that I don't see today, people are already depressed and inhuman!

Everyone hurriedly carried Su Ziyue back home, who was still drunk, but no one dared to be alarmed. Everything he did was extremely concealed, so he was afraid of being known!

The emperor gave him a marriage, and he is still drunk, but he must be decapitated!

It has been several days since Su Ziyue woke up, and the imperial decree chose an auspicious day for Su Ziyue and Princess Mingdu, which was three months later, on the ninth or ninety-ninth of September, which was a long time.

When I heard that I had been given a marriage, I felt like I was stupid.

"Who gave the marriage?" Su Ziyue couldn't believe it, until he saw the Huang Chengcheng's imperial decree and the words above, he understood that there was no turning point for all things and everything!

However, he still refuses!

"I don't marry, I don't marry, I don't love her, I don't love her!" Su Ziyue yelled sadly, his face full of sadness.

"The imperial decree is all down, so I can't help you not marry it! What's wrong with Princess Mingdu? She has a beautiful country and a noble status. How can she not be worthy of you!" Madam Su saw her son, who was always proud. The same, angry and anxious, followed by shouting.

On the day when the imperial decree came down, Mrs. Su was shocked!

At the very beginning, she should have guessed that this imperial decree was definitely requested by the Princess Mingdu, otherwise, how could the emperor carry out this imperial decree properly.

Princess Xu is tired, and he doesn't want to toss about it anymore!

She is the princess, she can definitely go. When Madam Su saw the imperial edict, she was angry and anxious, and she was absolutely not happy!

Although their Su family is not better than Ming Wang, they are considered to be a big family in the capital, especially Su Ziyue for so many years, it is even more impressive, who does not say that the Su family will leaps forward in the future!

But, now, Su Ziyue was forced to marry by a woman!

What does this make Mrs. Su think!

High-ranking family members are going to marry a higher-ranking imperial relative. In the future, how will the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law and the relationship between husband and wife be handled? The more Mrs. Su thinks about it, the more worried she becomes!

However, at this moment, seeing Su Ziyue's stunned look, Mrs. Su was not in a hurry, and decided in her heart that Princess Mingdu had a good marriage! "I don't want her, there is someone in my heart, she knows, she knows!" Su Ziyue shouted, rushing out after speaking!

Madam Su wanted to stop him without order, and when she saw his devilish appearance, she was even more angry and didn't say: "What are you doing? Who else do you like? Now it is useless. The imperial decree is down. You don't want to marry Marry too!"

Madam Su drank coldly, her voice was sharp, but she didn't wake Su Ziyue at all.

"I'm going to see the emperor, and ask him to take it back, and ask him to take it back!" Su Ziyue rushed out regardless.

Seeing that she couldn't stop him, Madam Su anxiously wanted to slap him to death.

Just thinking about it, the "pop" slap was already greeted.

"What are you going crazy? Where do you want to put our Su family for a woman!" Madam Su screamed sadly: "The imperial edict has already been laid down, so you still want to find the emperor and take it back? Do you think? What are you? Your mind is not clear now, are you going to watch our Su family collapse?"

Mrs. Su’s words are like a steel needle with a handle inserted into Su Ziyue’s heart, but he has been thinking about it for so long, and has read it for so long, thinking about it and admiring it every day, how can he turn his head and go. Marry someone else.

Thinking that if he married someone else, he would never get that person anymore in his life. The heart-wrenching pain, the oppressive pain, even his breathing!

He took a big breath, but every breath seemed to kill him!

"Zi Yue, haven't you recognized this fact yet? The only person you are going to marry is Princess Mingdu! Only her! If there is someone in your heart, you will cut off this thought for me for the rest of your life. It's no longer possible!" Madam Su felt even more pain when she saw him hurt, but she also knew that if she didn't speak transparently, who knew he would do anything extraordinary!

"Mother" Su Ziyue felt a great pain in her heart, knelt down, curled up in one place, sobbing and crying, extremely sad.

When Madam Su saw this, she could only put her arms around him and cried: "Zi Yue, things are already like this, forget everything that should be forgotten. The princess has always admired you for so many years. She likes you. From now on, she You will definitely be a good wife! It doesn’t matter if you don’t love her now. When you marry her, have a child, and the husband and wife get along day by day, you will definitely fall in love with her! Forget all those thoughts that shouldn’t have been! Mother please!"

Su Ziyue didn't speak, and hugged his head tightly, but he didn't know what he was thinking!

The room was quiet, only Su Ziyue’s sobbing and Madam Su’s sobbing sounded. It was very quiet, and Madam Su thought, now, he should give up!

But I didn't expect that Su Ziyue had already used his affection so deeply, how could he stop there!

Laiqing is already awake. When he woke up, he knew that all his kung fu had been lost and he had become an ordinary person. Seeing that the son was still obsessed with Gu Xiaowan, he was even more angry that he went to find Gu Xiaowan that day. All said it.

Lai Qing said, Su Ziyue just listened, not saying a word, sitting there all over, wandering around the world, wondering what he was thinking!

Gu Xiaowan originally thought that Su Ziyue and Princess Mingdu had been given the marriage, and this matter should have come to an end. No one knew that Su Ziyue would even catch up with the door and wait for himself outside the door. This incident happened to fall into the eyes of the Princess Mingdu.

Shu Min knew that it was strange that she was given a marriage. How could the emperor give herself and Su Ziyue the marriage, and at the same time, she also solved her ban, saying that she was going to get married, relieved her ban, and arranged marriage matters. !

Naturally, Shu Min was happy. This imperial decree was not requested by her or someone in the family. It was sent by the emperor himself, so Su Ziyue definitely cannot wrong him!

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