The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1990: I'm going to inform

After receiving the decree, Shu Min was dismissed. She wanted to tell Su Zi to read the news, but because the two could not meet before marriage, she gave up. Anyway, the two will get married after only three months. Can say!

Here, people are happily preparing to get married!

Although Su Mansion has also begun to prepare, it is only Su Peian and his wife. Su Ziyue is indifferent to this matter, as if the person who wants to get married is not him!

Su Pei'an was anxious, and even more scared. If the people in the Ming Palace knew about this, they wouldn't know how to arrange the Su family!

This Su Ziyue didn't care about getting married. If someone knows about it, then let's just say it. Is the Su family dissatisfied with this marriage?

Not only offended King Ming, but also offended the emperor!

Both of them are offended, and the good days of the Su family are over!

Su Pei'an was nervous, he was frightened when he was in court, and even more frightened after he went down, and he spread the news about Su Mansion's preparation for marriage, letting others know how much Su Mansion cares about this marriage!

It’s just that people who want to marry a wife don’t care. What good is it for them?

Mrs. Su's sorrowful hair every day has to worship, but she has no alternative!

Su Ziyue didn't talk or laugh, just like a dead person!

Who dares to blame him more!

Madam Su had a sad face all day long, and Su Qianyue was also anxious to die!

Mingdu County's main reason is that it is okay for my brother to be dissatisfied with this marriage. If he knows, I am afraid I don't know how to hate the Su family!

Su Ziyue didn't care about the life and death of Su's family. Every day, she only read about Gu Xiaowan. Su Qianyue was helpless at first, but later found a countermeasure, thinking about how to make Su Ziyue give up.

On this day, Su Ziyue was still drunk at home, and no one dared to care about him anymore. As long as he didn't go to the emperor and tell him to retire, that would be the greatest kindness to the Su family.

Su Peian is the only child. Seeing that he is sad, I can't force him to find life and death!

Su Qianyue didn’t believe in this evil, so she rushed to Su Ziyue’s courtyard and cursed, “Su Ziyue, do you want to get married? If you still look reluctant, believe it or not, I’ll do it now. Tell Princess Mingdu! Princess Mingdu hates Gu Xiaowan so much. I believe that she will naturally blame Gu Xiaowan for all your unwillingness to marry her. According to Princess Mingdu's thoughts on you, she will never let go Pass Gu Xiaowan! At that time, I am afraid that Gu Xiaowan will become a puddle of mud and you will not be able to save her!"

Hearing someone talk about Gu Xiaowan, Su Ziyue seemed to be alive now, his godless eyes seemed to move: "What are you going to do?"

Su Qianyue scolded, "If you look like this again, I would say that you are unwilling to marry the Mingdu princess because you still think of Gu Xiaowan. You said, Mingdu princess loves you so much, how would she treat Gu Xiaowan? !"

In the room, the two brothers and sisters are at war. Su Ziyue looks at Su Qianyue, and Su Qianyue looks at Su Ziyue without showing any weakness!

"Dare you!" Su Ziyue's voice trembled. Regarding Gu Xiaowan's affairs, he did not allow anyone to hurt her!

"Why don't I dare!" Su Qianyue did not show any weakness; "If you don't believe me, I will go to Ming Palace and tell Sister Min!"

After Su Qianyue finished speaking, she was about to rush outside. Su Zi Yuesheng was afraid that she would tell Shu Min. With the movement, she stepped forward and grabbed Su Qianyue, and shouted, "No, no!"

Between Su Ziyue's eyebrows, there was fear and a touch of human color.

"Brother, will you be moved as long as I talk about Gu Xiaowan? You have only met Gu Xiaowan a few times. Is she so important to you? More important than sister Min, your childhood sweetheart? Is it?" Su Qianyue was grabbed by Su Ziyue, her arm was a little painful because of his pinching, and she couldn't feel it at all.

Today, the pain in the body is still secondary. I offend Shu Min, offend Prince Ming, offend Prince Ming Palace, what will happen to Su Palace, no one knows!

When Su Ziyue was asked, the pain on his face gradually became worse: "I love her, I love her!"

"Do you love her?" Su Qianyue sneered when she heard it, "What is so good about Gu Xiaowan? With such a humble status, who knows what she is relying on to become the Princess Anping! The outside world has spread, she doesn't know how to follow How many men have achieved what they are now, saying that when she was in the countryside, she followed the beggar who was picked up, and then followed the treasurer of Li in Jinfulou. Have you forgotten? Jinfulou came out at that time After a murder case, the treasurer was put in jail. At that time, she went everywhere to find help. Who knows, what is the relationship between the two of them!"

"No, she is not such a person!" Su Qianyue slandered Gu Xiaowan, and Su Ziyue jumped into a rage after hearing this: "I don't allow you to slander her like this!"

"Brother, please be sober and sober! Did I slander her? I don’t count. How many people in Beijing say that to her? Go outside to find out. Now she is named Princess Anping, who was in the court. How many people thought that she was going to be a concubine in the palace, and if it weren't for the queen mother to accept her as a righteous daughter, she would have become the emperor's woman!"

Su Qianyue's words are outrageous, but the causes and consequences are also justified!

"Laiqing went to Qingyuan to look for her in order to be the master for you. You can see what Laiqing has become now? She has been abolished with light work, and now she has become a useless person! That Gu Xiaowan is so cruel, she is like this For Laiqing, don’t you just treat you like this? He begged and Gu Xiaowan remained indifferent, which means that she doesn’t have you at all in her heart! Without you! Without you!" Su Qianyue shouted and continued. The three without you, Su Ziyue's face was pale and she was no longer human.

"Brother, think about it. Gu Xiaowan doesn't have you in her heart, otherwise she won't waste her time to celebrate. If you behave like yourself, she doesn't care about you and doesn't have the slightest affection for you. Why bother with her Wasting time, you are the proud son of heaven. You can be literate and martial, handsome and graceful. What kind of woman can you find? Why bother to go blind and find someone who is notorious, loves the poor, loves the rich, and abandoned Bitch! Princess Mingdu loves you so much, for so many years, waiting for you to respond! She loves you so much, but you have lost her, she is proud, if she knows what you think she will do Gu Xiaowan?"

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