The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1988: Give Su Ziyue a Marriage

Laiqing’s sad yelling, in this quiet night, looked particularly hideous: "If my son dies, I will also find Gu Xiaowan desperately. My son is the leader, if it weren’t for Gu Xiaowan, how could my son? Become the half-dead look now! Ooo!"

Ah Mo frowned, to celebrate his crazy appearance, which made him unable to do anything!

He is also for the master! Besides, he can't kill people easily now!

This matter, it seems, really needs the master to decide!

When Ah Mo left the courtyard, a few flying bodies disappeared into the night.

Qin Yizhi's mansion was not far away, and Ahmad's flying body had already arrived.

Ah You see that Ahmad came, and he was a little curious: "Didn't you serve the girl? Why are you here now? Could it be that something happened?"

Ah Mo nodded: "It is indeed something wrong, and I have no choice but to let the master decide! Is the master resting?"

"How can it be so fast? When you are here, the master is not so busy any day that the chickens croak, you can go in!" Ah You said helplessly.

They can take a nap outside and take a break, but the master

I heard Ahmad and Zuo said that the master is at the girl’s, and I don’t know how well the sleep is, hey, I don’t know, when will these two get married? They can’t control the master, but the girl does it. what!

The master has the heart to stay up late with them, and the girl can't bear to stay with her too!

It's a lot better to become a pro!

After Ahmad entered, Qin Yizhi raised his eyes, somewhat puzzled: "Why are you here?"

Ahmad knelt down and said about what happened this afternoon and evening: "The one who came to celebrate is the one who explored the garden that night!"

"So courageous!" Qin Yi heard this, and started shooting the case: "I don't know when my Qingyuan will become a place for these people to come and leave if they want!"

That Qingyuan is a person who lives on the cusp of the master’s heart. It’s really bold to come to Qingguo. It’s not enough to come once, but it’s a second time. He even said brazenly that he would kill the girl. After the master heard, how could he not be angry. !

"Where is he now?" Qin Mozhi asked.

"It's in the yard in the northwest corner!" Ahmad replied.

"Abolish his martial arts for me and throw him back to Su Mansion!" Qin Yizhi said coldly, exuding a breathtaking cold breath.

"Yes!" Ah Mo got up, feeling that something was still wrong: "Master, the girl Su Ziyue has been tricked on several times. It turns out that the girl Su Ziyue's admiration was discovered by the Princess Mingdu! Na Mingdu! The princess's admiration for Su Ziyue had already spread in Beijing. When she saw that Su Ziyue admired the girl, she tried her best to torture the girl."

"Then Su Ziyue is now at the age to marry a wife. I will take care of this. You go back and take good care of the girl!" Qin Yizhi waved his hand and let Ahmad go out! Thinking of Su Ziyue, thinking of the Princess Mingdu, and the girls who were aiming at him one by one, Qin Yizhi stabilized his mind, looked at the bright moonlight outside, and then again. The ink pigeon, who put his head into the wings and rested, calmed down a lot of anger in his heart.

Xu knew that someone was looking at him, and Mo Ge's head stuck out from his feather wings. He yelled several times, the black jewel-like eyes stared at Qin Mozhi for a few times. They were round and dark, like someone, in Qin Mozhi's heart. All of this anger disappeared.

A panacea, but so!

How could his baby allow others to covet it! Su Ziyue didn't expect to have such a thought, and made Wan'er blame herself in her heart. Then he could not stay!

It seems that we have to marry him a bride!

Qin Yizhi pushed the memorial on the table away, and began to write something on the paper!

The Ye Mingzhu in the room illuminates everything in the study, as bright as day!

Gu Xiaowan didn’t know that so many things happened last night, nor did she know that Qin Yizhi had secretly arranged the mechanism in her room long ago. Usually, the mechanism is closed and will not be activated. , It will not hurt Gu Xiaowan.

But if someone invades, as long as the organ is activated, anyone who wants to approach Gu Xiaowan's room will be controlled by the organ!

The light work of Laiqing was good. That night was to explore the bottom. I didn’t want to entangle with Ah Zuo and Ahmad too much. Besides, in this capital, the Su family also had a lot of properties, so I just found a house and hid. In the past, if there was a head-on confrontation, Ahmad's two tricks could not be taken at all!

"Girl, there is an imperial decree in the palace. I heard that Su Ziyue and the Princess Mingdu were given a marriage!" Zuo said.

Gu Xiaowan said oh, and it passed, only if this matter had never happened!

Su Ziyue married the Princess Mingdu, it didn't matter to her at all, the two strangers, whether they lived well or not, had little to do with her!

Zuo saw that the girl was indifferent, and the stone in her heart also fell.

I couldn't help feeling that the master did this thing very quickly. This thing, indeed, has nothing to do with the girl. It doesn't matter if you see the girl, so let it go!

I just hope that those bad things will stop looking for girls.

What a nice girl the girl is. For so many years, the master has watched her grow up, and now the bones and blood of the two have merged into one. The girl is empathetic, gentle and kind, and beautiful like a flower. How many eyes are staring at the girl, the master is this I'm scared!

However, when the girl meets someone like the master, who can this world see!

I only hope when these two people can tie their knots, and give birth to a little master as soon as possible!

At this moment, Su Mansion was already frantic.

When I opened the gate in the morning, I saw Lai Qing who was unconscious, Su Ziyue hadn’t been home for many days. The Su family seemed to be in a coma, and they were worried and wanted to ask where Su Ziyue was. Can't ask why. In the anxious effort, the imperial decree came in the palace, giving marriage!

The master who gave the marriage was not at home, so helpless, it was only Su Peian who accepted the imperial decree!

Then, people all over the capital went looking for people, but they didn't dare to move, they could only find people secretly.

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