The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1304: Looking for something again

Gu Xintao finally indulged in Zhao Yun'er. If something happened to her, she would definitely not be able to eat, so she hurriedly stepped forward and held Zhao Yun'er: "Yun'er, don't!"

Zhao Yuner was pulled, turned her head and looked at Gu Xintao. She didn't see that Zuo's hand had become a fist. If she dared to take a step forward

Zhao Yun'er didn't see it, but Gu Xintao saw it. This person named Zuo had very strong hands. Gu Xintao didn't know how Zhao Yuner would be injured if the punch just hit.

Zhao Yuner saw that she was being held by Gu Xiaowan, and she was very unhappy: "What are you doing! Your sister is too arrogant. You are her sister. I don't want to say hello to you when I see you. Teach her a lesson for you!"

Mouthful of displeasure!

Gu Xintao was even more surprised.

Who said that Zhao Yun'er had no brains, this brains are obviously good!

When Gu Xiaowanye heard Zhao Yuner's words, the corners of her mouth widened.

It seems that being with idiots can also have fun, just ignore them, watching them act, it's also very fun.

When Qin Yizhi walked in, Zhao Yuner and Gu Xintao were pulling.

Gu Xintao didn't expect that Zhao Yun'er's brain was still alive, and he would pull this matter to himself, and it would be impossible for him to accept it, nor would he not accept it.

If she doesn't answer, then her sisterhood relationship with Zhao Yuner is probably going to end here.

But if he took it, Zhao Yun'er vented his anger. If he was injured, wouldn't all of these sins be counted on her own head?

Fortunately, fortunately, I pulled her over in time just now.

"Thank you, Yuner, for giving me a head start, but someone is the head of Anping County anyway, so what kind of identity would he put my sister in his eyes!" Gu Xintao said aggrieved, and there were tears in her eyes.

"Huh, it's great to get the title of Anping County Lord. This will allow her to get the title of princess, and the tail will not go to heaven!" Zhao Yun'er was indignant, with an expression of embarrassment for Gu Xintao.

Gu Xintao could only smile, get angry, get angry, the worse the anger, the better!

Qin Yizhi just picked up the curtain to come in, and he just happened to hear what Zhao Yuner said.

When you become a princess, your tail will go to heaven?

Don't say, this sentence really suits his mind.

The mood improved more and more, and, rare, his face calmly swept across Zhao Yun'er's face.

And that Zhao Yun'er, when he saw the door curtain being opened, inadvertently looked at the door, and when he saw that the person who came in was Qin Yizhi, he suddenly felt that the whole gouache shop seemed to be filled with light from the outside.

Gu Xintao also followed Zhao Yun'er's gaze to look outside. When she saw that it was Qin Yizhi, her heart was beating too, beating too fast, she missed a beat, and her face suddenly turned red.

Qin Mozhi seems to be in a very good mood today. When he came in, his face seemed to have a little bit of smile. After he came in, there seemed to be a sky full of stars in the long and narrow Danfeng eyes, looking at Zhao Yun'er. Glanced.

It was just a quick glance and a light brush, and I never saw it again. Zhao Yun'er's eyes have been on Qin Mozhi's face all the time, and I wish he didn't blink, but naturally he also noticed Qin Mozhi's look just now.

I was even more excited about fainting on the spot: "Xin Tao, did you see that, Brother Qin just looked at me, just saw me!"

Gu Xintao also watched, she was extremely puzzled.

I have known Gu Xiaowan and Qin Mozhi for so many years. Qin Mozhi has always been the tall person. With a pair of eyes, only Gu Xiaowan can be seen, but she also clearly saw it just now. Qin Mozhi's eyes crossed Zhao Yun'er's face. Although it only passed by for a short time, she did see it.

It seems that there is a smile in the corner of his eyes.

She has never enjoyed such kindness.

Gu Xintao was extremely sad, she had never enjoyed the treatment she had never enjoyed before, but Zhao Yuner was taken away. There was a fierce flash in Gu Xintao's eyes, but she didn't want Zhao Yuner to see it, so she lowered her head quickly, and her eyes were fierce. go with.

Qin Mozhi came to Gu Xiaowan's side, next to her.

Gu Xiaowan smiled when he saw him coming over: "Is it measured?"

"Well, that's all right." Qin Feizhi answered with a smile, smoke waves like spring water.

Liniang on the side saw the two men and women in front of her. She only felt that she was a little old after living for thirty years. At this moment, she thumped and thumped, what a beautiful picture!

She was a little envious.

The man is so handsome and the woman is gentle and picturesque, and the two face each other.

Liniang also said pleasant words at the moment: "Anping County Lord, you and Young Master Qin are really a match made in heaven!"

Today is a good day to go out, so many people say pleasant things, yes, yes.

Qin Yizhi raised his brows and pointed to the rouge gouache in a row of cabinets, with an aura: "Wrap these things!"

Liniang was taken aback for a moment, and then immediately grinned in a beautiful range: "Well, good, I will wrap it up for you!"

Gu Xiaowan laughed at Qin Mozhi's arrogant appearance, "Why, you buy so much, do you want to use it?"

Qin Yizhi chuckled, "What she said is so beautiful!"

"What did she say?" Gu Xiaowan pretended not to know.

Qin Yizhi took advantage of the trend and held her hand in his palm: "She said we are a match made in heaven. If we are so lucky, naturally we should give her some rewards."

When did Zuo and Ahmad see Qin Yizhi's faceless and skinless look, they all took a big step back.

The jade-faced Shura in the past, and now this begging Xiaobai, don't tell them that this is the same person.

Qin Yizhi held Gu Xiaowan's hand tightly in his palm, with his fingers interlocking, and the temperature in his palm instantly warmed Gu Xiaowan's heart, making it warm.

But this scene, in the eyes of others, is very dazzling!

Gu Xintao looked at the hands of Gu Xiaowan and Qin Yizhi slyly, without saying a word.

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