The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1305: Bomei smiled

And Zhao Yun'er was more exposed. Qin Yizhi gave her a look just now. She was still happy. Turning around, he bought so many rouge gouache to coax the Anping county lord who was so miserable and even said Li The mother said something pleasing, so naturally she should be rewarded.

Now, still holding Gu Xiaowan's hand!

The ten fingers interlocked together, it should be more obtrusive.

Zhao Yuner glared at him, wishing to stare Gu Xiaowan out of a hole.

Liniang came out from behind the curtain, holding several boxes in her hand, smiling and flamboyantly about to pack up all the rouge gouache. Seeing that everything was going to be installed, Zhao Yun'er looked more and more uncomfortable.

Qin Yizhi said that the rouge gouache that should be wrapped up is the best and most expensive thing in Liniang's shop. A box of the cheapest is a few taels of silver, and the most expensive one is dozens of taels!

Just now, she and Gu Xintao stood in front of the counter. They watched for so long and chose for so long. They didn't make up their minds about which one to buy. But when Gu Xiaowan came and took a look, Qin Yizhi decided to buy everything. , If you buy all this, a few hundred taels of silver will not be able to stop!

Zhao Yuner didn't expect Qin Mozhi to be so wealthy, and Gu Xintao couldn't even think of it.

Wasn't Qin Yizhi a beggar before?

How can you be so rich?

Gu Xintao and Zhao Yuner both couldn't believe it, they looked at each other, and then waited for Gu Xiaowan to pay.

If Gu Xiaowan really paid, she would feel better!

However, after the things were wrapped, Qin Yizhi took out a silver ticket from his sleeve and handed it directly to Liniang. When Liniang saw the silver ticket in her hand, she couldn't even see her teeth with a smile: " Lord of Anping County, Master Qin is so kind to you!"

Gu Xiaowan didn't laugh, she glanced at Qin Mozhi aside shyly.

Qin Yizhi's eyes were always on her face, she had never opened her promise, and the floor was full of pets.

Zhao Yuner couldn't stand it anymore. It turned out to be the money paid by Qin Yizhi's help. How could this not make her crazy? He bought a few hundred taels of rouge gouache for Gu Xiaowan without blinking her eyes. Man, why not hers!

Zhao Yuner was not convinced, thinking of the look Qin Yizhi was looking at herself just now, he thought about it, and hurriedly ran to Qin Yizhi's side with a smile on his face, and said with a cute smile: "Ah, Brother Qin, you unexpectedly Bought so many rouge gouaches! There is the one I was interested in just now! You just bought them all before I had time to pay, how about that? I’ll give you the money, Will you sell me that box of rouge?"

good or not?

Liniang is over thirty years old, and she has also come from these lush years. She knew what she was thinking in her heart.


Just now, she and Gu Xintao had been in the shop for so long, choosing from left to right, either dismissing this as bad, or dismissing it as not expensive.

Moreover, what Zhao Yuner had just fancyed was one of the best and most expensive boxes of rouge. Zhao Yuner wanted to buy a lot, but the price of tens of taels of silver could only make Zhao Yuner pick it up and put it down.

Liniang still knows how much money Zhao Yuner can have!

Zhao Xun's wife, Mrs. Zhao and his outer room, Hong Shi, would come to him to buy rouge gouache. That Madam Zhao is a proud and arrogant lady. When shopping with some noble ladies, she always likes to insinuate the Hong Shi.

The Hong clan is also a big-handed man. When he comes to the shop, he likes to buy the best things. It seems that Zhao Xun is very good to this outer room.

It's just a pity that Feng Shui takes turns. In the past two years, Madam Zhao's status and Hong's status seem to have undergone earth-shaking changes.

Madam Zhao became more gentle, while the previously gentle Hong Shi became more mean.

Liniang was married before, and naturally knew that the changes between these two must be the man from the family.

It seems that Zhao Xun is getting better to Madam Zhao, and Madam Zhao’s temperament has also changed, and the previously gentle Hong clan, because of Zhao Xun’s changes to her, has also changed from before.

Hong Shi and Zhao Yun'er used to buy things, and they never asked about the price. They chose the best and most expensive, but later, it was completely different.

Ask the price before you buy something. I won’t buy it if it’s too expensive.

And this, Liniang also saw it, and she felt like a mirror in her heart. From Madam Zhao's mouth from time to time, she could also learn that Zhao Xun valued this lady now.

This is how a man is. Whoever his heart is, his money will naturally be on whose body. Although the Hong family is his outer chamber, at any rate, the Hong family gave him a son and a daughter. Zhao Xun will not forget such kindness. However, the Ming media who was married into the ancestral house and gave birth to a child is naturally different from the one who stole food outside.

Zhao Xun and Hong have been getting better for so many years, and they have also suffered from aesthetic fatigue. No matter how much he liked before, now it gradually fades.

Liniang knew that Zhao Yun'er was now arrogantly saying that he would buy the box of rouge gouache. Linian knew that Zhao Yun'er would never have dozens of silver on his body.

Instead of asking Qin Yizhi to sell it to her, Chi Guoguo said, "Give it to me!"

Liniang was right!

Zhao Yun'er considers herself beautiful, with a pair of red lips after applying mouth fat, a white face, a delicate nose, a pair of beautiful eyes, Gu Pan is radiant, and looks at Qin Yizhi affectionately, between those beautiful eyes, Eyes are flowing, if it is an ordinary person, such a beautiful girl, looking at herself so affectionately, I am afraid that she will be moved!

And Zhao Yun'er's purpose is also very simple, is to let Qin Yizhi see his beauty and gentleness.

It's just a pity that Qin Yizhi didn't even look at her. He held Gu Xiaowan's hand and walked outside. Zuo and Ahmad held things in their hands and followed outside.

Think of Zhao Yuner as air.

Zhao Yun'er has never been so angry today!

First, it was Liniang who disliked her for not being able to buy things, and then Gu Xiaowan greeted her by herself, but she ignored herself.

What made me even more angry was that Big Brother Qin gave him a gentle look, but turned his head and didn't even look at him. He completely regarded himself as air!

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