The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1303: Met again

Yueniang was wrapping up the cloth, and she obviously felt the aura all over her body became cold. Why did she have a feeling of falling into the ice cave just now in the eight or nine months of the dog days.

Gu Xiaowanye felt it, and glanced at Qin Mo who was aside, and saw a cold color in his eyes: "Don't you like it?"

"Like it!" Those phoenix eyes, where are the cold colors, are like spring that has broken the ice, and the blooming flowers are as brilliant as cherry blossoms in March, all floating and sinking, all of them are full of pink, dazzling .

On the side of Yueniang, seeing Qin Yizhi's smile, she stopped her work in a daze.

Such a good-looking man, for fear of this life and this life, he can only watch this time!

Yueniang stared blankly, and then suddenly felt like she was being stared at by someone. It was a hairy look from the opposite side of her. When she looked intently, Qin Yi's breath Sitting calmly in her seat drinking tea, Gu Xiaowan from the **** was talking from time to time, looking like a graceful gentleman. The look that looked like a poisonous snake just now was like her illusion.

Hey, it seems that he is really old and his old eyes are dim.

After packing things, Gu Xiaowan paid the money and was about to go out. Yueniang seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly said, "Anping County Lord, wait, I heard that you are going to the capital next month?"

Gu Xiaowan nodded, and said: "The Queen Mother’s birthday, under the decree, order all the women of good quality to enter the palace to wish her birthday! This time I will also go to wish the Queen Mother!"

"Will you go to Beijing to stay for a while?" Yueniang continued to ask.

Gu Xiaowan nodded: "It should be!"

Yueniang was overjoyed and clapped her hands: "Really? That's great, as you must know, my sister and I used to learn embroidery from an embroiderer in the palace, and one of her good sisters is also in the capital. I haven’t seen each other for many years. I want to see each other. I’m too old and can’t walk anymore. I’m just thinking about who will go to the capital. If I can help her bring something to the sister, I don’t know. Anping County Lord, can you help me with this?"

Gu Xiaowan nodded: "Of course you can!"

Let's not talk about Yueniang. When she was in trouble, Fusao gave her a lot of care. Gu Xiaowanye will not forget such kindness.

Yueniang spoke up, and Gu Xiaowan would naturally help her!

Seeing Gu Xiaowan's agreement, Yueniang was so happy that she couldn't hold herself on herself: "That's good, that's good! Anping County Lord, my sister and I will marry a master right away. I told her that she would be very happy after hearing this. Then we I will give it to you, thank you!"

It was just a trivial matter. Gu Xiaowan told her not to worry, and then went to the gouache shop.

Two young customers in the shop were shopping, and they asked Liniang what was happening from time to time.

Liniang returned sentence by sentence, very cautious.

"Yun'er, look, this mouth fat matches your skin tone well, if you put it on, it will surely line the skin of Shengxue!" There was a familiar voice saying flattery, which sounded familiar. It's very true. When Gu Xiaowan entered, she just heard this voice. Without even thinking about it, she knew that the person was Gu Xintao. And the one in her mouth called Yun'er, at this moment, she also said, "This rouge is also very good-looking, and it suits you well, why don't you try it?"

This time I went out, I ran into two people I didn't like. Gu Xiaowan didn't want to entangle with these two people, and turned around and left.

I didn’t know that Liniang saw her as soon as she looked up, and didn't think so much, so she said hello: "Anping County Lord, you are here!"

Zhao Yun'er and Gu Xintao were fiddling with the things in their hands. When they heard this sound, their hands stopped.

The county owner of Anping, in this big town, besides that one, who else is the county owner of Anping!

Zhao Yuner and Gu Xintao hurriedly put down the things in their hands. When they turned around, they all had pleasing smiles on their faces: "Oh, it is really the county lord of Anping. What wind blows the county lord of Anping. Come here!"

Saying hello to Liniang, Gu Xiaowan didn't want to pay attention to the two people, so she went to the counter to pick something.

Fan Ling is about to marry, and she still thinks about buying more rouge gouache for Fan Ling.

She herself doesn't like to use these things very much, except for occasional mouth fat, other things are rarely used.

After Zhao Yuner and Gu Xintao said such a sarcasm, they looked behind him, and Ah Zuo and Ahmad, who were still expressionless, were all a little lost.

As a result, the unpleasant words came out again: "I didn't expect that the head of Anping County is so beautiful, so he should buy these vulgar fans!"

This Zhao Yun'er, when his brain really came out of the womb, was it lost as a placenta?

Gu Xiaowan was too lazy to pay attention to her, ignored her, and single-mindedly picked what was in front of her.

Gu Xintao knew that Gu Xiaowan was good, and she didn't go forward to find Gu Xiaowan's bad luck this time. Anyway, there was a powerful Zhao Yuner by her side.

Seeing Gu Xiaowan ignore her, Zhao Yun'er's white and tender face turned into a pig liver color: "Hey, I'm talking to you, why don't you reply? Don't think you are the head of Anping County and you are superior. Tell you, my family Nor is it an ordinary person! My father is Zhao Xun!"

Gu Xiaowan still ignored her, and communicated with Liniang in a low voice about what rouge gouache should be used for Fan Ling's complexion to look good.

Liniang hated the lawless Zhao Yun'er. She came to the store and was very picky. She still relied on the money she had in her hands. She didn't like this or that, and she said nonsense.

Seeing that Gu Xiaowan ignored her, Liniang also ignored her.

After talking to her twice, Gu Xiaowan didn't reply. Now Zhao Yuner was annoyed. She stepped forward two steps before going to find Gu Xiaowan's unlucky.

Zuo and Ahmad both stood by Gu Xiaowan's side, and didn't even look at Zhao Yun'er at all.

And Gu Xintao saw Zhao Yun'er rushing forward, and then looked at the two door gods beside Gu Xiaowan, knowing that if Zhao Yun'er went up here, he wouldn't be able to ask for anything, let alone say, on the contrary, he might suffer a great loss. .

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