The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1302: Peace of mind

Seeing Shitou coming today, he said so much to her sincerely, just to make her marry peace of mind. What he promised is that he will treat her well all his life, even if other things have happened before, but if he marries him, that is the only woman in his life.

Fan Ling was so touched that she couldn't say a word, she could only look at the stone with **** eyes.

Shishi stared at her intently, her black eyes, as if she wanted to **** you in.

"Oh my god, this fan family girl is not talking, she is a blockbuster, Zhang family is such a good person, it seems that she really looks at this daughter-in-law!"

"That's not right, that Zhang family is the only son, and his sister is still the current five-pin county owner, not to mention the betrothal gifts are not many, just the family background is there, how many people are crowded? I have a broken head and want to marry in, but people look down on it!"

"I don't know what this girl is after the Fan family. She is too old, she is not well-old, and she has a bad vision!" Someone already couldn't see such a beautiful scene and began to talk coldly.

It’s just that many of the villagers here have been taken care of by Gu Xiaowan and Zhang’s family. How can such an important thing as a wedding event be ruined by these jealous people, so some people immediately choked out:" Haha, I really can’t eat grapes and say grapes are sour. I remember that last year, someone specially went to Mrs. Zhang’s family to recommend their own daughter. It’s a pity, no matter how beautiful they are, they don’t like it. Zhang’s family is not the kind of person who looks at faces. Fan’s girl is a bit older, but everyone knows why she is so old and still married. She is diligent and filial, which is better than just that. People with skins are much better!"

"Yes! If I were the Zhang family, I would also marry the Fan family girl!"

Someone next to him agreed.

The person who had just said cool words, at this moment, was ransacked by the villagers, so ashamed that he could not wait any longer, grease the soles of his feet, and slip away.

Fan Daqu also recovered from the shock of seeing so many dowry gifts. His face was full of wrinkles, and this time the folds were even more wrinkled.

He hurriedly pulled the stone to the side and asked him frightened: "Stones, so many things, what are they?"

"Uncle Fan, don't worry, these are all dowry gifts for Xiaoling!"

"But in our village, there has never been such a precedent!" Fan Daqu was still a little flustered. He didn't have the joy of receiving so many betrothal gifts in his heart, but he was very worried.

The Zhang family has given so many dowry gifts, he really can't come up with any decent dowry gifts to dowry!

Seeing Fan Daqu's worry, Shishi seemed to have guessed what he was worried about, and said hurriedly, "Uncle Fan, don't worry, these things are for Xiaoling. You decide what to do with them!"

Stone is not a person who loves money. He turned out to be a person who lived a hard life. Naturally, he knew that he could only rely on his hard-working hands to get rich. Fan Daqu’s health is not good. He has to see a doctor and take medicine all the year round, and he can’t hire a good doctor. He has completely cut off the treatment of his disease. This has been delayed and delayed for so many years. No matter how hard the Fan family did, they couldn't make up for the gap.

That's why the stone will bring so many betrothal gifts. Anyway, when the time comes, how many things Xiaoling brings to marry, he has no complaints!

Seeing how generous the stone was, Fan Daqu couldn't say anything, but he had already made up his mind.

After Shi finished the betrothal gift, he went back. In a few days, it will be the day when he and Fan Ling get married. During this period, they really can't meet again.

When I walked to the ridge, the stone seemed to have thought of something. I looked back and saw that Fan Ling was still like just now, standing at the door of the fence yard, holding the door frame, and looking at herself as she did just now. , Didn't even move his body.

It's like a wife looking forward to the door, waiting for her beloved to return home.

A warm current flowed through my heart, and the stone involuntarily raised his hand and waved to Fan Ling, showing a big smile on his face.

Fan Ling saw it, and just like him, she raised her hand with a big smile on her face.

The fact that Shishi was about to get married has caused a lot of waves in the town. I heard that the Zhang family had given the Fan family thirty-six the betrothal gift, and all of them had their eyes widened, and they couldn’t believe it. If you see, if you dare to pack your votes, everyone will believe it.

They slapped Zhang's big hand.

Gu Xiaowan went to Ruyilou to look for Yueniang to make clothes, and went to the powder shop to buy rouge gouache. Just as Qin Yizhi was free today, she accompanied her all the way. After checking Liang Yucheng's account at Jinfulou, the two of them just After leaving the door, Ahmad and Zuo followed closely behind him.

First, when I arrived at Ruyilou, Yueniang saw that Gu Xiaowan had come, and went out to greet her personally. She picked out the best ingredients that Ruyilou had entered during the recent period to introduce to Gu Xiaowan.

Gu Xiaowan looked at a crescent-white, indigo, and red fabric, which are also the best fabrics in Ruyi Lou. When Yueniang was wrapped up, Yueniang was still taken aback and said: "Anping County Lord, this indigo blue is too deep, I don't think it suits you well!"

"I know!" Gu Xiaowan said casually: "I didn't make clothes for myself, I made them for him!"

Qin Yizhi hasn't made clothes for a long time. The clothes he wears are from last year. Although this one is not long, the clothes are a bit old. He is about to go to the capital. I really need to buy more clothes for him. clothes.

Behind him, Azuo pulled La Zuo's sleeves and said in a voice that only two people could hear: "Look how nice the girl is to the master!"

"That is, the master is good to the girl! Both are good!" Ahmad winked.

Then, I saw Qin Yizhi, who looked like a dogleg in front of Gu Xiaowan, suddenly tilted his head and glanced behind him, where he still looked like a dogleg, with long and narrow phoenix eyes, with the domineering look of the world. With a simple look, Zuo and Ahmad dared to say a word, and bowed their heads.

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