"Last night," Maori Kogoro recalled,"We didn't do anything last night. We just slept in the wing room. But one thing happened.…………"

"What?" Hakuba Song asked.

Maori Kogoro scratched his head and said embarrassedly:"Last night, Xiaolan pretended to be a ghost and scared us. Our screams caused several masters to not sleep well."

"I didn't mean it." Xiaolan also blushed and stuck out her tongue.

"Is there nothing else besides this?" Bai Masong asked

"No more."Mouri Kogoro said.

Hakuba Song nodded and turned to look for the four monks from Sanni Temple.

Watching Hakuba Song leave after asking questions, Conan thought to himself.

Inspector Hakuba should still be thinking about using his"criminal psychology" to solve the case, so as long as I take the lead and use his crime-solving methods first, I can solve the case before him!

Thinking about it, Conan began to apply the formula.

First, exclude factors such as roving crimes and look for the murderer in the temple. Then, find several suspects who may have committed the crime.

Well, the four masters of Sanni Temple were successfully locked in. Then, find the person with the least suspicion among the four, he is most likely the most suspicious!

The least suspicious, the least suspicious…………

Damn, this case doesn't look like a murder case! These four people don't seem to be able to do it! There is no such thing as the least suspicious person!

Conan analyzed it over and over again, and found that he couldn't see anything at all.

Damn, Inspector Hakuba lied!


Meanwhile, Bai Masong began questioning the four monks.

The first was Monk Kuan Nian who discovered the body.

"Master Kuan Nian, what did you do last night? Did you hear any noise? Bai Ma Song asked

"I was sleeping in my room last night, and I heard Detective Maori screaming in the middle of the night, so I went out to check. Then I went back to sleep."Kuan Nian said

""Hmm," Bai Masong recorded it and continued to ask,"It was you who found the host's body this morning, right?"

"Yes."Kuan Nian replied

"The body was hung on the beam, and ordinary people generally would not look up. Why were you able to discover the host's body first?"

"This is because………………"Kuan Nian said hurriedly

"This is because two years ago, Senior Brother Zhongnian also died in that place, and that was the body we found at that time. It is natural for Kuannian to think so."Mu Nian, who was listening on the side, rushed to answer

""Yes, that makes sense." Bai Masong agreed with this statement.

Then he continued to ask the monks Mu Nian and Tun Nian.

Mu Nian and Tun Nian also gave similar answers, but they said they did not go out to check.

"Oh, where is Master Xiu Nian? Bai Ma Song found that one person was missing.

"Xiu Nian seems to have gone out. We don't know where she went, and she didn't say where she went."Kuan Nian said.

Hmm? Bai Ma Song narrowed his eyes. Running around at this time is not what a normal person should do.

At this time, Sato Miwako also finished investigating the scene and came to report to Bai Ma Song.

"Inspector Hakuba, no fingerprints were found on the ropes and axes at the scene, or on the clothes of Amanaga. Just like what Inspector Megure said about the case two years ago, the scene was very clean and we didn't find anything."

Sato Miwako was a little frustrated.

Hakuba Matsu nodded, he had expected such a result.

Sato Miwako said with a headache:"This case does not fit the skills you taught us, Inspector Hakuba."

"If you can't fit it, don't use it," Bai Masong said lightly,"It's better to have no books than to believe in them blindly. Skills are always skills, and strength is the foundation."

"I may have forgotten to mention that these techniques are nothing more than some tips I have summed up. They may be useful, but they cannot be applied to all cases."

"You can use it appropriately, but in the end, we still have to rely on the existing evidence. Don't be too superstitious, otherwise it is easy to make false accusations."

In fact, this is just like when we were in school, there were always sayings like"three longs and one short, choose the shortest" and"three shorts and one long, choose the longest". It may be a little useful, but it can't be used for every question.

And when you know every question, you won't need it.

"Then, Inspector Hakuba, can you teach me the real hard-core reasoning?" Sato Miwako hurriedly asked.

But as soon as she finished speaking, she regretted it.

Because Hakuba Song was looking at her like a fool, as if to say, if I could teach you, I would have taught you a long time ago. Your brain is just like this.

"Ha, ha, ha." Sato Miwako lowered her head in embarrassment. She felt a little ashamed of her own stupidity.

Bai Masong would not pay attention to her little thoughts, and continued,"Come on, accompany me to the foot of the mountain"

"Eh? Go, what for?" Sato Miwako asked subconsciously.

What else can she do?

Bai Ma looked at her speechlessly and said coldly:"Find evidence!"

"Oh oh oh……"


Shanni Temple is built on the hillside. At the foot of the mountain is a large grassland, and next to the grassland is a lush forest.

""Inspector Hakuba, do you already know the method of committing the crime?" Sato Miwako asked curiously.

"Yes." said Bai Masong

"Eh? So amazing?" Sato Miwako was full of admiration, and then asked curiously,"Tell me quickly, tell me, how did you do it?"

Sato Miwako didn't realize that when she was talking to Bai Masong, she had gradually begun to show the appearance of a little girl, and her tone was a little coquettish, seeming very close.

Of course, Bai Masong didn't pay attention to these details. In response to Sato Miwako's question, he just said lightly:"Find clues first, and we'll talk about the method of committing the crime later."

"Oh, okay." Sato Miwako agreed,"Then what clues do we need to find?"

"It's a piece of wood with tape on it." Bai Masong said.

After that, the two separated on the grass and looked for

""Inspector Hakuba, we found it!"

Sato Miwako shouted excitedly.

Hakuba Song heard the sound and saw Sato Miwako running towards him with a piece of broken wood with tape on it.

"Inspector Hakuba, take a look, is this it?" Sato Miwako smiled and held up the wooden board, as if to ask for credit.

"Yes, that's him." Bai Masong looked carefully and nodded.

"Let's go, let's go back." Bai Masong said lightly.

"Oh." Miwako's smile gradually calmed down.

"You did a good job. You should work harder in the future. Bai Masong added a compliment.

"Hehe, it's okay." Her smile returned.

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