

Sato Miwako subconsciously looked in the direction of Bai Ma Song. The sunlight outside the window shone through the shade of the trees and hit Bai Ma Song's sideways face, making Bai Ma Song, who was usually known for his coldness, have a sunny temperament.

Inspector Bai Ma is also very handsome!

""Sato, get off the bus." Bai Masong saw that Sato Miwako had not gotten off the bus yet, and reminded her in a cold tone.

""Oh, oh, right away." Sato Miwako said hurriedly.

The two got out of the car and looked at the well-arranged buildings built halfway up the mountain.

The building complex is a temple built next to a waterfall halfway up the mountain. Below the temple are dozens of huge scaffolds built against the mountain, giving the building a feeling of castles in the air. The waterfall next to it is mixed with cherry blossoms scattered from the mountain, washing the temple's plank road.

In this cherry blossom season, anyone who sees the scenery of this temple will say that it is a paradise on earth, a fairyland on earth!

There are three words written in front of the temple:——""Sanni Temple".

Early this morning, Hakuba Song had just arrived at the Metropolitan Police Department when he received a report from Maori Kogoro, claiming that a murder had occurred in Sanni Temple.

Since Sanni Temple is located deep in the mountains, Hakuba Song and Sato Miwako did not want their cars to be damaged, so they chose to come here in the police car with Officer Megure and others.

Looking at the Sanni Temple in front of him, Officer Megure sighed.

Hakuba Song and Sato Miwako saw it, but they were a little confused. Only Officer Megure's deputy Takagi Wataru seemed to know something vaguely.

When they entered the Sanni Temple, Maori Kogoro and his family were already waiting there.

Beside them, there were four monks of different heights, weights and thinness.

"Brother Maori, you reported the case, right? Where is the body?" Officer Megure asked

"Officer Megure, the body is hanging in the temple's confinement room. Everyone follow me." said Kogoro Mori.

After that, he led a group of people to the confinement room.

The confinement room is a room with an area of nearly 10 square meters and a height of nearly ten meters.

When they arrived at the confinement room, everyone saw a shocking scene. In the confinement room, an old man in a black monk's robe was hanging on the beam seven or eight meters above the ground with his eyes wide open and a look of horror on his face.

Seeing the scene in front of them, Shiramasatsu, Sato Miwako and Takagi Wataru were all shocked, and Officer Megure felt even more familiar!

The claustrophobic secret room, the seven or eight meter high roof, the broken wall, and the hanging body.

Officer Megure couldn't help but close his eyes and couldn't bear to look at it.

After a while, he opened his eyes, patted Shiramasatsu on the shoulder, and said solemnly:"Brother Shiramasatsu, this time I ask you to use all your strength and do your best to solve this case."

Hakumasong nodded, and before he could say anything, Officer Megure continued

"Two years ago, I handled a very similar case in this Shanni Temple. The same confinement room, the same corpse hanging in the air."

"At that time, I also thought it was a murder case. However, I carefully checked the entire temple, but still could not find a clue. Since I could not find any clues, in order not to waste police resources, I had no choice but to give up the search. I regarded this as an unsolved case and put it aside."

"But now, it has appeared again. Although it has been two years, I still remember every detail of that year clearly. When I saw it just now, I knew it was the same method."

"I suspect that this is the same murderer, committing the crime again!"

Just as everyone has his own white moonlight in his heart, every criminal police officer also has a case that he can't let go of in his heart.

Inspector Megure met Kudo Yusaku in his early years and won many cases. In the past year, with the help of Kudo Shinichi, every case was solved. It can be said that Inspector Megure's career as a criminal policeman has been smooth sailing.

However, this case two years ago, the completely closed secret room, the incredible corpse hanging high on the beam, and the clean and tidy scene, all of this left a deep impression on Inspector Megure at the time.

This impossible event has become Inspector Megure's It has been the officer's nightmare for the past two years, and also his obsession.

As soon as he arrived at Sanni Temple this time, Officer Megure vowed to find the murderer.

But he also knew that it would be impossible to accomplish it alone. After all, if he could solve the case, he would have solved it two years ago.

Therefore, he can only pin his hopes on his"super brother" Bai Ma Song.

Bai Ma Song also nodded solemnly. As a criminal policeman, although he is not very old, he has also"experienced hundreds of cases."

He can understand Officer Megure's helplessness and persistence very well. Sometimes, it is the persistence of these detectives that can solve some long-pending cases.

"Don't worry, I will definitely solve this case."

Baima Song said calmly but forcefully.

He actually had an impression of this case. When he first heard about Shanni Temple, he didn't remember it. But when he came here and saw the body hanging in the air, he remembered it.

This case, in terms of the degree of mystery of the method, can also be ranked among the top in all the cases of Detective Conan.

"Officer Megure, let them introduce the scene first."Hakumasong said

"Oh, that's right."Inspector Megure suddenly came out of his memories and said quickly

"Brother Maori, please tell me the cause of this case."


Maori Kogoro agreed. He cleared his throat, thought about what happened this morning, and said

"It's like this. The person who hanged himself here was the abbot of Shanni Temple, Monk Tianyong."

"This morning, Xiaolan and I got up and went to have breakfast. Abbot Tianyong was not there, so Master Kuannian went to look for him. We waited for a while and heard Master Kuannian's scream. We followed the sound and saw Abbot Tianyong hanged on the beam. Then, I immediately asked Xiaolan to call the police."

After listening to what Maori Kogoro said, Bai Masong thought for a while and said

"So, Sato, Takagi, take the people from the forensic department and search everywhere. Don't miss any clues."

"Okay!" Sato Miwako and Takagi Wataru replied.

After arranging for Sato and Takagi, Bai Masong said

"Officer Megure, let me ask these masters.

Officer Megure nodded and said affectionately,"Please, Brother Hakuba."

After Hakuba finished speaking, he walked over to Maori Kogoro.

"Detective Maori, it's the same old routine, routine questioning. What did the three of you do last night?"

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