After getting the crucial evidence - the wooden fragments, Bai Ma Song and Sato Miwako returned to Shanni Temple together.

When they returned, they saw the monk Xiu Nian who had disappeared before just as they entered the temple gate.

Bai Ma Song narrowed his eyes and shouted

"Master Xiu Nian"


Monk Xiu Nian turned around and saw Bai Masong and the other two. He bowed and asked

"Officer Baima called me and asked,"Is there anything wrong?""

"Where did you go just now? Come with us, we are just about to conduct a routine questioning on you."

Bai Masong made an accusing expression, and his originally stern face made people feel that you looked very suspicious.

This made Monk Xiu Nian very panicked.

He quickly said,"Okay, okay, Officer Bai Ma, if you have any questions, just ask."

"Where were you last night? What were you doing? Did you hear anything?

Bai Masong asked three questions in a row.

Xiu Nian thought for a moment and said

"I was studying scriptures in my room all night last night, and I heard Miss Maori's scream when I made any noise."


Bai Masong and Sato Miwako looked at each other, and both of them heard something wrong.

However, neither of them said anything.

Bai Masong said lightly:"Okay, thank you for trouble, Master Xiu Nian, that's it for now."

Xiu Nian breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile:"No trouble, no trouble."

With that, he said goodbye to the two and left.

Watching Monk Xiu Nian walk away, Bai Masong said to Sato Miwako:"Sato, have someone keep an eye on Monk Xiu Nian."

""Okay!" Sato Miwako agreed solemnly.

Then, she made a phone call to tell Officer Megure about the monk's problem and told him to keep an eye on him.

"Now follow me to the plank road." Bai Masong said, and then walked towards the temple plank road.

Sato Miwako agreed and quickly followed.


This plank road is located at the top of the Sanni Temple. One side of the plank road is close to the top window of the confinement room. This is also the only place that can reach the beam of the confinement room.

Therefore, when the murder happened two years ago, Inspector Megure and his team considered entering from here, but later it was rejected because the beam was too narrow.

On the other side of the plank road is a waterfall flowing down from the top of the mountain. The waterfall is also mixed with cherry blossoms falling from the top of the mountain, and it washes the railings of the plank road.

Hakuba Song and Sato Miwako came to the plank road, and Sato Miwako asked first

""Inspector Bai Ma, what are we doing here?"

Bai Ma Song did not answer, but walked to a wooden board on the plank road.

He looked at the board in front of him, exerted force with his fingers, and the board was picked up by him.

Then, he placed one end of the board on the railing of the plank road and the other end on the window of the confinement room. In an instant, the water of the waterfall began to flow into the confinement room.

"This, this is it?"Sato Miwako said in surprise.

Bai Ma Song saw the water flowing down, so he put away the wooden board, turned around and said to Sato Miwako

"They all said that this case might only be done by the legendary Mist Tengu."

He pointed to the wooden board.

"And this is the so-called power of Mist Tengu!"

"Officer Sato, notify Officer Megure and call everyone over. I have solved the case."


Soon, everyone came to the confinement room, and Bai Ma Song was already waiting here.

As soon as he came in, Inspector Megure asked excitedly:"Brother Bai Ma, have you really cracked the case?"

"That's right." Bai Masong nodded.

"Then, how did the criminal hang Tianyong on the beam seven or eight meters above the ground?"Inspector Megure asked.

Conan had the same question as Inspector Megure. He was confused by what he thought was the"White Horse Method of Solving Cases" and had not thought about it much. Looking back, White Horse had already solved the case.

"Use water." Bai Masong said calmly.

""Use water?" Everyone asked in confusion.

Bai Masong pointed upwards and said,"Just bring the waterfall water in from the skylight above the room and fill the whole room with water, then people can float on it.""

"How, how is it possible?"Inspector Megure asked in surprise,"In this case, wouldn't the body be stained with water? We didn't find any traces of water on the body!"

"You can use a rubber boat." Bai Masong explained

"When I was patrolling inside the temple, I saw a rubber boat. As long as the body is placed on the rubber boat, it can avoid getting wet."

"However, the waterfall is still some distance away from the skylight. How can we bring the water in?"Inspector Megure asked another question.

Bai Masong heard it and shouted upwards,"Sato"

"It's coming!"

In an instant, the water flowed down in the eyes of everyone in disbelief.

"We can use wooden boards, tape the gaps between the boards, turn them over, and put them between the railing and the skylight, and then we can lead the waterfall water into this confinement room." Bai Masong continued.

As he spoke, he walked to the wall, picked up a cherry blossom petal, and motioned for everyone to see.

"The waterfall will carry the cherry blossoms from the top of the mountain, and the cherry blossoms in the house are also proof that the water has flowed in."

"That is, after strangling Tianyong, the murderer moved to this room, put him on the rubber boat, closed the entrance door and sealed it with tape, and then left through the small window next to it."

"Use the same method as before to inject water into the room. Then quickly return to the first floor, enter through the window, and seal the small window with tape."

"Then, they carefully prevented the bodies from touching the water, and waited until the water was high enough to touch the beams, and then hung the host's body up."

"Finally, he climbed into the plank road from the skylight, came to the small window, cut it with a knife, and let water into the confinement room."

"As the water fills the entire room, the impact of its instantaneous outflow is very strong, so it will punch a big hole in the wall. After the water flows out, the secret room will be completed,"

Bai Masong concluded.

After Bai Masong finished reasoning about the secret room method, Inspector Megure couldn't wait to ask again

"Then, brother Bai Ma, who could be the murderer of this case?"

Bai Ma Song heard this and asked Officer Megure

"Officer, do you remember that I asked you to keep an eye on Master Xiunian?"

""What?" Inspector Megure asked in surprise,"Could the murderer be Master Xiunian?"

Everyone's eyes were also focused on Xiunian.

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