The Evil God is Invincible

Chapter 412 Don't Like Violence

The Ryukyu Islands are a chain of islands in the Pacific Ocean between Taiwan and Japan. The Diaoyu Islands (Diaoyutai Islands) do not belong to the Ryukyu Islands.

The Ryukyu Islands were an independent kingdom in ancient times. From the 14th to the 19th century, it paid tribute to the Chinese Ming and Qing governments, and in 1879 it was forcibly occupied by Japan.

During the Pacific War, the U.S. military launched a landing campaign on the Ryukyu Islands from March to June 1945. The United States occupied the Ryukyu Islands and wiped out the Japanese invaders on the Ryukyu Islands.

According to the division of labor among the allies, the Chinese government is also severely attacking and annihilating the last crazy Japanese invaders and the Japanese army on the expedition to Burma on the domestic battlefield, and the task of regaining the governance of the Ryukyu Islands will be completed by the US allies instead of China.

From March 1945 to June 1971, during this period of time, the US Allied Forces have been fulfilling their obligations, replacing China's temporary management obligations, and governing the Ryukyu Islands. The United States has never had sovereignty ambitions over the Ryukyu Islands. If it had, it would not be Japan's turn.

The mainland and Taiwan were still in a state of civil war from 1945 to 1979, and neither side of the strait had time to take back the Ryukyu Islands from the United States and Japan. In June 1971, in the absence of China and the United Kingdom, the United States signed the so-called San Francisco Treaty with Japan without the consent of China, arbitrarily handing over the governance of the Ryukyu Islands to Japan, which is invalid. Because according to Article 8 of the Potsdam Proclamation of China, Britain and the United States: The conditions of the Cairo Declaration must be implemented, and Japan's sovereignty must be limited to Honshu, Hokkaido, Kyushu, Shikoku and other small islands we decide. According to this Explain that the so-called San Francisco Contract is invalid! Because the United States and Japan have violated the Cairo Declaration and the Potsdam Proclamation.

Now Japan deliberately regards governing power as sovereignty, and wants to make the Ryukyu Islands and Diaoyu Islands Japanese sovereignty, and use this as a basis to further embezzle rights and interests in the East China Sea. Taking back the right to govern the Ryukyu Islands will remove all obstacles to the Diaoyu Islands and the East China Sea issue.

So far, the central and southern Ryukyu Islands have been under the trusteeship of Japan, but the sovereignty does not belong to Japan.

Before 1871, there was the Ryukyu Kingdom in the Ryukyu Islands. At first, the territory of the Ryukyu Kingdom started from Amami Oshima Island in the north, Kikai Island in the east, Hateruma Island in the south, and Yonaguni Island in the west. At present, there are a lot of support for the Ryukyu Kingdom Restoration Movement all over the world.

This time, three U.S. soldiers at the Ryukyu U.S. military base conspired to rape a 12-year-old Ryukyu underage girl, triggering an unprecedented wave of anti-Americanism in the Ryukyu Islands. Thousands of Ryukyu people took to the streets, During the demonstrations again and again, while shouting U.S. troops get out, another anti-Japanese sentiment that had been hidden for a long time also rose.

The true records of history cannot be tampered with. Deep in the hearts of Ryukyu people, the painful memory of being plundered and annexed from China by Japanese force is still fresh.

The bookstore is rushing to buy a history book called Okinawa (Ryukyu) Independence Day, which encourages people to fight for independence from Japan. It uses history to tell people We are not Japanese—the history of Ryukyu Kingdom (1). Ryukyu FM The radio station Communication also took advantage of the opportunity of the Ryukyu people's referendum on U.S. military base preservation and abolition on September 8 to conduct a public opinion poll on whether Ryukyu is independent. And the result of the referendum: People voted unanimously to decide not to accept the US military base, let alone the decision made by the Japanese government (2). Again, they solemnly received the governor of Okinawa County (county head) and Prime Minister Murayama with senior government officials to Ryukyu as they did to foreign heads of state, and made a positive gesture to the U.S. military, promising that once the U.S. military handed over the murderer, they would be punished in strict accordance with the law. , and repeatedly apologized to the people of the Ryukyu Bureau, coaxing and cheating in an attempt to get away with it.

However, the matter was not finished yet. Prime Minister Murayama hurried back to Tokyo because of the fire in the old nest. On the way back, he had fully understood the reason of the matter from the Chief of Military Intelligence, not only pointing his nose and yelling at the Chief of Military Intelligence for being stupid.

When the Ryukyu people were passionately clamoring to return to China, they were afraid that they would come forward to make trouble, but now you still take the initiative to provoke them? Even if the thing written by the British is a golden recipe, do you think that the aircraft carrier can have it?

Now that the Huaxia people have been provoked, if he fanned the flames on the runway in Okinawa at this time, and the Okinawa people who had just cooled down a little bit were mobilized by him again, then it would not be enough to appease by giving two money.

He doesn't know that it's too late for the military intelligence chief to scold him to death. Since Li Jun heard about this incident, he has sent Sangsang, Peipei, Wang Zhen and others to Ryukyu, and took people on the plane in Munshan At that time, Wang Zhen and the others just got off the boat.

Three days later, the three U.S. soldiers who raped the little girl died on the street. A line of big characters was written on the ground with their blood: I will kill anyone who insults my compatriots. Signed below: Huaxia Daomeng Warning

This incident finally stirred up a whirlwind in the hearts of the Ryukyu people, and more than 100,000 people took to the streets to protest angrily. A single spark finally turned into a prairie fire. This is something I will not mention for the time being.

Besides, after Ikeda Jingnan heard Li Jun's words, he didn't even know what he should think of the young man in front of him. I really don't know if this person is a lunatic or an idiot.

Li Jun shook his head with a smile: I am neither crazy nor stupid. You will understand in a few days. I just came here today to tell you that it is up to you to tell your idiot Prime Minister to let him Take my things back, and drive out the Americans stationed in Ryukyu, that place will pass me later.” are not only a fool, you are also crazy. Ikeda Jingnan finally couldn't bear it anymore, could this person really be a fool?

Hmph, unless you're really not afraid of death, otherwise, you'd better do what I say obediently. While speaking, Li Jun reached out and grabbed the marble coffee table in front of him. Immediately, five finger prints appeared on the desktop.

Wow, are you magic? Why did you scratch our table? Shizuka Ikeda waited for her big beautiful eyes to stare at Li Jun's hand, and her red lips couldn't come together anymore.

Li Jun stretched out his hand with a smile, and rubbed lightly on the tabletop. The marble tabletop was intact again. Of course, if someone has a heart to measure it with a ruler, they will know that the marble table top that was fifteen centimeters ago is now less than ten centimeters thick.

Wow, you are amazing!! Ikeda Shizuka's eyes were full of adoring little stars.

Want to learn, sit here and I'll teach you. Li Jun waved with a smile, Ikeda Shizuka ignored Mrs. Ikeda's pull, and immediately sat over. Ikeda Jingnan had a gloomy face, his lips trembled and he couldn't say a word. Li Jun's intention was obvious, which meant that he would use his own woman as a hostage to force himself to agree to his conditions.

However, let alone a daughter, even if he killed his entire family, Ikeda Jingnan knew that he would never agree to Li Jun's request. If I do that, I will be the eternal sinner of Brother Chen in Japan from now on. Don't say it's your own responsibility, even Prime Minister Murayama can't afford it.

Don't waste your energy in vain. I will not do what you say.

Why did you kill my father? After hearing Ikeda Jingnan's words, Ikeda Shizuka tilted her head and looked at Li Jun, her eyes filled with tears.

Haha, when did you hear me say that I was going to kill him? He said that on purpose to make you ignore me. If you don't believe me, ask him again? Li Jun's eyes tightened as he spoke. It was nailed to the eyes of Ikeda Jingnan, and a stream of heat suddenly shot out from Li Jun's eyes, and it had already penetrated into Ikeda Jingnan's mind before Ikeda Jingnan could react.

Dad, did you say that on purpose? Shizuka Ikeda asked, looking into his father's eyes.

Ahem... yes, dear girl, don't worry, there is no such thing at all, I said this deliberately to deceive you, look at how outstanding the young man around you is, how could he hurt you? What about me? Well, you guys entertain your guests well at home, and I will go to the Capitol to try to get the members of the Congress to approve the Ryukyu independence resolution one day earlier.

Ikeda Jingnan stood up while guarding and talking, and bowed deeply to Li Jun: I'm sorry, I have to excuse you.

Li Jun laughed and said: It's okay, you go. I will take care of the family, so you can go at ease.

Mr. Ikeda, what's going on with you? Mrs. Ikeda looked at her husband who was completely different from her front and back in surprise, not knowing why he behaved like this. However, he also knew intuitively that this young man must have done something to his husband.

Wait a minute, Ikeda-kun, you can't go... tell me, what did you do to my husband? She stretched out her hand to hold Ikeda's hand to stop Ikeda, and turned her head to look at Li Jun asked sharply.

I didn't do anything to him, didn't you just watch here all the time? Mr. Ikeda may have realized his conscience suddenly. In fact, this is a good thing. Don't worry about being hurt by you and your daughter. I'm scared. Li Jun said while reaching out to touch Shizuka Ikeda's smooth little face: What a beautiful girl, ma'am, he must be the pride of your life, right? Seeing Li Jun's fierce expression With a look, Mrs. Ikeda immediately let go of Yasunan Ikeda's hand, leaned on the table showing off and began to cry.

Mr. Ikeda, how are you doing now, Mr. Ikeda? Just now your wife called the police and said that a stranger had come to your house. I have mobilized people in the guards to seal off the entire yard. Mr. Ikeda... At this moment, the courtyard Suddenly, a slightly hoarse man's voice sounded.

Captain Hashimoto, I'm fine. It's just a guest at home that my wife has never met before. It's nothing to make a fuss about. Withdraw all your people and do what you should do. Ikeda Jingnan said walked out.

Li Jun picked up the Longjing tea that Shizuka Ikeda put in front of him just now with a smile, and nodded with a smile: That's right, isn't it good for everyone to be happy like this? I never like violence, and I still do things peacefully. It's good, everything can be resolved peacefully, isn't it good for us to do this?

Mrs. Ikeda lifted up the teary pear eyes lying on the coffee table, stared at Li Jun, and said to herself that if you don't like violence and love peace, no one in the world can be regarded as a violent person.

I feel that there are obvious traces of bragging. Fortunately, bragging is not taxable. Everyone just read the picture and laugh. Don’t pick the words seriously. You Long also knows that these words cannot stand scrutiny.

Forget it, I won’t say any more, let’s ask for flowers and votes. I hope everyone will continue to support and support, so that this book can have a good ending.

This novel comes from reading books

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