The Evil God is Invincible

Chapter 411: Crazy or Stupid

The position of the Chief Cabinet Secretary is very important, and he is the second person after the Prime Minister (Prime Minister). When the prime minister goes abroad to visit or is unable to manage the country for some reason, the Chief Cabinet Secretary basically exercises the authority of the prime minister on behalf of him, and is called the big steward of the government.

However, now the big housekeeper of the Japanese government can't even manage his own home.

When he returned home at noon, Chief Cabinet Secretary Yasunan Ikeda was still confidently trying to catch the arsonist. When his wife handed him the slippers and his youngest daughter took the briefcase from him, Ikeda was still cursing that damned young man. At the critical moment when the Prime Minister went out to inspect and handed over the responsibility of the entire government to himself, this young man jumped out to make trouble for himself.

This is a great challenge for Yasunan Ikeda, who is ambitious to run for prime minister in the next election. This is different from foreign policy or military operations. Those major events are generally approved by the parliament, and even if they fail, that person will not be held accountable.

But now the other party is only one person, a young man has made the whole Tokyo panic and panic. If you can't even deal with such a person, the people will definitely doubt the government's ability. Now, representing the government is Yasunami Ikeda. Therefore, Ikeda hated that young man to the extreme.

Oh, I also read the news, and I think that young man is very powerful. You must be more careful when you work outside. Mrs. Ikeda said with concern while putting his changed shoes in the shoe cabinet.

I won't be afraid of him. If he has the ability, don't hide. Ikeda Jingnan said in a low voice as he walked in.

Dad, is that young man an alien? Why can he fly so high? Ikeda Yasunan's daughter is only nineteen years old, which is the age full of fantasy. After seeing Li Jun's application performance on TV, Not only was there no fear, but it was extremely fun.

Children should think about learning and don't get involved in these problems. As Ikeda said, he sat down in front of the coffee table, picked up a cup of herbal tea, took a sip slowly, shook his head and put it down: How do you run? Longjing? Where are our home-made tea bags? Now I get a headache when I see these things. Shizuka, go and replace the tea for Dad.

Okay, I'll do it now. Ikeda Shizuka agreed, and walked over to pick up the teapot and tea cups that were showing off on the table.

Haha, don't throw it away... Wouldn't it be a pity to throw away such a good thing? Shizuka Ikeda hadn't reached the door of the bathroom when she saw the door of the bathroom being pushed open, and a young man came out with a smile The inside came out.

Wow... who are are the one who burned down the prime minister's mansion... Li Jun looked at the little girl in front of him in astonishment: Oh, isn't there no report on TV? You How did you see it?

We... our family... Ikeda Shizuka didn't know how to answer the man's question. From an emotional point of view, this man is a criminal and his father's enemy, but this man is so handsome, so chic, and so magical, from seeing this man's performance on TV After that, she was full of admiration for this man in her heart.

Yes, it is a feeling of worship.

Girls at this age have a little rebellious heart. What adults think is bad or opposed, but in their hearts they think it is good, and it is even indispensable in their own lives. Just like some girls chasing stars, no matter how their parents object, as long as they can see their beloved star, they would rather sleepless for a few nights, but also squeezed in front of the hotel where the star stays, no matter whether it is enduring Rain, arrow, wind and frost, or braving the severe winter and heat, just to get a smile, an autograph, or just take a look at your favorite star from a distance.

What's more, it has reached the level of obsession and forced the family to sell iron, follow in the footsteps of stars all the way, and some even lost their precious lives for this.

Although Ikeda Shizuka has not yet reached the level of obsession with Li Jun, deep down in her heart, she is full of admiration for the man in front of her the moment she sees Li Jun soaring into the sky with the oil barrel .

Oh, I see, you can watch internal videos or restricted-rated TV content in your home, right? Li Jun asked again with a smile.

Ikeda Shizuka nodded involuntarily, and almost jumped up with joy in her heart: Wow, this man smiled at me, his smile is so cool and stylish!! But, smiling, Ikeda Shizuka thought of it A question: Hey, why did you come to my house? My father is sending someone to arrest you. You should leave quickly. There are guards around our house...

Hey, I was talking to you, didn't you hear? Seeing Li Jun walk out of the bathroom door, Shizuka Ikeda raised her voice from behind and called out.

Shizuka, who are you talking to? Why does it take so long to pour a cup of tea? In the living room, Ikeda Jingnan couldn't help turning his head and asking when he heard his daughter's voice.

Who are you and how did you get in? However, when he saw the young man walking towards him with a smile on his face, Ikeda Jingnan's face couldn't help but change color.

He already recognized who the young man was. Although he didn't know the young man's name until now, he knew very well what this man was doing.

He ran to his home just after burning the prime minister's mansion. Could it be that he came to give himself a gift? This is clearly not the case. Then the purpose of his coming is already very clear, this person is here to threaten the sweet life of his family.

Yes, no matter what measures he wants to take, it will definitely threaten the life of his family.

Ikeda Jingnan watched Li Jun slowly sit down in front of him, and smiled at Ikeda Shizuka who was following him: Please pour me a cup of tea, I like Longjing.

What annoyed Ikeda Jingnan was that his precious daughter agreed obediently: Ha Yi...I'll be right there...

Ma'am, I'd better go back to the living room and accompany the guests... Li Jun said, his arm stretched out in front of Ikeda Jingnan with incredible speed and length, and when Li Jun When Jun retracted his arm from Mrs. Ikeda's room, he was holding a telephone with a broken telephone line in his hand.

Mr. Ikeda, I didn't intend to hurt you. Otherwise, I would have caught Mrs. Zun's neck instead of the phone just now. Li Jun put the phone on the coffee table and looked at Ikeda. Jingnan said lightly.

You... are you a human or... what do you want to do... Ikeda Jingnan said in a trembling voice. When he entered the door, he was still ambitious and wanted to catch Li Jun as soon as possible. However, when the young man was really sitting in front of him and witnessed the miraculous moment just now, Ikeda Jingnan wished that all this was just a terrible dream.

This person... Oh, the person sitting in front of him is definitely not a human being. If it was a human being, his arms would never be so long.

I have already said that I came to Japan mainly to get back what belongs to me. Li Jun smiled lightly, and nodded to Mrs. Ikeda who walked to her husband in horror and sat down slowly: How nice this is, we can have a friendly chat! The phone call you made just now is likely to cause unnecessary trouble to Mr. Ikeda.

I...I... The usually quiet and handsome Mrs. Ikeda lowered her head and dared not look at Li Jun.

Li Jun smiled at her: Those people outside pose no threat to me. I'm afraid it will be difficult for Mr. Ikeda to face questions from his colleagues and those media reporters in the future.

You...what do you want to do? As the No. 2 figure in the Japanese government, Yasunan Ikeda quickly figured out the reason of the matter while turning his mind. This young man is right, as long as he doesn't kill himself, even if he stays in this house for a minute, even if he doesn't say anything, it will be difficult for him to explain clearly in front of others in the future.

Tea, please... Ikeda Shizuka appeared in front of Li Jun with tea. Li Jun smiled: Is this your daughter? She looks beautiful...

Thanks for the compliment, thank you... Ikeda Shizuka blushed slightly, and politely wanted to leave. Li Jun waved his hand: Little girl, didn't you want to know why I came here just now? Just sit here and listen to my conversation with your father.

Shizuka, come to mom, you... what are you going to do? Hearing Li Jun praise her daughter, Mrs. Ikeda didn't feel the slightest honor on her face, but was full of tension.

I don't do anything, I just think your daughter is very beautiful. Just tell the truth... Li Jun picked up the teacup in front of him with a smile.

We have nothing to talk about. The crimes you committed in Japan must be punished by Japanese law. Ikeda Yasunan glared at Li Jun and shouted.

Li Jun smiled disdainfully: Did you accept the trial of our country's law for the heinous crimes you Japanese committed in China back then? How many houses did you burn down? I only lost two of your houses. Why did you I can’t bear it like being stepped on by someone’s tail? Besides, do you think I’m willing to come to this poor place like yours? If it wasn’t for someone from your Military Intelligence Bureau stealing my things, I would have given up even if you sent someone to carry me on a sedan chair. Not coming. are talking nonsense, we will rob you? What do you have worth our country to rob? The Great Japanese Empire has advanced technology, advanced technology, and culture...

Stop. You are so powerful, why are there more than 30,000 American troops in Okinawa? You are so powerful, why did the American soldiers ruin a little girl of yours, even your prime minister was alarmed, or the person who did the violence is not here? I Admittedly, your current technology is relatively advanced, but you are dogs following the Americans, you are the slaves of the fucking Americans.

You... Baga... Ikeda Jingnan blushed with anger, but he couldn't think of how to refute Li Jun in the face of the hard facts.

Li Jun shook his head, and continued: Ryukyu has been a sovereign country since ancient times, and then voluntarily surrendered to China. It was you Japanese who forcibly occupied Ryukyu, and it should be called Okinawa. Article stipulates: The conditions of the Cairo Declaration must be implemented, and Japan's sovereignty must be limited to Honshu, Hokkaido, Kyushu, Shikoku and other small islands we decide. According to this, the so-called San Francisco Agreement is invalid! Because the United States and Japan have violated the Cairo Declaration and the Potsdam Proclamation. Therefore, I am here now to take away my things, which also includes the Ryukyu Islands, which is what you call Okinawa.

You... Baga... This is a big joke. You alone? You are simply whimsical, no, you don't know the heights of the world... Ikeda Jingnan didn't know what he should think of it. In front of this young man.

Is this person a lunatic, or an idiot?

This book was first published on Reading King

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