The Evil God is Invincible

Chapter 410 Violent Escalation

The Prime Minister's Residence in Nagatacho, Tokyo is located on the southwest side of the Capitol, covering an area of ​​more than 10,000 square meters. The theme building is a Japanese-style three-story building with red bricks and a green roof. The front and back of the building are gardens and squares, and the cabinet meeting room, the prime minister's office and the prime minister's car in the official residence are all equipped with bulletproof glass. There are bunker-style watchtowers around the courtyard walls, and the prime minister's guards are on duty in front of the courtyard and in the courtyard, and the orientation is quite strict.

The noon sun was shining fiercely on the ground, and from a distance, it seemed that there was a mist of smoke rising from the road. The self-defense fighters guarding the prime minister's mansion are also as unspirited as eggplants beaten by frost.

Since the arsonist drove an oil tanker into the Military Intelligence Building and set fire to it yesterday, today Tokyo has clearly stepped up its efforts to check the oil tanker.

A van slowly drove over from the road behind the prime minister's residence, and stopped under the shade of a tree more than 300 meters away from the prime minister's residence. A man wearing black sunglasses got out of the car, turned to the back of the car and opened the iron door of the cargo compartment.

After a while, he appeared under the east wall of the prime minister's residence with a plastic bucket on his shoulder. I didn't see him making any gestures, so the man flew into the sky with the leather bucket and entered the wall.

The self-defense team members who were observing the situation in the monitoring room initially thought they were blinded by what they saw, but when they saw that there was indeed a person carrying a leather bucket approaching the office building of the prime minister's official residence in the courtyard, he quickly pressed the alarm bell.

Li Jun took a big stride with a leather bucket on his shoulder, and as soon as he reached the open space behind the building, six self-defense members with guns in their hands came out of the hiding place, surrounded him in front of him, and held him in the middle. Pointing a gun at him, one of them yelled, Put down the bucket and get on the ground!

Li Jun jumped up with a sneer, reached a height of more than 20 meters, and suddenly slammed into the window on the third floor of the building. With the sound of 哐! Li Jun smashed through the glass and entered the building together with the bucket.

The six self-defense team members surrounding Li Jun all raised their heads and looked at the big hole on the outer wall of the building on the top floor of the building that Li Jun knocked open with astonishment on their faces.

Is this fucking human? Carrying a leather bucket can jump so high?

In fact, the office building of the prime minister's official residence is not very high, with only three floors in total. Li Jun jumped more than 20 meters carrying the leather bucket. When he swooped down, he had already put the leather bucket in front of him. With the weight of the leather bucket and his own body, he smashed the window glass and entered the building. Not a single shard of glass got on it.

The room Li Jun came in was a large office, and there were seven or eight people, men and women, working in it. When they heard a loud noise, glass shards flew everywhere, and a man was standing in front of them with a leather bucket in both hands.

These people didn't know if they were hallucinating or if this was happening before their eyes. Li Jun had already put the oil drum on the ground with a bang, opened the lid and said with a smile, I just want to set fire and not kill people? I want to get out of here.

A chubby guy stared at Li Jun and said, You said...what are you going to do? Do you know where this is?

Li Jun couldn't help laughing out loud: Why are all the Japanese stupid like pigs? Didn't I make it clear enough? If I don't know where this is, why would I go to such trouble to come here? Just you The big fat man with five short legs must not be able to run fast, so don't blame me if he burns to death in a while.

While talking, Li Jun threw the lid, reached out and picked up the oil barrel and started pouring gasoline.

Another very beautiful young woman seemed to think of something suddenly, and couldn't help trembling: The Military Intelligence Building it you who set it on fire?

Li Jun smiled while pouring gasoline: It's hard for you to remember. Yes, I set fire to that place. You are responsible for sending a message to your chief. If you don't return my things to me, the place will be burned down. I'm going to burn the palace again. Little girl, if your pretty face is set on fire, maybe your husband won't want you. Before I light the fire, you still have time to run away.

Before Li Jun finished speaking, the pretty young woman yelled and ran out the door. Driven by her, other people in the room swarmed towards the door, and the fat man who spoke first was trampled under his feet, making shoe prints all over his body. Li Jun looked at it and couldn't help cursing angrily: Idiots, come one by one, I haven't lit the fire yet, why are you so anxious!

While speaking, he walked over and kicked the fat man flying away.

In the afternoon, lying in Bai Hezi's gentle arms, Li Jun stared at the TV and waited for the news that the first mansion was destroyed by fire. But what puzzled him was that he almost broke the button of the TV after waiting, and he didn't see a TV station reporting it. Li Jun turned around and grabbed Baihezi's hand, cursing angrily: Damn it, those bird people must have imposed a news blockade.

But Yuriko asked worriedly, Are you really going to set fire to the palace?

Li Jun chuckled: I also said to burn down the municipal building, why didn't I go? This is a trick, forget it, and you don't understand if I tell you.

At the same time, Prime Minister Seiichi Murayama, who was handling a public rally in Okinawa to protest the rape of a young girl by American soldiers, had received news that his old den had been burned down.

I want to know what's going on here? Can anyone tell me the reason? Prime Minister Murayama's low voice rang in everyone's ears, and he looked at the officials in front of him with cold eyes and asked.

The impact and losses caused by this incident are astonishing. The means of the perpetrators are very brutal and brutal. This must be stopped. Fortunately, no ordinary people have been seriously injured or killed in the incident. According to the information I received , The person who set the fire was a Chinese. Although I am still not sure what the purpose of this person is to set fires one after another. But there is an internal source reported by a TV station that he did this to get back something that belongs to him But no matter what the reason is, it is extremely terrifying to do so. Unfortunately, so far, the police department has still not found the trace of that person. Therefore, we have no evidence to lodge a representation with Huaxia. This is the foreign minister the sound of.

We have already dispatched additional manpower to find him even if we dig three feet into the ground. However, that person has devil-like abilities, and we still need a little time... This is the somewhat weak excuse of the chief of the Police Department.

The Minister of Defense snorted contemptuously: I suggest that if the Police Department still can't find that person within twelve hours, let our Self-Defense Force take over the case...

Prime Minister Murayama looked coldly at the scheming ministers in front of him, and asked with a sneer: Which one of you can guarantee that within twelve hours, that person will not really burn the palace? Please pay attention to what I just said Now, I just want to know, who provoked him and took what from him? Has no one given me a reasonable explanation?

Yes... one of our agents recently got some hard drives from Huaxia. It is said that there are confidential materials written by a British to Huaxia. It is... about the construction of aircraft carriers. I haven't received them yet. So I haven't verified what it is. The director of the Military Intelligence Bureau lowered his head and said.

Oh? That means you are not sure yet? The Prime Minister's eyes were sharp on his face: Then why are you still standing here? Within half an hour, I need you to submit a detailed report to On my desk. The Prime Minister glanced at everyone, and then said: At the same time, I ordered the Self-Defense Forces to send more people to closely protect the safety of the palace and the parliament building. If you find that person, you can shoot him on the spot. Kill him...

Mr. Prime Minister, will this affect our relationship with China? You just said not long ago that the relationship between us and China is now in its best mild period...

On the 50th anniversary of the victory of the August 15 Anti-Japanese War this year, Japanese Prime Minister Murayama solemnly stated in a written answer to a reporter from the People's Daily that he deeply reflected and sincerely apologized for the huge damage and suffering caused to the Chinese people by Japan's aggression.

This is the first time that a Japanese prime minister has expressed a clear apology for Japan's invasion of China.

Q: On the occasion of Japan's 50th postwar anniversary, how does Prime Minister Murayama feel?

A: On the occasion of the anniversary of the end of the war, which is the 50th year since the end of the war, I, as the Prime Minister, once again expressed my feelings both at home and abroad, and published the Statement by the Prime Minister. As I said in my talk, our country's colonial rule and aggression in the past period have caused great damage and suffering to the people of many countries, especially Asian countries. Japan should treat this fact with humility and make deep self-reflection.

Before the Minister of Foreign Affairs could speak, a thin old man standing beside him said, Your Excellency, Foreign Minister, is it because of this that we allow a Chinese to act unscrupulously in this land of Japan? These are incredible Don’t you think it’s a shame that the local incident happened in the Great Japanese Empire? This is simply a naked declaration of war on Great Japan, we must...

Prime Minister Murayama frowned and took it over, I didn't see what you were worried about. Now that the relationship between China and Japan is developing normally, don't make too many speculations about this matter, so as not to cause unnecessary conflicts between the two governments and people. Contradictions and disputes. Affect world peace and stability.

The thin bamboo pole looked at the prime minister sullenly, and sat back sullenly.

Just after the thin bamboo pole sat down, a beautiful woman sitting at the back stood up again: Prime Minister Murayama, judging from the news received, this young man has amazing strength, even if the Self-Defense Forces and The police found him, and if he can't be controlled, this horrible thing will continue. Is the government considering granting his request to give him back what he took from her?

Prime Minister Murayama shook his head and said: I think it's still too early to talk about this issue. I will rush back to Tokyo to deal with this matter immediately. The next negotiation with the US military representative will be presided over by the Foreign Minister and the Director of the Police Agency. The Minister of Justice and the Ministry of Internal Affairs have the full authority to handle matters related to public petitions. No matter how powerful the youth of Huaxia Kingdom is, we will use all our strength to defend the dignity of the country and the law...

At this time, a man with a big belly walked in quickly, and whispered a few words in the ear of Prime Minister Murayama with a dignified expression. Prime Minister Murayama's expression changed, and he said to the officials present: I will leave the matter here to everyone. , I just received the news that that person has now entered the home of the Chief Cabinet Secretary and controlled the Chief Cabinet Secretary and his family. Sorry, I have to go back to Tokyo immediately.” He waved to everyone , turned around and walked out of the room with the person just now under the escort of a group of bodyguards.

This book was first published in Reading

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