The Evil God is Invincible

Chapter 409 I want to set fire

What should we do now? That Chen Gang must have gone to Okinawa. Shall we hurry to Okinawa to find him? In the luxurious seaside villa, Wang Zhen and others were a little eager to prepare after listening to Li Jun's narration. Impatient.

Li Jun looked at Ryoko Ono and Yuriko Kinomiya, and grunted twice: I seem to remember that the purpose of your family's establishment of this Dark Moon God Sect is to allow the royal family to regain power, right?

Yuriko Kinomiya nodded silently, and Li Jun said with a smile: If there is chaos in Japan, will your family be able to fish in troubled waters?

Ryoko Ono's eyes lit up, she looked at Li Jun and said, What did you think of?

Instead of running around behind his ass, why don't they let those people come to find me? I'm here to make trouble, so why do you want to act like a thief? I've already decided, tonight I will Go to Tokyo to make trouble, so, Ryoko, find someone to get a fuel tank truck, just... just drive to the gate of the Military Intelligence Bureau, and I will make it difficult for anyone who offends me.

Boss, what about us? Wang Zhen asked,

You guys, let Yuriko find some teachers for you. You can learn Japanese behind closed doors. You will need it later. Li Jun waved his hand after speaking: Dinner, what should you do after dinner?

The Japanese Military Intelligence Headquarters Building is located in Shinjuku, Tokyo. The main building is a 30-story building that looks like a standing rectangular wooden box, with an area of ​​600,000 square feet. It was designed by a famous teacher and has been in use for less than a year. There is also a large public square and a beautiful flower circle outside the building.

Li Jun first dodged into a small road near the headquarters building of the Military Intelligence Bureau, and just stopped when a small container truck drove up and stopped in front of him. The one who got out of the car was a very smart-looking young man, walked quickly to Li Jun, and said in a low voice: Boss, except for the staff on duty, basically everyone is off work. In a few minutes, we will be at the front door.

Li Jun nodded: Okay, I saw it a long time ago, you go first, don't be noticed.

The young man hurriedly said: Okay, then I'll go first. The other party was obviously curious about this young man who helped the wife to make himself the boss, but the strict door rules and regulations of the Dark Moon God Sect made him say a word. They didn't dare to ask any more questions. After hearing Li Jun's order, they immediately got into the car and left without a trace.

Li Jun walked slowly to the main gate of the headquarters of the Military Intelligence Bureau, and just stopped when he saw a tanker truck driving right in front of him. Li Jun made a gesture, the oil tanker stopped, the driver jumped out of the car and disappeared into the crowd, Li Jun got on the car, stepped on the accelerator and slammed into the iron gate of the MIB headquarters.

The guards standing on both sides saw the oil tanker crashing over and shouted loudly, but they ran faster than rabbits.

This kind of iron gate to the track couldn't stand the impact at all, and the car rushed in without any resistance. Li Jun parked the car in front of the building, and poured the gasoline in the tanker to the entrance of the office building of the Military Intelligence Bureau at full speed, and the two guards who ran in after him knew what he was going to do even now, even at 250.

The two people blew the siren at the same time, and one of them took out the walkie-talkie to report to the boss.

Li Jun jumped out of the car, resisting the tangy gasoline smell, waved to the two young guards and said, If you want to survive, leave as soon as possible, I'm going to set fire to it, don't fucking rush, I'll tell you The superior told him to play and steal my things and return them to me. Otherwise, I will not just burn down an empty building with no one in it. Now you can run away, it's none of your business here.

The two guards were stunned for a while, and when they saw him take out the lighter from his pocket, they realized that this guy was not playing tricks, so they yelled, turned around and ran out.

Turn around and walk towards the modern police building. At this time, three more people came out from the shadows, looked at each other with the young man who was driving, and after discussing in a low voice, the four of them walked into the next building together.

Li Jun walked to the door of the building with big strides, and shouted with all his strength: Listen, people inside, I'm going to set fire to you, get out if you don't want to be burned to death. The voice carried his internal force far away go in. Not to mention the people in the building, they can hear clearly even a few kilometers away.

After Li Jun finished yelling, he immediately turned around and backed up to the other side of the tank truck. With both palms exerting enough internal force, a sharp wind blew across the ground, and the gasoline on the ground rushed towards the building like waves in the sea. The two people on duty in the building just ran out of the building door when they were washed in by the oil wave.

Grandma, it's so fucking hard. I'll give you another minute, if I can't get out, I'm going to light the fire. Following Li Jun's loud shout, a dozen self-defense men with submachine guns rushed out from all around. Team members, these people are supposed to live in this building for safety, and they have another way to enter and exit the building, so they are not affected by the oil wave at all.

However, facing the gasoline all over the place, these people did not dare to fire even if they had guns in their hands. They could only intimidate Li Jun with words, telling him to raise his hands and surrender.

Li Jun's purpose was only to burn the building, and he didn't bother to pay attention to these guys. He jumped up with a sneer, and rushed more than 50 meters before the lightning bolt. Inside the oil wave. With a loud bang, the entire courtyard immediately became a sea of ​​flames.

The flames rushed towards the building with the wind. Li Jun watched the flames illuminate the windows of the entire building layer by layer, and then he dodged into the crowd of onlookers.

At this time, the fire was getting bigger and bigger, and the tables, chairs, benches, curtains, and paper in the entire office building were all burned.

The self-defense team in front of the building ran out desperately. The pedestrians and traffic on the street had already blocked the whole street. A group of people in fireproof suits ran over on foot with fire hoses in their hands and stood in front of them to evacuate. The crowd pulled up the blockade at some crossings.

Such a scene is rare in a hundred years, but people still stand outside the blockade to watch, some of them are media reporters who rushed to grab the news in time.

Mr. Reporter, I have important news for you. Li Jun squeezed in front of a reporter carrying a camera, and shouted at him with his arms raised.

Oh, my friend, what news do you want to provide? Seeing Li Jun approaching him, the reporter squeezed a few steps towards Li Jun.

I was the first witness to arrive at the scene, as far as I know...

What did you say? This wasn't an accident. Someone set the fire on purpose at this time? After listening to Li Jun's story like a story, the reporter couldn't help being overjoyed. He didn't care how the Military Intelligence Building was burned. Well, what he should do is to be able to grasp the first-hand news materials.

That's right, the person who set fire to it also said that if he didn't return the things he stole from him, he would continue to set fire tomorrow. Li Jun continued.

The reporter grabbed Li Jun and said in a low voice, Do you know where he said he was going to burn down tomorrow?

This? Li Jun pondered for a while, and said to himself that I haven't figured out what to do, how can I tell you? Seeing Li Jun's expression, the reporter immediately took out a large handful of yen from his pocket and stuffed it into Li Jun's hand: If it's not enough, please leave a call and I'll send it to your home tomorrow, but this is not enough. You can only tell me this thing. As long as the information you provide is accurate, I can give you as much money as you want, as long as you can guarantee me that this is unique and exclusive news.

Li Jun looked at the ticket in his hand, and thought that if the information I provided was inaccurate, no one in Tokyo could be accurate. Well, for the sake of money, let me tell you, that man said that he was going to burn down the municipal building tomorrow.

Okay, okay, I'm going to send out this precious news now. The reporter happily squeezed out. Li Jun smiled, looked at the billowing smoke from the building and the busy crowd downstairs, turned around and squeezed out.

On the way back to the beach house, Li Jun also saw a brigade of police stations rushing over to support him, and the police car Hu Xiao was able to pass in front of him this time. In addition, more and more reporters came, including film crews from several TV stations, and some TV stations even sent helicopters to shoot in the air.

Li Jun was very satisfied with the sensation he had caused. When he returned to the villa, the news that the headquarters building of the Military Intelligence Bureau had been set on fire had spread all over Japan. When the news came out, the burning of the building was reported as quickly as possible. Both Yuriko Kinomiya and Ryoko Ono had seen the news at home.

The two looked at each other in dismay in the bedroom, they were both worried about Li Jun. I don't know if he can return to the villa safely after causing such a big mess. Ryoko Ono even issued a special mobilization order for the entire Dark Moon God Sect. All members of the Dark Moon God Sect are on standby in the church, and are not allowed to go out without orders. If Li Jun was really arrested, this woman would probably lead the congregation to destroy the police station.

It wasn't until Li Jun returned to the villa that the two women jumped up screaming, and looked around Li Jun countless times, until they confirmed that Li Jun didn't even have a scar on his body, then they opened their arms and threw themselves into Li Jun's arms .

When Li Jun pressed the two of them on the tatami, the exclusive news that Li Jun provided to the reporter was broadcast on TV. The idiot reporter didn't know what it was for. Not only did the arsonist set fire for what The situation was told, and finally a target of arson was also broadcast.

Hearing his passionate voice, Li Jun couldn't help laughing out loud. A place name that I pulled out casually, but some idiots actually take it seriously, this world is really amazing. Sometimes no one will believe you when you tell the truth, but the more you tell lies, the more people will take it seriously.

He naturally didn't know that with the broadcast of his news, more than 200 special police officers had already lived in the Tokyo Metropolitan Municipal Building overnight, and the fire-fighting equipment alone had been pulled by more than a dozen carts and installed in the middle of the night.

While the three of them were watching the TV news. Opinions from the palace In the big house, an old man in his sixties was also carefully watching every news report on the TV. When he heard the last exclusive report, he turned around slowly and asked a middle-aged man standing behind him: What do you think about this matter?

It's hard to say at the moment. I want to wait and see whether he will really set fire to the municipal building tomorrow night. The middle-aged man said cautiously.

Well, you're right, you must be cautious, and you can't do it rashly... However, in the name of the crown prince, you can express your concern about this matter. The old man said with a light smile.

This book was first published on Reading King

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