The Evil God is Invincible

Chapter 413 Your remarks are dangerous

The prime minister's official residence has been turned into a pile of rubble. When Prime Minister Murayama returned to Tokyo, he found that he had no place to work at all, so he had to go to the Capitol first to borrow someone's house for the time being.

Although no one witnessed the whole process of Li Jun's burning of the building, the remaining surveillance systems and satellite monitoring centers in these two places still retrieved some image data, combined them into one place, and finally restored the entire process of Li Jun's spoofing.

After watching the video, Prime Minister Murayama couldn't help but grow his mouth in a daze. After being shocked, he had a new understanding of Li Jun's ability.

Watching Li Jun's performance in the video, Murayama sighed softly: He doesn't seem to want to hurt our people.

Sitting next to Murayama, the director of the Military Intelligence Bureau, who has not expressed any opinion, shook his head when he heard the words: It may be that he wants to deal us the biggest blow in the most terrifying way, so he doesn't care about killing people, or it may be that he is afraid of anger after killing people. We will be met with our desperate vengeance...

Prime Minister Murayama frowned, thinking to himself that if the young man was afraid of revenge, he wouldn't have burned your MIB and then my mansion. However, Prime Minister Murayama didn't want to spend too much time on this issue, because now there is no other choice. Regardless of whether Li Jun killed someone or not, he must be eliminated. As the Prime Minister of Japan, he must defend the dignity of the country.

Okay, now the situation is basically clear, and then we should discuss how to rescue the Chief Cabinet Secretary, Chief of Military Intelligence, do you have any good ideas? Prime Minister Murayama looked at him and asked. You were the one who caused the incident, now what can you do to calm it down as soon as possible?

This... I think it is possible to send a master agent of the Military Intelligence Bureau to quietly enter Mr. Ikeda's house and quietly rescue Mr. Ikeda's family? The director of the Military Intelligence Bureau said a little unconfidently.

Everyone knows how difficult it is to save someone in the hands of this young man, but the chief of military intelligence dare not say that he can't do it at all.

I think that will only force that person to burn down Mr. Ikeda's house. The Chief of Police standing on the other side said gloatingly.

Chief of Police, do you have a better idea? asked the Chief of Military Intelligence, glaring at him sternly. Damn it, you provoked the incident, and finally caused my people to wipe your ass. The people in our police station haven't closed their eyes for the past two days. Are you still arrogant?

Thinking of this, the Chief of Police also said with a sense of gunpowder: No, if the Military Intelligence Bureau has something good to do, the people in our Police Department are willing to cooperate with all our strength. Go ahead, you will never see a single hair of Lao Tzu before you die.

Stop arguing. At this time, we all need to cooperate sincerely. What are you arguing about? Now, both of you have dispatched the most elite troops... Prime Minister Murayama was speaking when he suddenly saw Yasunan Ikeda stepping in.

Ikeda-kun, haven't you been held hostage, how did you escape? Prime Minister Murayama asked in surprise.

Ikeda Jingnan looked at everyone present, snorted coldly and said, Who said this? It's completely a rumor, and it's a rumor with ulterior motives. I suggest that the Prime Minister should strictly investigate the responsibility of the rumor maker. In addition, colleagues Almost all of them are here, and our respected members of parliament, I want to say a few words, I don’t know if everyone is more willing to listen?”

He asked for everyone's opinions while saying this, but his people had already stepped onto the podium.

Respected Prime Minister, Your Excellency the Speaker, fellow colleagues: The young man from Huaxia said that we came here, and he didn't want to hurt any of us at all. He just wanted to get back what belonged to him. He didn't have any malice at all. , you can tell from his willingness to let me out to meet everyone.

Ikeda-kun, what do you mean... Prime Minister Murayama looked at the impassioned Ikeda Yasunan standing on the podium with some doubts, and asked loudly.

Give him...the kind of primitive materials that are useless to our Great Japanese Empire, why do we keep them? That kind of money that costs us a lot of taxpayers all day long, it's not enough to protest and march Why do we keep the independent island? My opinion is to give it all to him, and he can just take it if he is willing. We love peace. Isn’t it a matter of course to return something that was originally owned by others to others? Our noble Japan Man is definitely not a robber.

Wait, wait a minute, Mr. Ikeda, you're the one who confused me next week... Mr. Speaker, who was wearing glasses and could barely see a figure dangling on the podium, raised his right hand: Mr. Ikeda, You said just now what exactly does that young man want? What kind of information? How did he get involved in which island? Can you explain the specific situation?

So, Ikeda Jingnan sold out what Li Jun said to him just now. Before he could finish speaking, the chief of the Military Intelligence Bureau took off his leather shoes and smashed them over: Ba Ga, get down, we don't allow you to talk nonsense in this solemn place.

Ikeda Jingnan deftly avoided the leather shoes of the Chief of Military Intelligence, pointed at him and shouted loudly: The culprit is you, you black-hearted guy, for your political achievements, you actually don't care about the life and death of other personnel. If you don't agree If not, that person will start killing people.

Prime Minister Murayama stared fixedly at Yasunan Ikeda standing on the stage, his brows were already wrinkled into the word mountain river. Ikeda, I ordered you to come down as Prime Minister. Do you know that your remarks are dangerous? Are you still Japanese? Are you still the Chief Cabinet Secretary?

I am, and because I am, I am more responsible for the life and property of everyone in Tokyo. Do we have to let him burn down the entire Tokyo before we can pay attention to negotiating with him? Yasushi Ikeda Nan almost roared.

His remarks were also endorsed by many members of the parliament, and several people also stood up and said: Mr. Before there is a definite way to stop that person from continuing to make trouble, send someone to talk to him.

What are you talking about? Talking about returning his things is equivalent to admitting that we sent agents into the Huaxia Kingdom to steal the Chinese people's things. Talking about returning the Ryukyu Islands? Doesn't that mean that we have been aggressing? This kind of issue involves territorial sovereignty Is it negotiable? You are a complete bastard. Standing aside, the director of the Military Intelligence Bureau pointed at the congressmen who agreed with Ikeda and shouted loudly.

Yes, issues involving sovereignty cannot be negotiated. The speaker and more congressmen stood up to support the director of the Military Intelligence Bureau. They pointed to Yasunan Ikeda and said, Come down, based on what you just said, you are not worthy at all. As the Chief Cabinet Secretary, we will vote to dismiss you now...

Really? Then I have to thank you. You just wait for the bad luck. I can tell you with certainty that not only you people are unlucky, but many ordinary people will follow you. Ikeda Jingnan said Then, he slowly walked down from the podium, without looking at the people in front of him, and swayed out of the gate of the House.

Prime Minister, you should make a decisive decision now... The director of the Military Intelligence Bureau walked up to Prime Minister Murayama and raised his voice deliberately.

His Royal Highness is here...

Before Prime Minister Murayama could answer, there was a loud shout from outside the door, followed by footsteps, and the crown prince walked in swaggeringly surrounded by several bodyguards.

Prime Minister Murayama whispered: What is he doing here at this time? You must know that according to the current Japanese constitution, the emperor is only a symbol of the country, and he has no actual rights at all, let alone a The crown prince. All affairs of the country are in the hands of cabinet officials who are extremely presided over by the prime minister.

After Japan's defeat, a parliamentary democracy was established under the auspices of the United States. However, in order to comply with Japanese public opinion, the emperor was allowed to remain as a symbolic head of state.

In 1946, the United States forced Emperor Hirohito of Showa to issue the Declaration of the Human World, acknowledging that the emperor is no different from ordinary people and is only a national symbol supported by the people. The main duties of the emperor of modern Japan are to appoint the prime minister (cabinet prime minister), approve laws, decrees and treaties, convene parliament, approve the appointment and dismissal of ministers of state, attend ceremonial foreign affairs activities and national ceremonies, etc.

The Prime Minister of Japan is also known as the Prime Minister of the Cabinet, referred to as the Prime Minister, the Prime Minister, and commonly known as the Prime Minister. It seems that the prime minister can control everything, but in fact, the Japanese prime minister is actually the head of the cabinet and a convener, and the power given to him by the constitution is not very great.

Although Japan is a democratic system, there are some problems in the design of this system. For example, the prime minister is not elected by all the people. Its selection method is to choose one of the members of the National Assembly, and then to be named by the resolution of the National Assembly. Formally, it is appointed by the Emperor of Japan.

According to the Constitution of Japan and other laws and regulations, the rights and duties of the Prime Minister are as follows:

Forms the Cabinet, appoints and removes the Minister of State at will (Article 68 of the Constitution)

Allows prosecution of sitting ministers of state (Article 75 of the Constitution)

Presenting bills to the National Assembly on behalf of the Cabinet (Article 72 of the Constitution)

Reports to the National Assembly on behalf of the Cabinet on general domestic affairs and foreign relations (Article 72 of the Constitution)

Represents the cabinet to command and supervise various executive departments (Article 72 of the Constitution)

Co-sign laws and government orders with full-time ministers of state (Article 74 of the Constitution)

Presiding over Cabinet meetings (Cabinet Act Article 4 Item 2)

Appointment of an agent of the Prime Minister and full-time Minister of State (Cabinet Act Articles 9 and 10)

Holds the supreme command and supervision authority of the Self-Defense Forces (Article 7 of the Self-Defense Forces Act)

It can be seen from the above legal provisions that the prime minister's power is concentrated on presiding over cabinet meetings and submitting reports to parliament, but the law does not really grant him direct decision-making power.

In addition, Japan’s political party system also has some problems. For example, the leader of the majority party is to be the prime minister, but the political party itself will be elected after a period of time. As long as the leader of the party changes, the prime minister will also change. short.

Therefore, the Japanese emperor is an empty air, and the prime minister is the mouthpiece between the parliament and the cabinet. But in comparison, the prime minister finally has substantial power, which is much stronger than the empty emperor.

However, in name, when the prime minister meets the emperor or the emperor's heir, he still has to bow deeply.

However, this time, before Prime Minister Murayama straightened up, the Crown Prince asked with a cold face: This time I came here to ask, how did the Prime Minister and the cabinet ministers deal with that Chinese man who threatened to set fire to the palace? Prepared? Don’t you just see that the palace is in danger of being burned down?”

This book was first published in Reader

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