The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 2226 Head-on Confrontation

2227. Head-to-head confrontation

Looking at the paper document in his hand, although it was only a few flimsy pages, in Newt Gunray's hands, it seemed to be heavier than a mountain.

Because once he agrees and signs this document, the days of the Trade Alliance as an independent commercial entity will be completely history.

"Thann-Ciel! Interstellar Banking Association! Where are they?" Newt Gunray suddenly raised his head and asked.

"As a banking institution, I will give them greater independence. But at the same time, they will gradually be included in state ownership. This is an overall framework that cannot be changed." Tang Xiao said lightly.

"Are you taking advantage of the situation?" Newt Gunray murmured, not sure if he was talking to Tang Xiao or to himself.

"On the contrary, if it weren't for the fact that your resistance actions on Planet Rosa, Planet Vulture, and those several wealth planets showed sufficient value, you wouldn't even be able to see this document." Tang Xiao said, "Perhaps in that case, it can be described as taking advantage of the situation."

"And if I sign this document, then the Trade Federation will be completely tied to the Principality of Dawn and must devote all its strength to supporting the war against the Galactic Empire." Newt Gunray said.

"I will risk everything, including my life, to ensure that this goal is achieved." Tang Xiao stood up, walked to Newt Gunray, reached out and tapped on the document, "I will I will risk everything, even death cannot stop my determination to destroy the Galactic Empire. With or without the Trade Federation, I will fight tooth and nail, you know what I mean..."

Newt Gunray's body trembled. He knew what Tang Xiao meant: since Tang Xiao would risk his life to fight Darth Sidious to the end, then if he chose not to support him at this time, he would naturally do the same. Risk your life to do whatever it takes to increase your own strength.

Including but not limited to...

Tear the Trade Alliance to pieces and eat it completely!

"I..." Newt Gunray wanted to say and think about it again. Just like his reaction every time he faced a major decision in the past, he did not have the courage to make a decision on the spot.

But when he raised his head and looked at Tang Xiao's emotionless, cold eyes, he couldn't say the word 'consider' after all.

Finally, he sighed in resignation and signed his name on the document with trembling hands.

12BBY, October 24th.

The Trade Alliance publicly announced that it would transfer the company's headquarters to the planet Mequito, and at the same time accept the state control of the Principality of Dawn. The state-owned shareholding ratio reached 51%, and it was completely nationalized.

At the same time, the Principality of Dawn also directly announced that it respects all corporate interests of the Trade Alliance, respects all wealth sovereignty preserved in the wealth world, and respects the commercial rights of all customer worlds of the Trade Alliance.

This declaration is equivalent to pulling the plug under the cauldron!

Because the wealth world of the Trade Alliance preserves not only the wealth of the Trade Alliance itself, but also the wealth of many other wealthy nobles in the core circle of the galaxy.

The meaning of the world of wealth is not just as simple as preserving wealth, but also a huge health planet, providing an unimaginably luxurious and comfortable place for every wealthy person who has huge financial transactions with the trade alliance to relax.

The Principality of Dawn declares that it respects the sovereignty of wealth in the world of wealth, which is equivalent to acknowledging that these preserved wealth are valid and that these wealth belong to the original owner and cannot be plundered by anyone.

In this way, it will naturally be a head-on confrontation with the Galactic Empire!

The Galactic Empire immediately responded tit for tat, stating that its military operations would never touch any property stored on the wealth planet. All their actions were aimed at the trade alliance that betrayed the empire. As for the Principality of Dawn, which supports the Trade Alliance, the Galactic Empire requires the other party to consider carefully, because harboring traitors means sharing the same crime!

However, the response of the Principality of Dawn was that the trade alliance matters were commercial activities and should not be linked to politics. The Dawn Principality's investment in the Trade Alliance is also a commercial investment and has nothing to do with treason.

On October 25, the Galactic Empire announced that it would completely cut off the Lundili trade route and cut off the external communication channel of the Lundili planet. At the same time, trade sanctions were announced against the Principality of Liming, increasing import and export tariffs by 100%.

The Principality of Dawn also expressed with great regret that they would take equivalent trade sanctions.

While this war without gunpowder started, somewhere on the planet Cato-Neimoidia, there was a hail of bullets!

This is a rail transportation line, and a rail truck is being attacked. The truck is spray-painted with an A-shaped mark, which is the mark of the Titan Security Company.

Da da da da~~~! ! Dense bullets were fired, and the hunter ran quickly, while constantly using the cover of obstacles to avoid the intensive shooting.

call out! There was a slight gunshot, and the gunman of the Titan Security Company who was firing wildly with a fixed blaster machine gun was shot in the head!

Crosshair was hiding in a tree a thousand meters away, holding the blaster sniper rifle very calmly and changing positions. Almost at the same time, the place where he was just now was penetrated by several bullets.

"This sound...M-29 Mantis..." the crosshair muttered to himself, began to count the time silently, fired another symbolic shot, and then immediately avoided it.

Bang! ! The distinctive crisp sound of live ammunition firing rang out, and before that, the location where he had just fired was penetrated once.

However, the sight had already calculated the firing rate of the M-29 Mantis sniper rifle, and quickly re-set the blaster sniper rifle, took aim in less than a second, and then fired!

Swish! ! The sniper on the opposite side, who was wearing the black combat uniform of the Giant God Security Company, was shot in the head!

"Hahahahaha!! Charge!!!" The King of Obstacles laughed wildly. He held a portable energy shield generator to block his front, and held a six-barrel blaster machine gun in one hand with the other hand, firing wildly.

The weight of these two pieces of equipment alone exceeded 80 kilograms, and coupled with the combat uniform with heavy armor on his body, the weight reached a terrifying level. If it were an ordinary clone soldier, it would take at least two people to carry such a set of equipment, but he was able to move briskly!

On the battlefield, the King of Obstacles is a tank that moves at high speed and does not lose flexibility!

The swarming B-1 combat robots were destroyed one by one. Although there were thousands of combat robots here, they could not be surrounded at all under this powerful breakthrough ability.

Hu Zi and Ye Zi walked on the battlefield like two ghosts. Their equipment was different. They carried jet backpacks on their backs, which imitated the equipment of the Mandalorian super commandos. But their jet backpacks were more complicated, using vector nozzles and four smaller auxiliary nozzles to assist in turning.

This made their flying movements almost dazzling. Not to mention ordinary soldiers, even the more advanced fire control system of the B-2 super combat robot could not lock their actions! As for the poor processor of the B-1 combat robot, it couldn't even touch its shadow.

Such equipment can only be controlled by those who have awakened a certain degree of the Force! The two of them roamed freely on the battlefield, hunting every high-value tactical target.

"Attention, a Banshee fighter formation is approaching us, and we have 3 minutes." The technician hid behind the bunker and shouted while shooting.

Medical soldier Tie He was also hiding here, providing fire cover for the front. Echo was guarding around them to prevent the two with weaker combat capabilities from being attacked.

"One minute is enough." Rainbow's steady voice appeared in the communication, "The bomb is buried, we retreat."

Wearing an optical camouflage combat uniform, he was almost completely invisible, and his position was unknown at all.

Boom! Boom! Boom!! Accompanied by a violent explosion, the rail truck loaded with transport materials was directly blown into the sky, and the track was also blown off!

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