The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 2225 The Trade Alliance's Decision

2226. The Trade Alliance’s Decision

"Scorpenek annihilator droid?! Are you sure?" The hunter looked serious. "This kind of combat robot should not appear here! This is not a secret that was produced by the Separatists during their final resistance on the Salukami planet. Weapons?"

The crosshair continued to adjust the focus, nodded and said: "Yes, I'm sure. There are at least three Scorpion Annihilator robots on this rail truck... and they are still carrying more supplies down. Wait a minute, there are guards coming down. Damn...these guards...bastards..."

"What's wrong?"

"It's the logo of the Titan Security Company." Crosshair said solemnly, "It seems that although the Dawn Principality is not directly involved in this war, they are still providing help to the Trade Federation by providing mercenaries."

At the loading and unloading site, only a team of heavily armed soldiers wearing black combat uniforms were seen directing the B-1 combat robots to transport the goods. And these people all have an A-shaped mark on their chests. There is no doubt that these warriors are one of the most powerful and notorious mercenary groups in the galaxy - Atlas, the Titan Security Company!

It is said that this security company started in the Hutt space and has been employed by the Hutts for a long time. It helps the Hutt criminal groups carry out various sabotage, robbery, debt collection and other businesses. It is known for its well-equipped and ruthless nature. Moreover, this security company is probably secretly supported by the Principality of Dawn, because many of their equipment come from the Principality of Dawn.

"The Imperial Intelligence Department has always been very strange. The behavior of the Trade Federation's army this time is completely different from that of the Separatists in the past. It seems that the Titan Security Company should have provided them with military advisory services... and these equipment... Damn it !" The hunter slammed the ground, "What's the state of those scorpion annihilator robots?"

"Activated, alerting the surrounding area," said the crosshair.

The technician added on the side: "I'm sure these robots didn't find us, but if we continue to move forward, it's hard to say."

"Go around here and don't go head-to-head with the Scorpion Annihilator robot. One of these robots can stop the attack of a battalion of our troops!" The hunter said, "Currently, our goal is to collect intelligence, and we must find out who it is. Send these Scorpion Annihilators to the Trade Federation."

The Wrecker King rubbed his head, "Ha! I always thought that these robots had been destroyed after the destruction of the Separatism! It seems that General Vader did not completely destroy the Separatism!"

The hunter shook his head and said: "We also participated in the Battle of Salukami Planet at that time, as you know. The battle situation at that time was so chaotic that we didn't even know how we won in the end. After that, many separatists The planet actually surrendered. Although punishments were imposed, not many were actually implemented. In addition, Severance Tann's fleet in the Mandalorian sector was very active, and the area was still in chaos. Unbearable..."

The technician looked up at the sky and murmured to himself: "I'm just worried that the planet Cato-Neimoidia may drag the empire into a bitter war. In fact, I have been making statistics. The number of troops that can be confirmed so far is, There are 170 legions, including 20 human legions and more than 150 robot legions. According to the trade alliance, the human legion has a strength of 12,000 people and the robot legion has a strength of 50,000... and there are also many heavy armor legions among them. ”

"Of course, the Trade Federation is so rich, haha." Ye Zi said with a smile: "On the planet Cato-Neimoidia, at least 30% of the Trade Federation's wealth is concentrated. It is absolutely correct to say that this is a world of wealth... …Furthermore, General Vader has never directly made a large-scale landing. I am afraid that one of the important reasons is that he is worried that Bridge City cannot be successfully captured.”

"Bridge City is a suspended city. The Trade Alliance has repeatedly threatened. If they cannot protect Bridge City, then they would rather blow up the arched rock formation and let the entire city fall into the abyss. Nothing will be gained," Iron Box said, " After all, it’s all about grabbing money!”

"Are you robbing money... Haha..." The technician smiled a little bitterly. He thought of the young technical soldier who stayed at his post to the end a few days ago and helped him crack the trade alliance's communication channel. "All our sacrifices are for Are you trying to steal money..."

"Don't think too much, this is a very dangerous thing." Crosshair said, "We just need to obey the order."

The technician lowered his head and remained silent. After a long time, he took a deep breath, raised his head and said, "The key now should be the 'Christmas gift'. As long as you follow this line, you will definitely be able to find it."

Dawn Planet, Grand Duke's Mansion.

After waiting for more than two hours, Newt Gunray was finally able to enter the office of Tang Xiao, the Grand Duke of Dawn. Having been in contact with the Fourth Civilization for so long, he also knew the etiquette here, so he took off the tall hat he had been wearing for a long time and held it in his hand.

Neimoidians cannot do without hats, not only because hats are a symbol of their status, but also because they look really ugly when they take off their hats. There is not a single hair on their wrinkled scalps, which makes them look ugly. Like a moldy orange. But Newt Gunray did it anyway. He grabbed the hat with both hands and rubbed it awkwardly in his hands.

Coming in front of Tang Xiao, Newt Gunray didn't dare to look up, but bowed deeply.

"Put on your hat." Tang Xiao said lightly, "Looking at your scalp really affects my mood."

"Yes... Grand Duke..." Newt Gunray said, putting on his hat solemnly, and then raised his head, "Grand..."

Tang Xiao raised his hand to interrupt him, "It is absolutely impossible to send troops directly."


"What I give now is the greatest help I can give." Tang Xiao obviously didn't intend to let Newt Gunray speak. He waved his hand again and continued: "You should have understood that if you stop the war and surrender to the Empire, then you will not even have the opportunity to stand here and talk to me. At the same time, you should also feel fortunate that I did not choose to swallow you up like Darth Sidious."


"The reason why I asked you to come here is because I will give you a guarantee now." Tang Xiao pushed a paper document on the table and said, "In this guarantee, the Principality of Dawn will recognize the Trade Alliance's position in the existing wealth world, industrial world and customer world. That is to say, when our fleet enters the core circle, the planets on the list will still be yours."

Newt Gunray grabbed the document and read it quickly and carefully, but after a moment, he looked up blankly, "Sir... what does nationalization mean?"

"Did you see the Fourth Group? That's what I mean." Tang Xiao replied, "I will provide real money to help you, and the technology of the warship has been handed over to you to assist you in building a new headquarters on the planet Mykito. At the same time, the residents of Neimoidia can also transit and leave through the planet Rendili. These are all real things. You don't think I don't want anything in return, right?"

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