The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 2227: Lord of War (Part 1)

2228. King of War (Part 1)

Swarms of vulture robot fighters flew everywhere in the sky, swooping down and strafing every suspicious target that might appear on the ground.

The firefighting craft has arrived at the scene and sprayed a large amount of inert foam and cooling liquid on the smoke-filled rail truck.

The robot rescue team has rushed into the scene despite the flames that have not yet been extinguished, rescuing any supplies that may be salvageable. But this effort was obviously in vain. In a violent ammunition explosion, more than a dozen robots were blown to pieces. After that, they gave up completely and just concentrated on putting out the fire.

But the initiator of all this, Clone Unit 99, had already taken advantage of the chaos and evacuated the scene. They escaped into the dense virgin jungle and once again escaped the defenders' search.

The pristine landscape on the planet Cato-Neimoidia, which has not been destroyed by industrialization, is the selling point of the planet's health and vacation, but now it has become the best cover for special operations warriors.

"They are suspecting that there is a traitor inside, so they leaked the whereabouts of this batch of materials." The technician continued to search for useful information in the Trade Alliance's military command communication channel, "But I estimate that they will soon be able to determine that the communication has been compromised. Monitored."

"To be honest, I was surprised that they only thought of this after losing 7 batches of goods." Ye Zi shrugged.

"We still have to be grateful for this equipment." Huzi patted the jetpack on his back, "These are experimental equipment and are given priority to us for use, hahaha!"

"Equipment is certainly an important factor, but you should understand that many things currently being studied in the Imperial Military Research Institute are actually imitating the Principality of Dawn." Caihong said in a deep voice: "For example, my optical camouflage combat uniform is said to be Refer to the mysterious special forces of the Dawn Principality - Ghost."

"Hmph! This is not surprising." Ye Zi snorted and said, "Don't forget how many times our blood samples were taken at the training base! Those guys from the military probably want to copy the miracle of our awakening to the force and then mass-produce it. Force warriors like us!"

"It is said that the ghosts are indeed a force composed entirely of people who have awakened the force." Caihong said: "The scary thing is that while the imperial military is still exploring how to control the awakening of the force, the Principality of Dawn has already applied It’s time for actual combat. Moreover, a series of special equipment has been developed based on the characteristics of the ghost, and our equipment is even in the experimental stage. From this aspect, the Dawn Principality is at least fifty years ahead of us."

"Wait a minute, I intercepted a communication!" the technician said suddenly. He raised his hand, and everyone around him immediately shut up. The crosshair climbed up a tree in a flash and closely monitored the surrounding area.

After a moment, the technician said: "The opportunity is here! Our recent attacks have been very successful. The Trade Federation has lost a lot of supplies, and they are asking for more 'Christmas gifts'! It is said that the connector will arrive in Cato-Nemo in the near future. Planet Idia!”

"Very good! As long as they take action, there must be a loophole! Technician, leave it to you. Be sure to find their more specific action plan. This time, we must find out who is secretly transporting large quantities of weapons to the Trade Alliance. Lots of weapons!" the hunter said.

The outer ring of the Milky Way, the planet Tatooine.

The Hutt's civil war did not affect this transportation hub for smugglers. After the Desiligic family and the Bethadi family suffered annihilation on the planet Tatooine, the newcomers now control it. The overlords of the Hutt space - the Gorensla family.

On the planet Tatooine, the most prosperous and developed cities are Mos Eisley City and Mos Espa Port.

These two places are not cities in the usual sense. In fact, they are more like higher-end slums. After all, this place was built and expanded by countless smugglers and scavengers. There is no so-called urban planning at all.

But it is places like this that gave birth to the core of the smuggling industry in the outer ring of the galaxy, and are also the breeding ground for countless criminal and lawless maniacs.

On the northern outskirts of Port Mos Espa, a large area has been newly opened up, all blocked by walls, and guarded by a large number of robots. A no-fly zone has also been established in the sky, prohibiting any spacecraft from approaching. The people of the Gorensla family also reiterated this point. They told all organizations on the planet Tatooine that anyone who dares to interfere with this place will be killed without mercy!

The hundreds of heads clad with sharpened sticks at the gate also prove this, the Gorensla family is serious.

And many people can see guards constantly coming and going in this area. Many of them are soldiers from the Titan Security Company wearing black combat uniforms with A-shaped marks on their chests.

In the Hutt space, many people know that one of the people they must not mess with is the giant security guard! Because they are large and well-trained, they are like an elite army, and due to the high price, generally only the Hutts can afford to hire them.

With strong combat power and a Hutt background, this combination is equivalent to the overlord of one side in the Hutt space!

In this base, countless weapons and equipment are piled up like mountains! Here you can see various weapons such as E-5 blaster rifles, DS-1 blaster rifles, M-8 Avenger assault rifles, M-29 Mantis sniper rifles, etc. Whether it is produced by the Galactic Empire, the Principality of Dawn, or the weapons produced by the Separatists before, almost everything can be seen.

Not only that, there are also many heavy equipment. The TX-130 Sabre hover tanks and AV-7 self-propelled artillery used by the Galactic Republic, as well as the DW-1 Dwarf Spider combat machinery used by the Separatists, and the NR-N99 Persuader-class tank robots are also everywhere. You can even see large equipment such as the OG-9 Nest Spider large combat machinery and the AT-TE all-terrain assault walker.

The number of equipment such as the Warthog off-road vehicle, Scorpion tank, and Giant Mecha produced by the Principality of Dawn is also huge.

This place can be called a huge military exhibition! All these equipments were piled up randomly, and then the B-1 combat robot nearby used a forklift to shovel them into the cargo box, and then hoisted them into the cargo hold of the spacecraft. Anyway, in the hot and dry climate of Tatooine, these weapons do not need much maintenance and will not be damaged.

The weapons piled here are almost sold by the pound!

As for how many weapons are here, no one probably knows. Anyway, everyone here understands that the Trade Federation is waving money at this moment, eagerly calling for the arrival of these weapons.

They are not short of money.

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