The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 2207: God-Slaying War (IV)

2208. Battle of the Gods (4)

Shepard was already on standby aboard the Normandy. She stood in the command center, looking at the battlefield situation on the holographic star map, feeling extremely anxious.

Now their fleet was completely surrounded, with warships firing from almost every direction.

Ender Wiggin showed a genius command method. He allowed the fleet to take advantage of its firepower and used the Steadfast-class cruiser as an arrow to continuously advance forward.

The three Infinity-class super aircraft carriers and the Divine Envoy-class Titan battleship all possess powerful firepower in all directions. The turrets on the Endless-class super aircraft carrier are densely packed like hedgehogs, and the scene of firing salvos is extremely spectacular. The countless beams, missiles and explosions are the best proof of the terrifying firepower of the Endless-class.

The Angel-class Titan battleship is relatively low-key. Although the hull is extremely large, the weapon system currently installed on this mushroom-shaped Titan battleship is only eight sets of high-energy laser arrays on the mushroom head at the front end and two sets of high-energy laser arrays on the left and right sides of the rear end. There are six groups on each side, a total of 20 groups of high-energy laser arrays. Moreover, every time this laser weapon fires, the naked eye can only see an undetectable flash of light. However, every flash of light brings devastating destructive power. If you use a thermal sensor to observe it, you will find that every time the light flashes, the temperature sensed on the sensor will instantly exceed the upper limit of measurement!

But relatively speaking, although the Steadfast-class cruiser's firepower is also very fierce, it is all based on the super-material electromagnetic gun installed on the front end. This electromagnetic gun is adjusted on the basis of the original MK-IVAC cannon, using The super-material electromagnetic acceleration technology independently developed by the Principality of Dawn has extremely powerful firepower. But because it is an axis-based weapon, it can only be aimed by adjusting the direction of the battleship.

In addition, the Stalwart class only has two shooter missile launch bays and five MK-55 coil guns as secondary guns. Relatively speaking, this firepower is much weaker.

So Ender Wiggin placed the Steadfast class at the front of the formation, and was only responsible for the enemies in front, while the surrounding enemy ships were taken care of by four super battleships. In this formation, Ander Wiggin commanded the entire combat formation to always be in a state of high-speed maneuver.

The Steadfast class is the chisel of this formation, constantly destroying the rotten warships in front, cutting through the encircling formation, and then its own warships rush in this direction.

The battleships in the Rotting Star Ring are all dilapidated. Although they are huge in number, their maneuverability is very poor. The sub-light speed engines of many battleships are not even as fast as the already heavy God-class Titan battleships.

During such maneuvers, rotten warships were constantly being thrown away and left behind, and then these warships had to stagger and catch up behind them. This keeps the number of rotten warships that can surround the Dawn Principality fleet from being too large.

Ender Wiggin directed the attack direction of the Steadfast-class cruiser very accurately. The Steadfast-class cruiser formation was like an arrow and a drive, guiding the direction of the four giant ships behind.

His command was incomparable. Under such constant pulling, a large number of rotten warships were left behind and unable to follow. This made the formation of the entire rotten warships looser and looser. The battlefield area continued to expand, with rotten warships everywhere. In order to continue to maintain the encirclement situation, more and more warships were sent from the direction of the Rotting Star Ring, which resulted in fewer and fewer spaceships orbiting the planet.

Shepard clenched his fists, anxious as he watched such a battle.

Finally, Ender Wiggin's communication came, and he was heard to say solemnly: "The Normandy is ready! Set off immediately after receiving the order!"

"I'm always ready!" A light flashed from the corner of Shepard's eyes.

At this moment, the Steadfast-class cruiser formation and the Divine Envoy-class Titan battleship suddenly concentrated their firepower and fired a salvo at the front! Immediately afterwards, in order to save energy, the particle light spears of the three Infinity-class super aircraft carriers that had been preparing to launch finally launched for the second time!

Countless flames and explosions spread in front, and it was impossible to even see the scene on the battlefield clearly!

At this moment, Ender Wiggin shouted: "Now! Normandie, set off!! You only have three minutes to break through the enemy ships!!"

"Roger that!" Shepard shouted and pressed the command button at the same time.

After receiving the signal, the pilot Jeff Morrow immediately turned the already preheated engine to maximum, activated the stealth system, and the battleship rushed towards the endless sea of ​​​​fire in front of the formation at extremely fast speeds!

The high temperature of the explosion and countless debris continued to wash away the Normandy's shield, which also temporarily destroyed the Normandy's stealth state. Some rotting warships immediately turned around and flew towards the Normandy.

Ender Wiggin immediately ordered that eight high-energy laser arrays in front of the Angel-class Titan battleship concentrate their firepower to escort the Normandy.

High-energy lasers flashed continuously, and the rotten battleships were destroyed one by one. Seizing this only opportunity, Jeff Morrow drove the battleship directly through the gap just made to break through the encirclement!

At this moment, almost all the rotten battleships were paying attention to the formation of super battleships. The Normandy continued to activate the cloaking device and flew silently towards the planet Moog-Farlow.

Ender Wiggin said in the communication very solemnly: "Shepard, your mission is to go to the planet Mugg-Faro and locate the exact location of Mongar-Menggar's core consciousness through the sub-consciousness body! Then I can launch a strike and send the Soul Harp over!"

"Understood!" Shepard replied.

The subconscious body can only point to a general location. If it is in the universe, it will always point to the planet Mug-Faro. Therefore, to determine the location of the core consciousness, it is necessary to enter the interior of the planet.

At the same time, because the doomsday weapon of the God-class Titan battleship can only be used once, Ender-Viking can only rely on this shot to do two things at the same time-send the Mind Harp to the planet and launch an orbital strike on the core consciousness with the particle light spear.

This is an interlocking operation, and no link can go wrong.

Shepard knows very well that if he cannot accurately locate, then Ender-Viking can only continue to consume in the space battlefield. As the energy continues to decrease, his chances of breaking through the siege and sending the Mind Harp to the planet are getting smaller and smaller.

The Normandy remained invisible and approached the planet Mug-Faro, and finally rushed into the atmosphere.

The violent air friction caused a fire in the clouds around the Normandy, which became a very obvious target. Immediately, a warship turned down from the rotten star ring and chased the Normandy.

However, at this moment, there were not many rotten warships on the rotten star ring. Most of them set out to encircle and suppress Ander-Viking's fleet, and the Normandy also chose the most empty place, which made those slow rotten warships out of reach.

Breaking through the atmosphere, the Normandy entered stealth again.

Those lagging rotten warships naturally could not detect the Normandy. Having lost their target, they could only wander around aimlessly.

Shirley Birkin was also on the Normandy at this moment. She and her research team continued to stimulate the sub-consciousness and find the location of the core consciousness through the resonance between the Mnggal-Mnggal consciousness.

Shepard looked at the outside world through the porthole.

The planet Mugg-Faro, as mentioned before, is really like the deepest part of hell.

The air is always foggy. According to sampling analysis, the density of Mnggal-Mnggal particles in the air has reached an astonishing level. It can even be said that when you come to this planet and take a breath, your lungs will be infected by Mnggal-Mnggal immediately.

Moreover, the entire planet, whether it is plains or hills, is almost covered with brown silt everywhere. Countless silts here almost become a brown ocean covering the entire planet! No wonder the planet is brown when viewed from outer space! Except for some peaks that are too high, almost every inch of land on the planet is covered with Mnggal-Mnggal!

At this moment, an alarm suddenly sounded.

Jeff Morrow shouted: "We are locked!!"

"What? Those shabby warships can be anti-stealth?" Huang Yehao was shocked.

Shepard's face was solemn, "No, it should be through the Mnggal-Mnggal particles in the air to locate our position."

"This is troublesome." Huang Yehao's face darkened.

Sure enough, only hundreds of warships were seen entering the atmosphere and rushing towards the direction of the Normandy!


At the same time, the situation in the space battlefield began to deteriorate.

Although under the command of Ander Viking, the expeditionary fleet has destroyed more than 20,000 warships, this is only a quarter of the number of Rotten Star Ring warships.

But the price they paid was that the warships' ammunition and energy had dropped to a dangerous level! If they continue like this, they will run out of ammunition and food sooner or later!

Three-quarters of the missiles have been fired. Although the factories on several super battleships are working at full capacity, they are far less than the rate of consumption.

As for energy weapons, due to continuous use, the capacitors have overheated. Each launch requires longer and longer cooling and circulation time. Some capacitor compartments even start to catch fire due to untimely heat dissipation.

The reduction in firing rate allows more rotten warships to rush up. These warships were originally impossible to get close to the expeditionary fleet, but now, several warships have tried to rush over and hit them directly! As time goes by, such situations will become more and more common!

The Steadfast-class cruisers are even more overwhelmed. The missile stocks have long been exhausted, and the hypermatter electromagnetic guns in front are also beginning to be overwhelmed. Even the hypermatter electromagnetic guns of several Steadfast-class cruisers have exploded directly!

As for the fighter formation, although Ender-Viking's targeted tactical arrangements allow the formation to launch attacks from the periphery of the battlefield, this gives these fighters enough combat space. However, the fighters had even less energy and ammunition reserves, which had already been emptied. When returning to the mothership for maintenance and replenishment, they were attacked by rotten warships and lost more than a quarter of their fighters!

Twelve Steadfast-class cruisers had been destroyed in the battle, which reduced the front firepower of the fleet formation by about half. In order to keep the fleet breaking through and maneuvering, Ender-Viking had to move the God-Envoy-class Titan battleships to the front of the array, using the eight sets of high-energy laser arrays at the God-Envoy-class mushroom head position to open the way in front.

However, this also weakened the formation's firepower in the face of the surroundings, and the encirclement has become smaller and smaller! And the rotten warships are still endless!

The expeditionary fleet has flown three times around the planet Mug-Faro, destroying countless rotten warships wherever it passes, leaving countless fragments and debris. These fragments and debris floated around the periphery of the planet, forming three very loose fragment star rings!

Ender-Viking stared at the holographic battle star map, and his forehead was covered with cold sweat. The assistant beside him had fed him three doses of high-energy nutrient solution and even gave him a shot of adrenaline, so that he could support and continue to command.

This battle was not only stressful, but it had been six hours since the battle!

Ender-Viking was also waiting. The doomsday weapon of the God-class Titan battleship had already been charged. Now it was just waiting for Shepard's signal to arrive, and the doomsday weapon could be launched immediately!

On the surface of the planet, hundreds of warships continued to fire downwards.

These warships were very smart under the control of Mnggal-Mnggal. Although they could not observe the Normandy, they could use close-in defense weapons to madly sweep a large area. As long as a bullet hit the Normandy, it would make the Normandy have a momentary flaw!

Jeff-Morrow drove the battleship up and down, almost treating this 176-meter-long frigate as a fighter.

The Normandy drew several complex curves in the air, avoiding most of the attacks, while it kept firing and shot down several rotten warships.

"Joker! Fly along the planet's equator! This is the projection of the rotten star ring. Mnggal-Mnggal must have hidden his core consciousness under the protection of the rotten star ring!" Shepard said loudly to Jeff Morrow.

"I said, I can only try my best!" Jeff Morrow roared loudly. He had already used all his skills to drive the spacecraft and had no time to care about anything else.

"Shirley!!" Shepard turned around and shouted.

"Still positioning! It will take time! After entering the planet, the state of the sub-consciousness is very unstable!" Shirley Birkin was also extremely nervous. She and the research team kept operating the instruments and equipment to read the brain wave energy of the sub-consciousness.

"Now neither us nor Ender-Viking can bear it!" Shepard said in a deep voice.

At this time, the sea-like mud on the planet Mug-Faro suddenly moved, and then condensed into an extremely huge face on a plain that was almost as large as the Pacific Ocean on the Blue Star!

This face was 70% similar to humans. It looked at the expedition fleet that was struggling desperately and said sarcastically: [Ah... ignorant humans, weak humans. I like these warships you sent... After killing you, I will put these warships in the most conspicuous position on the planet. ]

Inside the planet Mug-Faro, its sound was as deafening as thunder, and in space, this sound was also sent to the Titan battleship of the God's Messenger along with the public communications of countless rotten warships.

[You have lost your last hope... Failure and death are your final destination. And I... will enjoy these new toys...]

But no one paid attention to it.

At this moment, Shirley Birkin suddenly shouted, "Found it! I found it!!!"

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