The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 2206: God-Slaying War (Part 3)

2207, God-Slaying War (Part 3)

On the battlefield, Shepard's voice kept echoing, [… Along the way, we have experienced many ups and downs, and we have also seen the tragic conditions of countless planets! Civilizations were destroyed, people were slaughtered, lives were devoured, and planets were abandoned. We are indeed extremely terrified, but what should terrify us more is that our own homes, our own planets, have also become like this! ]

A total of 29 Steadfast-class cruisers on the three Infinity-class supercarriers have completed the formation adjustment, and they are in a claw-shaped array heading towards the countless warships of the Rotten Star Ring.

The huge hypermatter electromagnetic cannon on the bow began to charge, and then fired directly! The armor-piercing projectiles accelerated by the hypermatter were fired at an unimaginable speed, and each shot could penetrate several rotten warships.

But such an attack was not enough to stop the attack of the rotten warships. Before the fireballs from the explosion of the warships in front dissipated, the warships behind had already directly crashed through the wreckage, broke through the flames, and continued to move forward.

【We humans and Mnggal-Mnggal, from the beginning, did not have the conditions to coexist! Mnggal-Mnggal's goal is to devour everything, and we... must not let it succeed! 】

The Rotten Star Ring is deforming, and countless claws are gradually extending from a ring. Countless warships are moving forward, and countless flames are flickering.

After the two sides are close enough, the fleet of the Principality of Dawn seems to have crashed directly into a fire net! Countless lasers, countless missiles, countless armor-piercing shells, high-explosive shells, and countless attacks passed by their warships. The huge number made up for the lack of accuracy. Even if more than 90% of the attacks have failed, the remaining firepower hitting their own warships is still unimaginable.

A piercing alarm sounded in the control console of each warship, and the close defense firepower was deployed. The electromagnetic artillery barrage, close defense missiles and laser nets were fired crazily, intercepting countless missiles. But there are still many attacks hitting the shield, forming a wave of energy blogs that are constantly rippling.

【…We have come to the deepest part of hell! This is a place that no one has ever been able to reach for tens of thousands of years! It is the source of all evil and killing! We are only one step away from victory! Take this step and destroy Mnggal-Mnggal. Human civilization will survive because of us, and we will become an immortal legend! 】

Ender-Viking has regained his composure. He quickly moves the icons on the holographic star map. Every time he moves, the automatic command system will send instructions to the corresponding warship, and the warship's automatic operating system will respond to this operation. And the captain of each warship will also make tactical adjustments based on the actual battlefield situation.

Under his command, all the Steadfast-class cruisers gathered in front of the four super battleships to form an arrow. Use powerful firepower to open a bloody path for the super battleship.

At this time, Ender-Viking shouted: "All fighter formations take off! Don't fight, fly directly to the periphery of the battlefield!"

Under his command, all the fighters released by all warships immediately. Including Viking fighters and ghost fighters, a total of more than 1,000 fighters took off densely, without fighting, but moving away from the super battleship.

The two sides continued to accelerate, and the fleets finally collided. At this moment, all the turrets opened fire!

The huge disc of the God-class Titan battleship was equipped with eight sets of high-energy laser arrays, the same as those of the God-indicating battleship. The imperceptible high-energy laser flashed like lightning. Although it was extremely inconspicuous, each flash would directly destroy a battleship, regardless of whether the battleship was a thousand-meter-class battleship or a hundred-meter-class frigate.

And on the hull of the rear end of the God-class Titan battleship, six sets of high-energy laser arrays were installed on both sides. The terrifying firepower left only a large area of ​​explosions and broken wreckage wherever the God-class passed.

However, because the God-class was not completed, all the firepower on the God-class was these high-energy laser arrays, and there was no close defense system. But the four Infinity-class super aircraft carriers made up for this very well.

On the Infinity-class supercarrier, 700 heavy turbolaser cannons and 400 ‘Long Sword’ anti-ship missile launchers kept firing, and almost every Infinity-class carrier was surrounded by a fire net! As many as 830 close-in defense systems were spinning and firing frantically, shooting lasers and bullets at every target around them like a heavy rain.

Ender-Viking showed a very high level of tactics. His control of the battlefield was meticulous, and even every warship was under his control. All warships complemented each other's strengths and weaknesses, and alternately covered each other. Even if they were surrounded by countless warships, they were still at ease.

The wreckage of the destroyed warships was countless, almost surrounding the entire combat area, and some rotten warships even collided with these wreckages and were destroyed during high-speed maneuvers.

At this time, Ender-Viking gave an order: "Fighter formation! Attack immediately! Target, all heavy firepower warships!"

At the same time, with the assistance of the combat computer, Ender-Viking marked nearly 10,000 warships. These warships fell behind, all of which were slow but fierce.

The Ghost fighters and Viking fighters immediately entered stealth mode, pounced like hungry wolves, and opened fire on these thin-skinned and large-filled warships!

Ender-Viking also divided the combat area for the fighter formation to avoid wasting firepower.

In less than ten minutes, hundreds of heavy firepower warships were destroyed!

And the fighter formation is now located on the periphery of the battlefield, and the vast space gives them ample maneuvering space. If they are still in the center of the battlefield, the countless wreckage of the warships will not be able to accommodate the fighters' operations.

Two hours have passed since the two sides started fighting, and the fragments of the destroyed rotten warships almost filled the entire airspace. According to the statistics of the fire control system, they have destroyed more than 10,000 warships in two hours! This is an extremely terrifying number!

Of course, it is also because these rotten warships generally have no shields, and the hulls lack maintenance, and the materials of the main armor belt are seriously eroded. Faced with the powerful firepower of the Dawn Principality warships, few rotten warships can withstand 10 turbolaser cannons. As for the main guns of these warships, they are one shot at a time, without any ambiguity.

But the situation is still extremely desperate, because there are more than 70,000 rotten warships left! These warships are still pouring in.

As the distance between the two sides closes, the dense firepower of the rotten warships continues to fall on the Dawn Principality warships. Even though these weapons were backward and inefficient, three Steadfast-class cruisers still sank despite the huge number.

And as the weapons continued to fire, the rate of each charge was gradually decreasing. Although this degree of decline was almost undetectable under the size of the super battleship, the continuous firing times were too many, and the cumulative combat effectiveness of the battleship began to decline.

"Normandy, request to go to battle." Shepard said seriously. This was her twelfth request to Ender-Viking.

Although he had just made an enthusiastic speech, after the battle began, Ender-Viking was the supreme commander. Everyone on the scene must obey his jurisdiction, and only his jurisdiction!

But Ender-Viking rejected Shepard's request for the twelfth time, "It's not time yet! There are not enough rotten battleships coming!!"

The battle continued, and countless battleships continued to arrive.

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