The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 2208: God-Slaying War (V)

2209, God-Slaying War (V)

"Found it!" Shirley Birkin said loudly, looking at the sludge in the glass container in front of her.

"Where is it?" Shepard immediately ran over to ask.

Shirley Birkin quickly entered a long string of instructions in the control terminal and said, "I can't explain it to you. Leave the navigation system to me!"

"Clown! Deal with it immediately!" Shepard said without hesitation.

"I have authorized you! I will continue to be responsible for tactical actions, and the navigation direction will be left to you!" Jeff Morrow replied immediately.

Shirley Birkin stared at the data displayed on the screen, and then guided the Normandy forward. The spacecraft made a 180-degree turn in the air, and at the same time rolled rapidly to avoid the pursuit and interception of those rotten warships, and flew towards a plateau.

The subconscious body cultivated by Shirley Birkin has established a connection with the core consciousness of Mongal Mongal. The subconscious body constantly corrected the direction and guided the Normandy to move forward rapidly.

Obviously, Mnggal-Mnggal also seemed to realize something. He saw more rotten warships swooping down from the rotten star ring in low-Earth orbit and joining the ranks of chasing and intercepting the Normandy.

Countless shells, missiles and lasers tilted down, exploding fierce flames on the Normandy. The deflector shield kept flashing, and while blocking these attacks, the energy was constantly consumed.

"It knows we have found it." Shepard's face was solemn.

"The shield can't hold on!" Jeff-Morrow roared loudly.

The number of rotten warships swooping down from the sky has exceeded one thousand, and it is still increasing! And no matter how advanced the Normandy is, it is just a frigate after all.

It won't last long, and the Normandy will be completely destroyed!

Boom! Boom! Boom!! The spacecraft was hit continuously, and the hull trembled violently. Shepard and the others grabbed the surrounding things that could support them, but they were still shaken to the ground.

"Very close..." Shirley Birkin's clenched fists were also trembling slightly. Finally, she looked at the data readings on the screen and shouted, "It's here!!!"

"...I see it..." Jeff Morrow's voice trembled. Because there was no need for Shirley Birkin's reminder, under the Normandy, a terrifying scene had already told everyone - it was here!

If the planet Mug-Faro was the deepest part of hell, then this place was the heart of hell!

The terrifying scene shocked the hearts of all those who saw this place, bringing them the most primitive fear!

Here is an extremely huge and bottomless pit! The diameter of this pit is more than 10 kilometers, and the entire area is shrouded in a thick gray fog that is almost condensed. Almost all instrument and equipment signals cannot penetrate this fog. No wonder any previous scan could not find this place.

Around this bottomless pit, countless rocks are sharp and jagged, like countless sharp teeth sticking out, as if everything that falls into it will be completely crushed!

Countless brown silt flowed into the pit, and then fell like a waterfall, and no matter how much silt flowed in, it seemed that it could not fill the pit.

"Found you, disgusting thing!" Jeff Morrow gritted his teeth, and he pressed a button suddenly, "This is my gift to you!!"

I only saw a hatch at the bottom of the Normandy open, and a large-yield nuclear missile was fired directly towards the center of the pit!

"Launch beacon!" Shepard said loudly.

"Okay!" Jeff Morrow pressed another button, and a navigation beacon was launched.

However, at this moment, the pit suddenly changed! I only saw countless huge tentacles suddenly shot out, and the length continued to extend, and it exceeded a kilometer in an instant! Countless tentacles rolled towards the Normandy!

"Be careful!" Shepard shouted.

The Normandy was not at a high altitude just now, and was almost caught by the tentacles. The spacecraft suddenly climbed violently, threw away the tentacles, and the artillery on the spacecraft fired wildly at the nearest tentacles! The tentacles were constantly broken apart, splashing out countless mud.

At this moment, boom~~~~!!! A dull sound came from underground, and then the mud in the entire pit bulged into a huge hemisphere. At this moment, the hemisphere exploded! The raging flames and smoke instantly rushed into the sky, reaching hundreds of meters!

Boom~~~~~~!!! The terrible nuclear explosion exploded from the center of the pit, forming a huge mushroom cloud in the air!

The countless tentacles that had just been shot out disintegrated in the explosion, turning into countless mud and falling from the air, as if a heavy rain of mud had fallen.

[You...will pay the price! ! ! ] The planet-level big face let out a terrifying roar.

"Next life!" Shepard gritted his teeth and spat out a few words.

I only saw a red beam of light rising into the sky next to the huge pit, reaching the sky-the navigation beacon started working!

At the same time, on the outer battlefield of the planet Mug-Faro, the fleet commanded by Ander-Viking was already in a tough battle. It was already difficult for them to fight their way out among the countless rotten warships. The continuous consumption of energy and ammunition reduced the firepower of the fleet to less than one-third of the normal level!

They were blocked on the outer edge of the planet and could not move forward, let alone send the Mind Harp into the planet's atmosphere.

16 Steadfast-class cruisers have been sunk, and now only 13 are left. The three Infinity-class supercarriers have also suffered a lot of damage, but fortunately the warships are large enough and the armor is thick enough, so no more serious problems have occurred for the time being.

The deflector shield of the God-class Titan battleship has also dropped to a very dangerous level. If it continues to be attacked, when the shield is broken, the Titan battleship without the main armor belt will face those deadly firepower directly, and the consequences will be disastrous.

At this moment, Ender-Viking received the navigation signal he had been waiting for for a long time!

"There is still a chance..." Ender-Viking's tired body burst out with the last strength, and he began to give detailed commands on the holographic star map.

"All ships turn immediately, bearing 58-79! Doomsday weapons begin to charge! The Steadfast-class cruiser formation approaches the Infinite supercarrier!"

"Clear ahead! Doomsday weapons launch countdown! 30! 29! 28!..."

On the mushroom-shaped structure at the front of the God-Revelation-class Titan battleship, the light blue energy visible to the naked eye is like countless liquids constantly gathering towards the center! This form shows that the energy level of the gathering has reached a terrifying level!

The fleet began to turn and move in the direction of the beacon mark.

And when they noticed the direction they were heading, the rotten battleships also went crazy, and almost all the battleships of the entire Rotten Star Ring rushed towards them!

This is the last madness of the Rotten Star Ring! These battleships collided, fired, and even intercepted with their bodies! They tried every means to stop the fleet from moving forward.

And it seems that they can do it!

Even these four super battleships, under the siege of tens of thousands of battleships, have long been at the end of their strength.

Getting closer and closer to the coordinates, the Titan battleship began to adjust its direction and entered the launch position!

"...3! 2! 1! Fire!!!"

A dazzling light pierced the battlefield, almost covering the stars! !

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