2203. The final test

The Infinity super aircraft carrier actually brought the pyramids here!

Seeing such a scene, everyone was speechless.

Huang Yehao pointed to the plastic pyramid and said: "So, this is the method they found? Packing up an entire ruins and bringing it here? It seems that I have to be lucky that we don't have the ability to move the planet, otherwise I bet what is being sent here now must be a The entire planet Rafa 5."

Shepard rubbed his temples and sighed: "I hope this will be useful."

When the acting captain of the Infinity brought Dr. Yaco Vesti from the Saru research team to the bridge of the Titan battleship the Archangel, he did not care to marvel at such a majestic and spectacular Titan battleship. Pointing at Shepard's nose, he cursed angrily, "Is it you! Is it you! Smelly bitch! It was you who was the one behind the scenes who made them dismantle the plastic pyramid! Isn't it? Isn't it!"

Shepard struck out with lightning speed, grabbed the finger pointed at her by Yaco, and gently broke it. Yako Vesti screamed and squatted down.

She deadpanned, "I'm sorry, but the Mind Harp must now be used to defeat Mongar-Mongar."

"Do you know that you are destroying a brilliant civilization! The Saru people's civilization once spread all over the galaxy! They were great, glorious, and prosperous! And the Soul Harp contains all the knowledge and memories of the Saru people! But you "Using such an artifact as a disposable weapon!" Yako Vesti said loudly, "The Soul Harp is the hope of the Salu people to revive. This is equivalent to destroying a race with your own hands!"

Shepard said calmly: "I'm sorry for this. If there is still a chance, I will do my best to help the Saru people rebuild their civilization. But now, I can only say I'm sorry... because there is more in the galaxy. The race needs to be saved. I can't let Mongar-Mongar run rampant in this galaxy."

"You are committing a crime!" Yaco Vesti squeezed out these words through his teeth.

"Crime?" Shepard suddenly felt an unknown fire, "You said I was committing a crime? Huh? Okay! Then I'll show you what a crime is!!"

She dragged Dr. Yako up from the ground and roared: "I'll show you what crime is!!" Dragging him all the way, she dragged him into the Normandy.

Shepard slapped Jeff Morrow, who was napping in the cab, and said: "Joker, go to the nearest planet!"

When Jeff Morrow saw this, he understood something in his heart. He straightened his peaked cap that had just been photographed on one side and said, "Okay, BOSS, you have the final say!"

The spacecraft flew directly to the planet closest to Krakul's planet that was swallowed by Mongar Mongar. The Normandy directly entered the atmosphere. Shepard dragged Yaco Vesti from the shuttle and landed, and then grabbed him Throw it on the ground.

Dr. Yako got up and looked ahead, only to see a destroyed city. This city may have been so prosperous and developed in the past, but now, there are only gray ruins left.

In the city, you can still see countless silt flowing, and a large number of mummies wrapped in silt swaying. Upon noticing their arrival, the mummies and sludge roared towards them.

Seeing such a terrifying situation, Yaco Vesti, who was making a fuss just now, was frightened. He hugged Shepard's thigh tightly and said loudly: "Go! Go! Get out of here, leave." Here! The monsters...the monsters are coming!"

"Monsters?" Shepard sneered. She grabbed Yaco Vesti and said, "They were all living people once! They created their own city, their own home, their own country, their own civilization! But now? Look what this is! This is Mongar, the god of decay! Look what he has turned into sludge! Become a zombie!"

The more she spoke, the more excited she became, and in the end she almost roared, "Now tell me, what is a crime!!!? What, it is a fucking crime!!!"

Yaco Vesti fell to the ground, looking at the mud and mummies coming in like a tsunami, his crotch became wet at the sight, "Go...go...help..."

The mud in the distance once again gathered into a hideous and terrifying skull. It looked at this side coldly and said in a terrifying voice: "Hahahaha, is this a gift for me? A frightened human being... ...Hehehe, this is not fun at all. In fact, what I care about more is your soul that wants to struggle even if it is desperate... I have thought of at least 10,000 ways to torture you slowly. Ten years...twenty years...fifty years...hahahahaha."

Seeing this huge skull, Yaco Vesti was so frightened that he peed his pants.

Shepard ignored the skull at all. She waited until the mummies were almost rushing in front of her, then took Dr. Yaco onto the shuttle and returned to the Normandy.

Looking at the trembling archaeologist, Shepard has calmed down and said calmly: "Mnggal-Mnggal has destroyed countless civilizations and killed countless lives. Once infected by Mnggal-Mnggal, all creatures on the planet, including birds in the sky and insects on the trees, will not be spared. And now, the Mind Harp is the only way I can think of... If Mnggal-Mnggal cannot be stopped and this disaster spreads to the Milky Way, I think it won't be long before the entire Milky Way will become what you see now."

Dr. Yako bowed his head and said nothing, still trembling.

Shepard grabbed his shoulders, turned him around, stared into his eyes seriously, and said word by word: "Now tell me, how to activate the Mind Harp?"


"In short, this largest plastic pyramid is an energy conversion device. And the Mind Harp is an energy focusing and amplifying device. Through methods we don't know, the plastic pyramid transmits huge energy to the Mind Harp, and then radiates it in some form. And what will happen next, I don't know." Back on the Titan battleship God's Envoy, Dr. Yako's expression was still a little depressed, but at least he was not as resistant and angry as before.

"Your specious theory is meaningless. In short, just tell me if you can activate the Mind Harp?" Huang Yehao said.

Dr. Yako nodded, "I basically know how to operate it. Moreover, the last time the Mind Harp was activated, it was not complete, so there should be some energy left in it, which can allow us to conduct an experiment."

"But what about after the experiment? How to charge it?" Shepard asked.

"This entire plastic pyramid is just an energy conversion device and does not contain any energy supply system. At that time, I also did a lot of research and confirmed that from 3,000 meters down, it was all energy transmission pipelines, and there was no other. The Mind Harp is built on a huge geothermal power station. So, if we want to use it now, we can only get power from this Infinity-class super aircraft carrier." Dr. Yako said.

"What are the consequences?" Shepard asked again.

"The consequence is that once the charging starts, the energy output of the Infinity will be very weak, which means that the combat effectiveness of this battleship will be greatly reduced." Dr. Yako said.

"We can complete the charging in advance, anyway, the Mind Harp can store energy."

"The original energy, it can. But I'm not sure if the energy transmitted from the Infinity will work... I can only try."

Shepard frowned and said, "Anyway, let's go inside the plastic pyramid and complete the experiment first."

While they were talking, several scientists from Dr. Yako's team had already commanded the engineering spacecraft to fly over and install the Mind Harp on the top of the plastic pyramid.

The Infinity supercarrier is now hovering over a desert on the planet Kraku, and the spacecraft turned and stood up, making the plastic pyramid also stand upright.

Under the flexible control of the mechanical arm of the engineering spacecraft, the mind harp with constantly changing shapes was placed in the slot at the top of the pyramid, fitting perfectly.

However, at the moment when the mind harp returned to its position, before Dr. Yako issued an order, an energy shock instantly radiated from the mind harp, at an incredibly fast speed that there was no time to react!

Immediately afterwards, the communication between the Titan battleship of the God's Envoy and the ground was completely cut off! !

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