The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 2201 Despicable, shameless, and obscene behavior

2202. Despicable, shameless, and obscene behavior

The eastern part of the Milky Way, Rafa Galaxy, Planet No. 5.

A huge fleet of 10 Imperial-class Star Destroyers, 2 Knight-class Star Destroyers, 1 Tracker-class aircraft carrier, 10 Victory II-class Star Destroyers, and more than 40 small and medium-sized warships including Aquitens-class light cruisers and Nightwatch-class frigates have surrounded the planet.

Half of the warships have already entered the planet's atmosphere. There are still a lot of debris falling in the sky, including the wreckage of TIE/LN fighters, the wreckage of Ghost fighters, and many armor belt fragments that were bombed off the main battleships.

It is obvious that this place has just experienced a fierce battle, and now, this battle is over.

Soon, a pitch-black Imperial-class Star Destroyer left the hyperspace channel and came to Planet Rafa No. 5. The black Star Destroyer did not stop, but rushed directly into the planet's atmosphere and came to the previous battlefield. There was an extremely huge pit in the center of the battlefield, which was bottomless, huge in size, and looked extremely strange.

The black shuttle flew out from the hangar under the Star Destroyer, circled the pit twice, and then landed on the ground.

There were already a large number of Imperial Stormtroopers on the ground, investigating everywhere, and many archaeological experts were busy everywhere. A middle-aged officer with an admiral badge was inspecting the pit site accompanied by dozens of guards and experts. Seeing the black shuttle landing, the admiral's face changed, and he quickly led everyone to greet it.

The shuttle door opened, and ten clone soldiers wearing black combat armor and came out first. They lined up on both sides to welcome the arrival of the real owner.

A beautiful woman in a black robe and a tight black combat uniform came out of the shuttle. She looked at the admiral in front of her and said lightly: "Lieutenant General Bardes... Oh, when did you get promoted?"

Bardes did not dare to be negligent, and immediately stood at attention and saluted, saying: "Senior Inquisitor Hydra, because this operation was rather hasty, the Imperial military did not have time to appoint a new commander here, so I was temporarily promoted to admiral to command this fleet to encircle and suppress the Infinity supercarrier of the Principality of Dawn."

Hydra looked at the black soil full of gunpowder smoke that was lifted up by the violent explosion, and said in a cold tone, "Oh? It seems that your mission has failed... Bardes... Colonel."

A lot of cold sweat flowed down from Bardes' forehead. Hydra demoted him to colonel in one sentence, which made him extremely scared and desperate. But facing the senior judge of the court of inquiry, he still did not dare to be negligent.

Hydra is one of the four senior judges under the Supreme Judge of the Tribunal, Black Hole, and among these four people, Hydra is the strongest and most trusted by Black Hole. The other three rarely take direct responsibility for combat affairs, and mostly deal with internal affairs.

Therefore, it is not an exaggeration to say that this beautiful woman like a venomous snake is the second person in the Tribunal!

Compared with this, he, a temporarily promoted admiral, is really nothing!

Hydra came to an extremely huge pit in front of him and looked at this spectacular scene in silence.

This pit is really too big, with a diameter of nearly one kilometer, and there are hundreds of large engineering machinery abandoned around it. Moreover, this pit is bottomless and you can't see the end at a glance. Some Imperial Stormtroopers are riding in a hovercraft to check in the pit.

"What happened?" Hydra asked.

Admiral Bardes... No, the colonel wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and said carefully: "It was the super aircraft carrier of the Principality of Dawn. They broke through the border defense line and rushed into the planet's atmosphere while we were still gathering the fleet, and then dropped a large number of engineering machinery and began to dig frantically... We immediately let the warships that had arrived launch an attack, but they were no match for the super aircraft carriers, so we could only use fighter jets to bomb those engineering machinery, but the effect was minimal. After that, this super aircraft carrier flew down directly, grabbed the pyramid they dug out with a tractor beam, and then cut the pyramid in half and pulled it up as a whole..."

Hydra looked at the big pit in front of it and knew what was going on.

"Pull up the entire ruins and take them away?" Hydra muttered to herself, she just felt extremely absurd in her heart, and even felt a little incredible.

This is completely unreasonable! The Saruru ruins in the Rafa system are clearly within the territory of the Galactic Empire. You said you came here to dig secretly and even took some things away, that's fine, this is understandable. But what about you packing up the ruins and taking them away?

I've seen shameless people, but I've never seen such shameless people! It's so shameless, despicable and vulgar!

Anger accumulated in Hydra's heart, and her voice became colder and colder, "So, the Infinity-class super aircraft carrier just ran away with the entire ruins under your nose? Major Bards."

Has he been demoted to major? Major Bards' legs were weak, and he said tremblingly: "The Infinity-class super aircraft carrier... must have used technology unknown to us. After the fleet arrived one after another, I immediately deployed defenses in the synchronous orbit, but it just flew out of the atmosphere and had not yet left the gravity well, and it actually directly started the hyperspace engine and then disappeared..."

"Directly entering hyperspace within the scope of the gravity well?" Hydra frowned. She remembered the information from the past few days - the Eternal super aircraft carrier, also an Infinity-class aircraft carrier, left the Chisland and appeared just two days later. On Planet Dawn.

In this case, the situation is very obvious. The Principality of Dawn has mastered the unknown hyperspace navigation technology and has taken the lead in using it on the Infinity-class super aircraft carrier!

Don't look at the little difference between jumping inside the gravity well and jumping outside. For space warfare, this little difference brings an unparalleled mobility advantage!

"Continue to track the movements of the Infinity super aircraft carrier and be sure to find where this battleship has gone. In addition, we must also confirm the movements of Severance Tann and find out whether she is on the Infinity!" Hydra had no head. Hui Di ordered.

"Yes...yes...I'll do it right away. I'll do it right away." Major Bardes nodded hurriedly.

"I didn't tell you." Hydra waved its hands gently, and two clone soldiers in black armor and red robes stepped forward and clasped Major Bardes's hands behind his back, "Former Imperial Admiral Bards St. Dovre, you are suspected of dereliction of duty, treason, and bribery. You will be arrested immediately and sent back to the court for trial. "

"My is none of my business!!" As Bardes howled miserably, he was dragged back to the spacecraft by two clone soldiers.

At this time, the planet Krakul. Shepard and others were also stunned when they saw the third Infinity-class super aircraft carrier arriving, the Infinity. They all looked at the pyramid hanging under the battleship and were speechless.

That’s right, a plastic pyramid! !

This huge square cone-shaped building is suspended below the Infinity super aircraft carrier, stabilized with a large number of steel cables and mechanical arms, and firmly grasped by the super aircraft carrier's six sets of powerful tractor beams.

The huge square pyramid has a diameter of 400 meters at its widest point, and the total length should be more than 3,000 meters by visual inspection, and it looks like it is cut off at the middle! Hang this plastic pyramid underneath to make the Infinity supercarrier look pregnant.

I haven't been too busy these days, so I started fishing at work... I have time to play games when I get home. Although I'm a disabled person and don't play Black Myth, Empire of the Sun 2 is still very good...

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