The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 2203 A World Without Mnggal Mnggal

Chapter 2203 A world without Menggal - Menggal

2204. A world without Mongal - Mongal

This invisible energy wave swept across the entire planet Krakul instantly! Immediately afterwards, all communications and signals on the entire planet were interrupted!

No, it's not just the communication interruption, the entire planet Krakul is now in a weird state. Because now looking down from the Divine Envoy, the originally yellow-green planet now looks like a dead planet. There is nothing up there but gray desert and rocks!

"What...what is going on?" Huang Yehao was shocked, "The planet...the planet was destroyed?"

"Impossible! To destroy a planet, the energy required is much greater than this. We in low-Earth orbit are not immune." Matt Horner shook his head, "This may be an illusion."

"This energy wave has indeed cut off all signals. Now even if we use instruments to scan the planet, we will not get any results." Shepard said.

"Then what should we do now? Send someone down to take a look?" Lieutenant General He Ru looked at Matt Horner and asked.

After all, Matt Horner is a veteran commander of the Dawn Principality. He has been the commander-in-chief of the navy for more than ten years. His long-term power has convinced Lieutenant General He Ru even if he resigns.

Matt Horner nodded and said seriously: "That's right. Well, I'll go down in person."

Shepard said: "Let's go together and take the Normandy."

Matt Horner took a deep look at Shepard, nodded without saying anything, and just walked towards the door.

The Normandy took off, carrying Lieutenant General He Ru, Matt Horner, Shepard and others towards the seemingly dead planet Krakul. As they approached the planet, everyone felt a little uneasy. At that moment, they considered countless possibilities.

For example, hitting a shield and being shattered to pieces, or discovering that the planet was really destroyed...

Fortunately, this didn't happen.

When entering the planet's atmosphere, the spacecraft seemed to have passed through a thin film, and all power, power supply and systems of the entire spacecraft were instantly interrupted! Even the panoramic projection of the cockpit disappeared instantly, and the surroundings suddenly became dark!

Pilot Jeff Morrow exclaimed: "Oh no! There's something wrong with the spacecraft..."

However, before he finished speaking, all systems were restored immediately, the engine started, and the system began to refresh and restart. After the panoramic projection was restored, I could only see that the front was suddenly bright, the sun was shining brightly on the planet, and the blue sky and white clouds seemed to have disappeared.

"This is amazing!" Huang Yehao exclaimed.

"It seems that this energy layer can not only isolate all electronic signals, but also isolate the light reflected by the planet, and use the absorbed energy to create an illusion." Shepard said: "Indeed, in this way, this planet If the planet is not carefully explored, there will be no clues at all. "

"There is no problem with the system. The sudden interruption just now seems to be an electromagnetic pulse? It doesn't look like it. It is not destructive... In short, it is just this thing." Jeff Morrow said after completing the system self-check, "Unable to receive the planet Any signal other than

The Normandy flew in the direction of the previous Infinity super aircraft carrier, and soon saw the huge figure. But it's different from what everyone expected. Now the Infinity is floating crookedly in the ultra-low altitude, with a maximum height of less than 100 meters from the ground!

When I flew over to take a look, I also saw a huge depression on the ground under the Infinity super aircraft carrier, with a diameter of more than 10 kilometers.

The communication was connected, and the voice of Zhang Rui, the acting captain of the Infinity, came, [It was so thrilling just now! The Soul Harp started suddenly without warning, and the spacecraft's energy system and electronic system were instantly interrupted, and then it fell towards the ground. Although we turned on the anti-gravity device the moment the system recovered, it still fell under the action of inertia. In the end, we had to overload the anti-gravity device and barely managed to save the spacecraft. 】

Matt Horner nodded, "I saw a big hole in the ground. Is it caused by the overload of the anti-gravity device? How is the spaceship?"

[179 sets of anti-gravity devices were burned due to overheating, and four cabins caught fire, but the disaster has been brought under control. It will take at most one day for the battleship to recover. ] Zhang Rui said.

Shepard nodded and said: "Contact the Korok people immediately to confirm the situation of Mongar Mongar on the planet!"

"Okay." Lieutenant General He Ru quickly replied, and then made arrangements immediately.

Because everyone was paying so much attention, no one was aware of the change of roles between the two at this time.

The communication of Vishal, the leader of the Korok Provisional Government, was connected. He didn't even have time to wait for the screen to appear before he shouted, [Success! We succeeded! ! ! 】

"What's the success?" Shepard suppressed the excitement in his heart and continued to ask.

[All Mongal-Mongal on the planet are dead! ! They have become fertile sludge, hahahaha! ! ! This is the day when the air on Krakul’s planet has been the purest in thousands of years! Hahahahaha! ! ! ] Vishal laughed loudly.

Not only him, but also many people outside the communication could be heard cheering.

"Successful!! Hahahaha!" Huang Yehao was extremely excited. He hugged Shepard's shoulders and shook them vigorously, cheering loudly.

"It's not time to be happy yet! We have only completed a quarter of our goal at most!" Shepard also smiled, but she still suppressed her excitement. She immediately said loudly: "Since it is confirmed that the Mind Harp is useful, then our battle plan will start immediately!"

"Yes!" Matt Horner saluted meticulously.

"No problem! That's great!" Lieutenant General He Ru was also very excited.

"I will immediately arrange to charge the Mind Harp! And restore the Infinity's combat capability as soon as possible!" Infinity's captain Zhang Rui also stood at attention and saluted.

"Three days later, we will set off! The target is the planet Mug-Faro!!" Shepard waved her fist and said loudly.


In the capital of Krakuer, Vishal commanded his follower Lugubula to grab a handful of soil from the ground.

There were no more tiny silts that twisted and turned like maggots in the soil, which were scattered in the wind and raised dust. It also no longer condensed into strange, wriggling mud blocks as before.

The mummies covered with silt that often appeared on the planet also fell to the ground like puppets with their strings cut, and turned into part of the earth.

There was no more sickening sweet smell in the air. The fragrance of grass and soil came to my face with the breeze.

"Is this... a world without Mnggal-Mnggal?" Vishal looked up.

In the sky, the huge figure of the Infinity supercarrier was slowly rising.

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