The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1916 A Spark (Thirteen) [I wish everyone a happy and healthy Year of the Dragon]

Chapter 1916 A Spark (Thirteen) [I wish everyone a happy and healthy Year of the Dragon!]

1917. Spark (13)

In fact, Lieutenant General Gilad Pellaeon's judgment on the matters between the Geth and the Fourth Group and the Interstellar Banking Association (M) in the northern territory is relatively accurate.

Because the current planets of Mequito and Mulinster are developing at a very terrifying speed.

If you come to the planet Mequito, you will see that this planet is shrouded in ice and snow and looks like a beautiful ice crystal. It is now industrializing at an alarming rate.

On the periphery of the planet, there are already two giant Agonev-class interstellar bases with a side length of 45,000 meters under construction. These two interstellar bases are located at the north and south poles of the planet respectively. They rely on their extremely powerful firepower to cover the surroundings of the planet.

You know, according to the design of the Agonev-class interstellar base, there are various specifications and models, the small ones have a circumference of 8,000 meters, and the large ones can even reach hundreds of kilometers. Before this, most of the buildings built by the Fourth Civilization were 10,000 to 20,000 meters in length, but now these two giant interstellar bases with a side length of 45,000 meters are the pinnacle in terms of material resources, financial resources, and technology!

After all, in order to build a larger interstellar base, the first thing that must be passed is materials science. If the material science is not good enough, the interstellar base cannot even be formed.

At the same time, on the equator of the planet, a huge star ring is also under construction. More than 60% of the star ring has been completed. It is currently divided into 7 segments. You can also see countless engineering spacecrafts working day and night. The 7 segments of the star ring are moving at extremely fast speeds. The speed is increasing every day, and it is expected that in two years, the connection will be completely sealed.

Once the Agonev-class interstellar bases at the north and south poles and this star ring are completed, it is simply unimaginable how powerful it will be to shake the defense of the planet Mequito!

This also shows how rich the Interstellar Banking Association (M) is now! Under the leadership of Thorn-Ciel, the Interstellar Banking Association (M), which has fully embraced the Principality of Dawn, has extended its tentacles to all aspects of the Principality of Dawn. They originally had huge financial reserves, which are now used in the Principality of Dawn. It can even be said that it is overkill!

Compared to the Galactic Empire, the Interstellar Banking Association (S) with the planet Scipio as its core is also the economic core of the Galactic Empire under the leadership of Rush Clovis, but there are too many messes in the Galactic Empire. At the same time, huge wealth is still in the hands of the wealthy nobles in the inner circle, so their current status seems very embarrassing.

The current planet Mequito is built according to the defense standards of the financial core of the galaxy. In the construction and development plan submitted to Tang Xiao, the planet Mequito needs to have at least a defense level that can face the siege of 200 Empire-class Star Destroyers and still be as stable as Mount Tai!

Under a very secret billion-year-old ice layer on the planet is the huge treasury of the planet Mequito, where huge amounts of wealth are stored and used to provide various financial operations to the Interstellar Banking Association (M).

At the same time, in addition to the hundreds of large ice cities that already existed on the planet, large-scale construction of factories and industrial areas also began, turning the planet into a huge industrial fortress.

And if you come to the planet, you will find that geth can be seen almost everywhere in the construction of the planet! These geth work tirelessly to build the planet, and have even established very good relationships with the locals. In the city, you can often see the geth walking together with the local residents.

Although the geth cannot be considered an intelligent species, they can still communicate with residents on a daily basis. Therefore, in daily life, geth individuals often play the role of servants such as helping to move things and help with work. It's just that the Principality of Dawn has a rule for the planet residents who coexist with the geth that is not stated openly, but does exist - that is, the geth individuals are not allowed to be treated as slaves, and they must stand on an equal footing with the geth. Sri Lanka communication.

To put it bluntly, you can ask them to help, and they are very happy to help, but you must not use a commanding tone.

Because what Tang Xiao is worried about is that the Geth may be relatively sensitive to whether he is an intelligent creature. If one accidentally touches the Geth's reverse scale, it may lead to catastrophic consequences.

As for why the geth are allowed to be so deeply involved in the production, life, and construction of the planet Mequito? It's very simple, because Tang Xiao needs to guard against the Interstellar Banking Association (M) and the Geth at the same time, so he simply puts the two together to influence each other and contain each other.

Naturally, Tang Xiao could not let the Interstellar Banking Association (M) control the economic lifeline of the Dawn Principality. He also planted nails among the five core members of the Interstellar Banking Association (M), and established control over their major subordinate industries and investments. He also placed his own people among them.

Therefore, the Interstellar Banking Association (M) is actually divided. Including the forces installed by Tang Xiao, there are the old Muun forces, and there are emerging forces like Thorn-Ciel.

At the same time, Tang Xiao is now beginning to discover that there are actually signs of division within the Geth. Some of the geth are fighting on the front lines, while the other are the geth who are responsible for construction in the rear. The two groups of geth individuals began to show different standards and orientations in judging things.

Perhaps for intelligent creatures like humans, such differences are just a small matter. But don’t forget, the Geth are a mechanical race similar to Gestalt consciousness! Such disagreements are much more serious! Maybe they are really facing a split.

Of course, Tang Xiao was happy to see it. He didn't want Geth to really become big. He just wanted Geth to beat up Palpatine and then go up and harvest the heads himself.

In addition to the rapid development of the Mequito planet, the construction of the Mulinster planet is also constantly advancing. This second home planet of the Muun people was originally a residential planet. The planet's industry was not developed, but now, this planet has gradually begun to be built into a new high-precision technology center.

There was also the planet Ord-Mantel (some works were translated as Mantel Depot), which was once the capital of the Eighth Army of the Galactic Republic. After the Fourth Group settled in, they also began to develop this planet with the Geth. The planet Ode-Mantel was originally a planet occupied by gangs, where smuggling, gambling, slave trading and other illegal businesses abounded. However, when a real national power took over, everything was crushed!

This planet, once known as the Pearl of the North, is now being industrialized and militarized at an extremely fast speed under the construction of the Geth and the Fourth Group. A huge military academy has also been built on it to train their own talents. Excellent generals.

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