1916. Spark (12)

Colonel Thrawn shook his head and said, "The current Geth has its limits."

"Limit? In terms of quantity? Or in terms of area?" Gilad Perrine frowned.

Thrawn opened the holographic star map, gestured at a place in the northern inner ring area, and said: "It is roughly at this location, but I still need to make further confirmation. I need to know more about our enemies."

"I will notify the intelligence officer and send intelligence on the geth at any time." Gilad Pellaeon said very seriously, "It's just that I still don't understand why the geth have limits? They have been proven to be the most powerful Terrifying mechanical creatures, cruel and cold-blooded, will carry out predatory mining wherever they go, and then use all the resources to build factories and create more individuals."

"Oh no, I already know a lot about Geth. The missing parts can't be found with Geth. Therefore, what I need to pay attention to is the information about the Dawn Planet." Thrawn said calmly. .

"Planet Dawn?"

"Yes, Planet Dawn is the limit of Geth." Thrawn replied.

Gilad Pellaeon shook his head and said: "I don't quite understand the relationship between the two... Dawn Planet should be the one who brought the Geth here, and they should also be secretly supporting the Geth behind the scenes. . We believe that the Intergalactic Banking Association (M) and the Fourth Group on the planet Mequito are now in the core of the geth-controlled area, providing support for their invasion."

He pulled out a piece of intelligence and said: "Look... In the past two years, the Imperial Intelligence Agency and the Imperial Security Bureau have conducted more than 1,800 secret operations on the planet Mequito, but all failed without exception. And here Among the more than 1,800 operations, 265 were able to send back the final information, and the final information in 214 of them was related to the Geth. The most important reason why we were unable to attack the separatism and the economic lifeline of the Dawn Principality was because of the Geth. The presence."

Judging from the current situation on the star chart, this is indeed the case. The core planets of the Fourth Group and the Interstellar Banking Association (M), the Mekitor planet, the Mullinster planet, and the former capital of the Eighth Army of the Republic, the Ode Mantle planet, are now all controlled by the Geth. Wrapped in the middle.

Although the Fourth Group and the Interstellar Banking Association would release some news from time to time about their efforts to resist the Geth invasion and achieve great victories, many people began to believe that they were colluding with the Geth.

But since you can't confirm this matter, rumors are rumors and it will never be official. What's more, now that the Principality of Dawn has declared its allegiance to the Galactic Empire, what are you going to do if your Galactic Empire spreads the word that the Principality of Dawn is colluding with the Geth? Will the two sides immediately turn against each other and start another fight?

Although both sides believe that a fight will happen sooner or later, for now, neither side wants to fight.

So regarding the geth matter, the media in the Principality of Dawn tried their best to clear themselves up, while the media in the Galactic Empire, although they couldn't say it openly, always made some weird comments from time to time.

Colonel Thrawn looked at the information about the Geth, smiled lightly and said: "Actually, this matter is not difficult to understand. If the Dawn Planet and the Geth are really in an alliance, no matter how the Geth expands, the chains around their necks will It is always in the hands of Dawn Planet. Look at those planets that were captured by the Geth, everyone was turned into corpse puppets, the planet's ecological environment was completely destroyed, and the entire planet was transformed into a huge factory. Do you think Dawn Planet will still want these planets? ?No, they don’t want it.”

"You mean... if the two sides are really an alliance, Dawn Planet will not let Geth go too far, and will always hold the chain behind Geth to prevent Geth from continuing to wreak havoc in wider areas?" Gilad Pellaeon also understood, "And if the geth and Dawn Planet are not in alliance, then their expansion will be unscrupulous, and maybe they are the real thorn in the side of the galaxy!"

"It's a serious problem..." Colonel Thrawn's eyes became profound, "Maybe it's not the geth's turn..."

"It's not Geth? Who should it be?" Gilad Pellaeon was stunned.

"Nothing..." Colonel Thrawn's expression became serious, "In short, get rid of the geth first, and then the Principality of Dawn! All existences that affect Galaxy System 1 must be eliminated!"

Gilad Perrine also looked solemn and nodded.

"In short, I need more information about the Dawn Planet now. No matter what it is, as long as it is related to the Dawn Planet, I need it. And...about the creator of Geth...the so-called Quarian... Thrawn's eyes sharpened, "This race is really too mysterious. I can find many traces of the Quarians on the Geth, but I can't find any traces of them in this galaxy... This doesn't make sense..."

"The Intelligence Department has also noticed this race, but just like the Salarians, they can't find any past. I used to think that they were all races in the unknown star field, but now I find that they are not..." Gila De Peraine frowned.

"A race that is brilliant enough to create mechanical life of the level of the Geth, even if it dies, it will leave behind many relics. We can even find the relics of the Kua people, Tao people, and philosophers from the past races in the galaxy. Even the ruins of Kilik and Rakata are numerous. Therefore, the Quarians and Salarians are definitely not impossible to find because they are too old or too remote..." Colonel Thrawn Said, "For me, this is very important. If we can't even understand the origin of an opponent, then this may become a very fatal factor..."

He looked at Gilad Perrine, and his tone was slow and low, but with shocking power, "That is...everything this opponent showed is fake."

Hearing these words, Gilad Pellaeon's face also changed drastically. He murmured, "It's all... fake?"

He knew exactly what this meant.

This means that this opponent is very likely to overturn everything he has shown at a certain time and appear in a new and unfamiliar posture!

At that time, the Galactic Empire will be fighting a completely unfamiliar opponent!

At the most critical and intense moment of a war, such a change may even cause a devastating defeat!

"Things...can't go on like this..." Gilad Perrine made up his mind.

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