1915. Spark (11)

When the last geth warship was shattered and torn apart in the explosion, Colonel Thrawn once again led the Sixth Patrol Fleet to victory. But they were not unscathed. Under the geth's crazy counterattack, two Night Watch-class frigates were destroyed, and one of them disintegrated on the spot. None of the 400 crew members in the battleship survived.

The other Night Watch-class frigate lost power and was captured by the planet's gravity and fell. This battleship was lucky. After crashing, it made an emergency landing on the ocean. About 180 crew members survived.

It seems that the losses were greater than in the previous battle, and the number of geth fleets faced was smaller, but in fact, considering that Colonel Thrawn's Sixth Patrol Fleet had just experienced a fierce battle at the moment, and it had only been three days. If time is adjusted, the victory in this second battle will be even more glorious!

During this battle, Colonel Thrawn was even able to grasp the geth's movements! This is where everyone can’t believe it.

Even at this time, the officers and soldiers at all levels in the fleet had not yet reacted to such shock.

"We...won?" Sandas' face was filled with disbelief.

"The landing can begin now, and let the Marines prepare immediately." Colonel Thrawn showed no concern for this victory. "In addition, notify the Naval Logistics Department to immediately resupply our fleet. Then submit a combat report and apply to return to the rear to repair and maintain the warship."

"Yes...yes!" Sandas responded quickly.

The entire fleet was busy again. The Fire-breathing Empire-class Star Destroyer began to recover the fighter formations, including those from the planet's ground defense forces. They then carried these fighters back into the atmosphere and redeployed them in the planet's capital.

At the same time, the fire-breathing beast's hangar landing platform was fully deployed, and transport planes began to take off, sending the marines carried on the Star Destroyer to the ground in batches. It also includes 20 large armored units such as AT-TE all-terrain tactical assault walkers, AT-AT all-terrain armored transport walkers, 400 Zephyr-G armed hover motorcycles and other armored units.

After landing, the Marines will regroup and assemble, and then cooperate with the planet's ground defense forces to launch an attack on the cities occupied by the geth.

At the same time, three Night Watch-class frigates that were in relatively good condition had also flown over the city and conducted preliminary bombings on more obvious targets, paving the way for subsequent strikes.

However, just when the ground military operations were about to begin in full swing, military orders from the Navy Division of the Sector were conveyed again.

Lieutenant General Chenor's holographic projection appeared again. He looked at Thrawn, the disgust in his eyes was not concealed at all, and said in a sinister manner: "It seems that you still have reservations, Chiss. You already have the ability to defeat the geth." Ability, but it must have been delayed for three whole days! In these three days, how many human subjects of the empire died because of this?"

He emphasized the word "human" very strongly.

"I will not express any opinion on this, Lieutenant General." Colonel Thrawn naturally could not quarrel with this scoundrel, and his tone remained extremely calm.

"Of course I don't expect a foreigner to express any opinions, do you understand? Look at the Geth! This is what the aliens have brought to us! And you, the Chiss, in my eyes, you are as good as a Geth It's just Geth, no difference." Chenor's face was gloomy.

"I think some special emotions have begun to hinder your normal thinking, Lieutenant General Chenault. From many perspectives, this is not a good phenomenon, especially for you." Colonel Thrawn said lightly.

"That's enough! You Chiss have no right to tell me this!! Now let me tell you that the planet Lorrd has been attacked by pirates! I ask you to go and destroy them immediately!!" Lieutenant General Chenault said loudly.

"I hope that this combat order will also be signed by the Imperial Navy." Faced with such difficulties, Colonel Thrawn still did not have any emotional fluctuations. He remained very calm.

"As the district commander, I have the power to make emergency decisions on anything that happens in my defense zone!" Lieutenant General Chenole said.

"What an impromptu decision, General Chenault." At this time, another young voice suddenly came in and interrupted Chenault's words. He only saw another holographic projection of hyperspace communication appearing next to Thrawn.

I only saw a young man who looked to be in his early 30s at most, but was already wearing a white uniform of an Imperial Navy general. Judging from his badge, he was also a lieutenant general, looking at Chenault with an angry look on his face.

Seeing this man, Lieutenant General Chenault gasped, "General Gilad Pellaeon, why are you here!?"

"As the commander of the northern defense line of the Galactic Empire, based on my impromptu decision, I believe that the Ninth Squadron under your command, General Chenor, should immediately launch a counterattack against the planet Oud-Mantel and take back the planet occupied by the separatists in one fell swoop. Rebuild the glory of the 8th Army! Set off immediately!" Lieutenant General Gilard Pellaeon was not as calm as Colonel Thrawn, and he came up to confront Lieutenant General Chenore.

After hearing this, Lieutenant General Chenor's expression changed, and his aura suddenly weakened a lot, "No... I mean, I mean, the situation on Roald Planet is urgent now..."

"Then let your Ninth Squadron move!" Gilad Pellaeon pushed back without any politeness.

Lieutenant General Chenault was robbed of his innocence for a while, and his heart was filled with anger. His plump chest kept rising and falling. It seemed that only such deep breathing could help him suppress the anger in his heart.

But he had no choice but to lower his head and say: "Understood, I will redeploy it. As for the Chiss fleet, it will temporarily stay on the planet Akurea until the remaining geth here are completely wiped out. .”

Gilad Pellaeon sneered and said: "Colonel Thrawn has his own right to make judgments about frontline wars."

"Hmph!" Chenor snorted coldly and closed the communication.

Although they are both vice admirals, there are huge differences between lieutenant generals and lieutenant generals. Gilad Pellaeon became a vice admiral at a young age and was the commander of the northern defense line of the Galactic Empire. The only obstacle that prevents him from becoming an admiral now is his too young age.

On the other hand, Lieutenant General Chenore is just the commander-in-chief of a star division fleet. How can he be compared with Gilad Pellaeon!

What's more, Gilad Pellaeon is now the governor of the Ninth Army, a red man under Dunn Wessex, known as the King of the North! If there is any problem, he can respond directly to Dunn Wessex. In fact, if the matter is urgent enough, Dunn Wessex can arrange for Gilad Pellaeon to meet Emperor Pascal directly with just one sentence. Elpatin!

Compared with him, Lieutenant General Chenole, who didn't even know the communication frequency band of Dunn-Wessex, was even more of a clown.

"Please don't pay attention to these people, Mr. Thrawn." Lieutenant General Gilad Pellaeon looked very respectful in front of Thrawn, and he couldn't even see the huge identity gap between the two. "Lieutenant General Chenore's plan , I want to tie you here. It will take a long time to search to completely wipe out the geth that have landed, and the space port of Akurea has been destroyed, so if you stay here, your fleet will It will be impossible to get a good repair. At that time, he will use the excuse that you have repaired for a long enough time to force you to face a strong enemy in an incomplete state again. "

"So this requires your help, General Pellaeon." Thrawn responded very politely.

In fact, if you look at age, Gilad Pellaeon, who was born in 51BBY, is a full 8 years younger than Thrawn, who was born in 59BBY. It’s just that their circumstances are different, which leads to the huge status gap between them. .

In fact, the two people now don't know that in another universe called 'Original Plot', Gilad Pellaeon's improvement and growth are far from reaching this level, and Gilad is still just a junior officer. -Pellaeon once served on a battleship commanded by Thrawn and received many lessons from Thrawn.

But here, Gilad Pellaeon was valued by Admiral Eureka of the Republic Navy at the time because of his prominence in the battle against the geth, and was focused on training. In the subsequent battle on the planet Dorin, Admiral Eureka died of serious injuries. Gilad Pellaeon inherited Admiral Eureka's legacy and successfully led the fleet to escape the geth's pursuit, making great achievements.

After that, he successfully organized a defense battle on the planet Feida, blocking the geth's advance. Because of this, he gained the appreciation of Dunn Wessex, who trained him as his most important general and relied on his advice to deploy a solid line of defense to resist geth infiltration.

This series of events also caused Gilard Perrine's status in the military to skyrocket. Compared to Thrawn, who was discriminated against because of his Chiss identity and struggled to develop in the military, Gilad Pellaeon was now in an almost unattainable position.

It can only be said that being on the front line is the fastest way to improve your military rank.

When Thrawn had just been transferred to the North and became a mid-level officer, Gilad Pellaeon had many interactions with him. And soon, Pellaeon was impressed by this Chiss who was 8 years older than him, rich in knowledge, insights, wisdom, and at the same time extremely elegant.

Although Pellaeon's status is much higher than Thrawn, after several long conversations, Pellaeon regarded Thrawn as his teacher without hesitation. He believed that Thrawn's ability was far above his own, and he usually did the same. Addressing him as 'Mr. Thrawn' deliberately avoids the issue of military rank and avoids embarrassment.

Of course, Thrawn wouldn't care about this.

As a result, the friendship between the two became increasingly profound. Thrawn also admired Gilad Pellaeon, a talented and hard-working Imperial Navy admiral. He never begrudged what he learned and put his experience as much as possible Experience was taught to Pellaeon.

And Pellaeon also reciprocated. He also protected Colonel Thrawn in the army, and blocked Thrawn from many criticisms due to racial issues. Colonel Long won the opportunity to command the Sixth Patrol Fleet.

Gilad Pellaeon is also looking for a suitable opportunity to formally introduce Colonel Thrawn to Governor Dunne Wessex, so that Thrawn's talent can be discovered by the King of the North and he can Better show your ambition.

In fact, they don't know that in this universe, because of the appearance of Tang Xiao and Geth, the relationship between Gilad Pellaeon and Thrawn has undergone earth-shaking changes, and this change will also create A pair that is more powerful and terrifying than the original plot - 'Empire's Double Wall'!

"Mr. Thrawn, I will report to Governor Dunne Wessex again and request that you be transferred from Lieutenant General Chenore." Gilad Perrine said.

However, Thrawn shook his head and said: "Thank you for your kindness, but no need, General Pellaeon. General Chenor is a very simple, even stupid person. Although he is full of hostility towards me, he is not Knowing what to do would have really put me in a desperate situation. So it was kind of protective for me."

"It's just that if things like today happen again and again, it will be very dangerous." Girard Perrine said.

"And I only need to do one thing." Thrawn said calmly: "I will take the initiative to find Lieutenant General Chenault and reiterate that I have no intention of leaving his subordinates and am willing to further serve him. He is a vanity. , a cowardly person who loves success, and this proposal of mine will satisfy his every need."

"It's just like this, maybe you will be very frustrated..." Gilad Pellaeon shook his head and sighed, "With your talent, admiral should not be the end."

"The current situation in the north does not meet the conditions for me to be promoted quickly. Therefore, what I need is more accumulation." Thrawn said, "Even the battle on the planet Feida that you once faced, It will not be worth mentioning in the face of the situation that the North may face in the future."

Gilad Pellaeon's face became solemn. With his open-mindedness and structure, he naturally would not think that Thrawn's statement was hurting him. He just thought of something very bad, "Geth, there is no doubt that The Principality of Dawn brought it from the unknown star field. If we and the Principality of Dawn eventually have a war, then when the war breaks out again, the Principality of Dawn will not make any cover-up in this regard."

Thrawn shook his head and said: "The Geth do not come from the unknown star field. Their origins are very mysterious. It can even be said that they appeared suddenly without any warning. And what I am worried about is not the relationship between the Principality of Dawn and the Geth. There is a question of whether there is collusion between them. In fact, collusion between them is actually a good thing.”

"A good thing?" Gilad Pellaeon shook his head, "If the Principality of Dawn blatantly joins forces with the Geth, the possibility of us holding on to our current defense line is almost zero!"

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