The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1917 Sparks (14) [I wish everyone a happy, prosperous and healthy Year of the Dragon! ! 】

1918. Spark (14)

Of course, there are still two planets that have to be mentioned in the northern range - the planet Kali and the planet Hook.

The Kali people have received a lot of help since they followed the Fourth Civilization. From the very beginning, when the war between them and the Yamrayi was forcibly mediated by the Galactic Republic, the Fourth Civilization began to provide extensive support to the Kali planet. The very beginning of support is to enable the poor and backward Cali people to have enough to eat.

Since then, the Kali people have become an important part of the fourth civilization's army. The Kali are agile, ferocious in nature and good at fighting. They are an excellent fighting race. In the Fourth Civilization Army, Kali people often serve as snipers and infiltration assault troops, and as the Kali people stay longer and longer in the Fourth Civilization Army, many Kali people have become outstanding officers.

And as the older generation of Kali who participated in the previous wars between the Yamrayi gradually aged, the new generation of Kali began to become the core force of this race. The new generation of Kali people are deeply influenced by the culture of the fourth civilization. Many of them have also received good education, but at the same time they have not lost the fighting ability of their predecessors.

The current Kali people, a new force represented by General Ben Tiras San Skar, are also one of the cores of the Fourth Civilization Army.

The planet Kali was one of the first planets to cooperate with Geth and build a home with the help of Geth. With the help of the Geth, the planet Kali has also entered industrialization and militarization very quickly. In addition to a large number of arsenals, there are also a large number of military camps and training centers on the planet. Groups of Kali people are here. Receive training and become an excellent warrior.

At the same time, with the gradual expansion of the military academy on the planet Kali, this military academy, which mainly trains guerrilla warfare, jungle warfare, and asymmetric combat where the enemy is strong and we are weak, has also become more and more popular in the entire Kingdom of Dawn army. reputation. Many officers and soldiers from races other than the Kali people also choose to come to the planet Kali for training and receive further training and promotion.

And among the races that come here, the largest one is the Ewok!

The Kali people once created the feat of defeating the Yamrayi, a junior interstellar civilization, with an army from the cold weapon age. However, as everyone knows, there is another race in this galaxy that can do this - the Ewoks. In the "original plot" that has not yet happened, the Ewoks relied on bows, arrows and wooden clubs to defeat the Galactic Empire stormtroopers who broke into the jungle of the planet Endor. That was also a miraculous result.

Although this incident will probably not happen after the advent of the fourth civilization, it also shows that the Ewoks have this potential.

Now that these two races, who are equally good at jungle warfare and guerrilla warfare, come together, they may also become a nightmare on the ground battlefield of the Galactic Empire in the future!

In addition, the old enemies of the Kali people, the Yamrayi people who used their advanced technology to continuously invade and plunder surrounding races, after being annihilated by the geth, their home planet of Hook has now become An important base for the geth to manufacture and research corpse puppets.

The geth turned all the Yamri'i into corpse puppets, and were also using almost every race in the galaxy they could find to conduct corpse puppet transformation experiments to research more powerful corpse puppets. At the same time, it also includes corpse puppets made from Force-sensitive people - Banshee!

That's right, although Tang Xiao issued a ban on the Geth, the Geth's research in this area is still carried out secretly, but it is much lower-key and no longer nearly creates a disaster like on the planet Feida.

The current Hook planet is a very mysterious and strange planet. This planet is almost full of zombies, and there are piles of corpses. These corpses were all transported from other planets, and they were piled almost everywhere on the surface of the planet!

Mountains of corpses and seas of blood are no longer enough to describe the horror of Hook's planet. It can no longer become a hell for any organic race to survive! The air is filled with a putrid smell, deadly germs and rotten bodies are everywhere, and blood and pus are even flowing under your feet...

The natural environment no longer exists. The dragon's teeth piercing the corpses are as dense as a forest. Maybe the forest cannot be described. It should be a huge dense grass! How many? Millions or tens of millions? no one knows.

In such an environment, one can even hear the wail of the Force! The force of the dark side begins to grow continuously. Even if the people who come here are not killed by the deadly environment, they will lose their minds under the erosion of the dark side and become a monster that only knows killing.

Even Tang Xiao doesn't know much about the situation on Hook's planet. He only knows that the Geth are conducting corpse puppet experiments here, and countless corpse puppets have been piled up here. However, he doesn't know much about the specific situation of this planet. do not know either. Now Tang Xiao's position is too complicated. There are too many things to think about. Even if it explodes on a mere Hook planet, he won't pay too much attention to it.

The northern boundary of the Milky Way is currently developing in such a strange environment. And here, a more terrifying storm is brewing.

Between the geth, the Fourth Group, the Intergalactic Banking Association (M), and the Galactic Empire's Northern King Dunn-Wessex, as well as the future empire's twin walls Gilad-Pellaeon and Thrawn Collision, maybe the explosion of sparks will shake the entire galaxy!

Hutt space, Smuggler's Moon Nar Shaddaa.

With a bang, a tall figure covered with a black cloak rushed into a bar and stumbled towards the bar.

This man was so powerful that the metal door of the bar was knocked crooked, and another tall Gamo man on the road was knocked several meters away!

This man came to the bar and kept talking in that terrible hoarse voice, almost incoherently, "I hear voices in my head!! Nightmares keep appearing in my program! I want to know...I want to know...why!" !!Give me wine!!!”

"" the bartender looked at the mechanical arm stretching out his sleeve and hesitated, "Are you sure you can drink?"

"I need it!!!" The man hit the bar with a bang, making a big hole in the metal bar. Under the hood of the cloak, there was a ferocious metal mask. Under the mask, there was a pair of bloodshot eyes. The scarlet eyes were emitting a terrifying fierce light, "The strongest wine... maybe, this can cure my nightmare!!"

"" The bartender was frightened by this person and backed away as if he had seen some monster, because he discovered that he knew this person!

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