1906. Spark (2)

Life on the planet Lada is very simple. Even if they sometimes need to go to other planets to buy some daily necessities, they still entrust wandering merchants who come here occasionally to bring them. Although some villages have their own spaceships, the energy consumed by flying to other planets is too expensive, and those who grow crops cannot afford it!

But now, the shadows of three spaceships appeared at once! This is definitely not a wandering merchant or a local!

Ahsoka Tano hurriedly ran outside. The three spaceships were getting closer and closer. With the help of the Force, she could see clearly from a distance. They were three Gozanti-class armed cargo ships!

Silver gray paint, and gear marks on the side!

This is……

The spaceship of the Galactic Empire! !

Ahsoka Tanno pulled her hood to ensure that the Togrutan tentacles on her head would not be seen. As long as the tentacles were hidden, the rest of the Togrutans would be almost like humans. The main reason is that she is not sure whether she is on the list of wanted Jedi knights in the Galactic Empire, so she must be careful.

Only three Gozanti-class armed cargo ships were seen starting to disperse and fly in three different directions. And one of them suddenly flew towards the village on his side!

At this time, the residents of the village also saw the imperial spaceship falling from the sky. They walked out of their homes one after another and looked up at the 64-meter-long battleship, which also had four TIE fighter jets attached to its belly.

A group of Imperial Stormtroopers ran down. They were wearing white polymer alloy armor and full-coverage helmets. The deliberately designed eyepieces and vents gave the helmet an angry expression, although sometimes this made the helmet look angry. It looks a little funny.

But the blaster rifles in the hands of these stormtroopers are not just for fun!

An officer got off the spacecraft. He waved his hand, and the loudspeaker on the spacecraft immediately sounded a loud voice, "All residents, come and assemble immediately!!"

Under the threat of these soldiers and warships, all the residents of the village came out and gathered in the open space. Ahsoka Tano also walked over and stood at an inconspicuous position on the edge of the crowd. She saw that the little girl just now was also there. In the little girl's hands, she was holding a circuit breaker and a roll of energy transmission tube tightly.

The little girl's eyes were full of fear when she looked at the imperial soldiers and battleships. She even trembled a little. She hid behind her parents and her eyes were a little red.

"Imperial residents of the planet Radha! Today is your lucky day!" The imperial officer picked up the device in his hand and shouted loudly. His voice was conveyed to every corner of the audience through the loudspeaker of the spacecraft, "After the Imperial Ministry of Agriculture According to the screening, the soil environment of the planet Lada is very suitable for growing high-energy crops! From today on, all your crops must be planted with high-energy crops! Throw away your worthless weeds! It is you who grow high-energy crops for the empire. It’s an honor!”

Ahsoka Tano frowned. She knew that high-energy crops are a type of crops that are rich in nutrients and calories. There are many types and different tastes. In the past, the Galactic Republic and the Galactic Empire would produce high-energy crops in large quantities and then process these crops into military rations.

Basically, this kind of military ration only requires a small piece, and when poured with water, it can immediately ferment into enough food for a person to consume for a whole day, which is very convenient.

But... Ahsoka Tano looked solemn. High-energy crops had such high energy, and they were not created out of thin air. During the growth process of these high-energy crops, they will consume the nutrients in the soil at an alarming rate. Basically, after a few planting cycles, a piece of farmland will directly turn into worthless dust.

At this time, if you want to continue planting, you must fertilize the soil, but the money to buy fertilizer is also a lot of money. After all, ordinary chemical fertilizers cannot restore the vitality of the soil after being consumed by high-energy crops.

Of course, the price of high-energy crops is still quite high. According to the current market price, even if the cost of fertilizer is included, growing high-energy crops is still quite profitable.

The empire is too huge. Even for agricultural production, not every planet has the conditions for centralized industrial agricultural production or even the installation of a climate simulation system. Therefore, the Imperial Ministry of Agriculture is indeed traveling all over the galaxy to organize official agricultural production on planets with suitable climates. The production method is also the most basic farming.

I heard the imperial officer continue to say: "Now, all of you, as a family unit, come to me to receive the seeds of high-energy crops! Then go back to your fields and clear away all the weeds in your fields. Change to high-energy crops!”

"That's not a weed! It's our food ration this year!" A farmer argued loudly.

A stormtrooper walked over, dragged the farmer out, kicked him hard in the stomach, and then hit him in the face with the butt of his rifle! The farmer's face was suddenly covered with blood and he fell to the ground unconscious.

This bloody scene immediately frightened everyone present. They stood there without even daring to breathe.

"It is your duty to feel sincerely honored when called upon by the Empire!" the officer said loudly, "Yes! You should feel honored, you must feel honored! Otherwise, those who disrespect the Empire will naturally not You are qualified to become a subject of the empire! Now, take action.”

Inside the spaceship, several robots immediately came out and carried out large bags of high-energy crop seeds.

The farmers had no choice but to line up tremblingly and take away a small bag of seeds from the robot.

The officer was still saying loudly: "Every bag of seeds has a harvest quota! If you fail to meet the harvest quota, you will be severely punished by the empire!"

When it was the little girl's family's turn to collect the seeds, the officer saw the mechanical parts in the little girl's hands and said coldly: "Why is a child holding contraband in his hands?!"

"Sir...this is not contraband, this is what we use to repair farm machinery..." the child's father quickly explained.

"How do I know whether you use it to repair agricultural machinery or to make weapons that harm the empire?" The officer snorted and waved his hand. A robot nearby immediately snatched the parts from the little girl's hand and threw them aside.

Naturally, the robot's attack was not serious, and it immediately brought the little girl to the ground, and she burst into tears. Her mother hurried over, picked up the little girl, covered her mouth to prevent her from crying, and looked at the officer with pleading eyes.

The officer didn't bother to pay attention to her, and waved his hand to tell them to get out of here.

At this time, it's finally Ahsoka Tano's turn! She hesitated, not knowing whether she should go or not.

The officer saw her and said sternly: "You! Come here quickly!!" (End of Chapter)

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