1907. Spark (3)

Ahsoka Tano had no choice but to walk up. She didn't dare to use the Force blatantly, and her abilities were not sophisticated enough to give this officer a hint, let alone the clones of the Imperial Stormtroopers beside her. .

The first generation of Sparti clones produced at the end of the Clone Wars basically either died on the battlefield or were recycled. Now that the pressure of frontline combat is much less, the new generation of Spady clones have also extended their growth cycle appropriately, making these clones much more mentally stable.

Therefore, the will of these clone soldiers is much stronger than that of ordinary people, and this is where Ahsoka Tano is powerless.

The officer looked Ahsoka up and down and scolded: "What are you still doing? Go get your seed!!"

"Sir... I am not farming and have no land." Ahsoka Tano said flatly.

"You don't farm? Then what are you doing on the planet Dhaka? The empire does not support idle people!" the officer said.

"I am a mechanic who specializes in repairing agricultural machinery for them." Ahsoka Tano said, pointing to the parts that the robot just snatched from the little girl's hand, "These things are used to repair agricultural machinery. If there is no With them, the Rat family can only rely on their own hands to grow high-energy crops for the empire."

"Hmph! Take me to your work shed!" the officer snorted coldly.

"Here." Ahsoka Tano pointed to her workshop very obediently, and then asked: "Can I take these two parts away?"

"Oh, go get it yourself!" the officer said contemptuously.

Ahsoka Tano came to her workshop with an officer and a few soldiers. The officer made a gesture, and the Imperial Stormtroopers immediately rushed forward ferociously, turning over the entire workshop up and down. Then a soldier came over and reported: "Sir, there are no suspicious items. Agricultural machinery is indeed being repaired here."

"Be honest with me! Do your job well!" The officer dropped these words and walked away.

In the next few days, the planet Lada, which was taken over by the empire, underwent tremendous changes. Imperial officers began to enact a series of regulations, including bans on gatherings of more than three people, night curfews, rationing of food, prohibition of alcohol, restrictions on the opening hours of bars and restaurants, and organizing farmers to adopt shift production. It's completely militarized management here.

This kind of life is absolutely unacceptable to the people of the originally free Lada planet. However, looking at the Gozanti-class armed cargo ships parked in the open space and the TIE fighter jets passing by in the sky from time to time, people can only put their hearts in their hearts. Dissatisfaction runs deep.

Ahsoka Tano also tried to hide herself as much as possible, keep a low profile as much as possible, and try not to have any contact with Imperial soldiers.

But things were still gradually fermenting. After the first batch of high-energy crops matured three months later, the imperial officers took away all the harvest, leaving them with only a small amount of money, barely enough to survive starvation. Then immediately let people start the next round of farming without giving them a day's rest.

This caused great dissatisfaction among people, and some people began to question the imperial officers as to why they had put in so much labor, planted so many high-energy crops, and completed the tasks they had given themselves, only to get nothing.

He received the reward given to him by the Empire - a brutal beating.

Then some gentler people asked the imperial officers if they should distribute some fertilizer to everyone to restore the fertility of the land, so that the harvest of the next round of sowing can be guaranteed.

But the imperial officer still refused. He told these people not to think so much and go back to work immediately. Experts from the Imperial Ministry of Agriculture will naturally explain whether fertilization is necessary.

Under the force of the imperial army, people could only drag their exhausted bodies home and prepare for a new round of work tomorrow.

In the evening, Ahsoka Tano came to the bar in the village. The laughter and laughter of the past were gone. Everyone just sat in pairs at the table, numbly drinking bland drinks. Only in another corner of the bar, four or five stormtroopers gathered together, drinking and laughing wildly. By the way, they glanced at everyone drinking with their peripheral vision. If there were more than three people at any table, they would immediately He would go over and hit people by flipping tables over.

After the stormtroopers left, some voices started to be heard in the bar.

A strong young farmer came to Ahsoka Tano and said softly: "The empire doesn't treat us as human beings at all! We made an appointment to find an opportunity to blow up their spaceship! Ashra, You will help us, right? If you can modify some machines for fighting..."

Ahsoka Tano immediately interrupted him and said: "It's best not to do this. Even if you blow up this Gozanti-class ship, there are two others elsewhere on the planet. These ships patrol everywhere and will not be around. Staying in the same village for too long. And if you do this, it will only cause the Empire to send more reinforcements... Maybe next time, it will be Star Destroyers."

"No! I can't stand it anymore! Those empire dogs bully me too much!" The young farmer obviously regarded Ahsoka as one of his own.

"We can only try to coexist with the Empire... This is our only way. At least, we can survive..." Ahsoka Tano advised earnestly.

The young farmer left disappointed.

Three days later, Ahsoka Tano received news of the farmer's death. It is said that he got drunk from his own stash of wine that day and then smashed the empty bottle on the officer's head - he was executed on the spot by the SA.

Afterwards, imperial officers hung his body at the entrance of the village, announcing that the farmer had broken the prohibition on alcohol and was plotting to rebel.

Ahsoka Tano looked at the young corpse with a livid face, and returned to her work shed numbly, but her body was shaking a little at this moment.

She went to a cave behind the work shed and began to meditate.

[Execution, Order 66! 】【Execute, Order 66! 】【Execute, Order 66! 】【Execute, Order 66! 】【Execute, Order 66! 】The lingering nightmare haunted her heart again.

"Hiss..." Ahsoka gasped and opened her eyes suddenly. But I found that the sky was already starting to get dark. During the failed meditation, I fell asleep unconsciously.

New seeds were distributed, and farmers on the planet Lada began a new round of work again. But this time, they found that the seeds distributed seemed different from last time. When I asked the officer about it, he just said coldly that it was a new variety invented by the Ministry of Agriculture and had nothing to do with you farmers. (End of chapter)

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