1905. Spark (1)

The dispute on the planet Losar did not affect the establishment of a new secret industrial base here by the Principality of Dawn.

Moreover, the location of this industrial base is difficult for the Galactic Empire to take into account. Because this location is too remote. In the original plot, the planet Mon Cala (Planet Dark) suffered multiple invasions from the Galactic Empire, but each time the imperial troops were unable to occupy it for a long time.

[PS: Let me remind you again, the original name of the planet Mon Cala is the planet Dark. It was later defeated in the war between the Quarren and the Mon Calamari. The control of the planet fell into the hands of the Mon Calamari, and then it was renamed Mon. From the planet Kara or Mon Calamari. In the plot of this book, Tang Xiao supported the Quairun people and in turn controlled the planet Mon Cala, so the name of the planet was changed back to Planet Dark. The Free Dak Volunteer Engineering Group was established under the leadership of the Quarren. The meaning here also expresses the Quarren's desire to return to the era of the Dak planet. 】

As a result, during the continuous struggle, the planet Mon Cala gradually became the most important industrial base of the Rebel Alliance, providing a large number of superior-performance warships for the movement against the Empire.

In Tang Xiao's plan, even if the planet Dark was attacked by the Galactic Empire, because of its remote location, he could easily cut off the supply line of the Galactic Empire fleet, and then slowly consume them to death.

In fact, this is how the Rebel Alliance dealt with the Galactic Empire in the original plot.

It was not that Tang Xiao had not considered that the planet Losar was one of the important birthplaces of the Rebel Alliance, but he believed that relatively speaking, the problems of the Rebel Alliance could be controlled at least on the planet Losar. Maybe he can negotiate terms with the Rebel Alliance then.

The outer ring of the Milky Way, the planet Raada.

This is a very inconspicuous agricultural planet with a sparse population, lack of resources, and almost no industrial facilities. Fortunately, the climate here is barely acceptable, so some farmers have established their own homes here, planting crops, and living a healthy life. A self-sufficient life.

The population of the entire planet does not exceed 200,000, and it is very scattered, at least scattered in hundreds of villages. The lifestyle of the residents here is similar to that of the feudal farming era.

On the outskirts of a village, there is a small piece of farmland, next to a fish pond, and beside the fish pond, a work shed was built with some discarded metal materials.

A woman is repairing a very old agricultural machinery here. This machinery is used for automatic plowing and sowing. It is one of the few agricultural machinery in this village. The machinery was already rusty and the paint on it had fallen off. On the side, a logo of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Galactic Republic could still be vaguely seen.

This woman skillfully disassembled the mechanical casing and then inspected the damaged areas. She first removed them and wiped them to check how to repair them.

She looks very young, less than 20 years old, with healthy wheat-colored skin, thick lips, and white lines on her face. She covers her head with a scarf, but the 'hairstyle' underneath the scarf still tops the scarf. Get high.

Next to this woman, a little girl about 7 or 8 years old was squatting here, watching her movements with interest. After a while, she asked: "Sister Ashla, our Can Hercules III still be repaired?"

Hercules III is what the little girl’s family calls this agricultural machinery.

The woman named 'Ashla' smiled slightly and said: "Don't worry, Hercules III will be repaired today. Go to your Uncle Will's house and ask him to bring over the circuit breaker he found some time ago. Then you need two meters of energy transmission pipe.”

"Okay!" As soon as the little girl heard that her baby could still be used, she immediately became happy and ran away jumping up and down.

A calm smile appeared on 'Ashla''s face. While the little girl was getting the parts, she got out from under the agricultural machinery, wiped her hands full of engine oil, and picked up a cold glass on the table. He took a sip of the juice and looked up at the pure sky.

The smile on her face gradually disappeared and turned into sadness and sadness.

[Execution, Order 66! 】 More than three years ago, this voice almost shattered all the beliefs and illusions in her heart.

That cold and cruel voice was so familiar, yet so unfamiliar... The owner of this voice was once her closest partner, most respected teacher, and most reliable comrade-in-arms. They once fought side by side and traveled almost everywhere. He has visited most of the main battlefields in the galaxy and fought to the end with the evil separatist forces.

Anakin Skywalker…

Yes, she is Ahsoka Tano. Ashra is just her pseudonym.

[Execution, Order 66! 】

When Ahsoka Tano heard this order from the communicator in the hands of a clone officer and saw the cold and cruel expression in the image... she almost collapsed!

Because this means Anakin Skywalker's complete betrayal! He betrayed the Jedi Order, the Galactic Republic, his comrades, and his relatives!

After that, news soon came that Anakin Skywalker was killed by the Death Angel. Ahsoka Tano even felt that this ending was Anakin Skywalker's relief and redemption.

Three years ago, when the news came that the Galactic Republic was officially reorganized into the Galactic Empire, Ahsoka Tano was also like this. She looked up at the sky, trying to find the direction of Coruscant, trying to find the one in the vast starry sky. The last glimmer of hope, but... there was no response.

Completely disheartened, Ahsoka Tano went to the edge of the galaxy incognito, hiding herself deeply.

Planet Lada is the second place where she hides. She settled down here, making a living by repairing agricultural machinery for the farmers here, and living a peaceful life.

But whenever she touched the cold machinery, Anakin Skywalker's voice always appeared in her mind. At that time, he was sunny, cheerful, brave, and determined. It was he who taught her how to repair these machines through constant fighting and teaching.

Even though she lived in seclusion here, Anakin Skywalker's teachings still influenced her.

Ahsoka Tano let out a long sigh. The current galaxy has become a dark stage for the Necromancer and Darth Sidious to compete with each other. And where is the light?

At this moment, she suddenly saw several black figures in the sky approaching quickly!

It's a spaceship! !

Ahsoka Tano was shocked because there were only a few usable spaceships on the planet Radha. Now those who appeared here in large numbers were either pirates or... the Galactic Empire! (End of chapter)

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