The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1903 The Dilemma of Planet Losar (Part 2)

1904. Dilemma of Planet Losar (Part 2)

After all, the Losar planet failed to stop the Given people from landing. Within just a few months, the Given people arrived here in a whale-class passenger spacecraft. After landing on the land of the planet Losar, the Given people started their immigration work with extremely high efficiency.

A large number of modular houses began to be constructed, and the professional tools on the engineering spacecraft began to clear the complex jungle very efficiently. Within a day, a powerful disintegrating beam could completely turn a large jungle into a fertile soil.

In just four months, the Givens built three temporary cities on the planet Losar, with each city having a population of 316,569 people - yes, the Givens are so accurate to single digits.

After landing, these Jivin people immediately spent a large amount of real money and purchased food and supplies on a large scale from the indigenous people of the Losar planet. They were previously known for their industrial production and were one of the most powerful industrial companies in the Principality of Dawn. Naturally, they were not short of money.

In contrast, although the authorities of the Losar planet understand that this is the Jiwen people's strategy to take over the economy of the Losar planet in a short period of time by relying on a huge amount of funds, the authorities have nothing to do...

There is no way, under the same economic system, the wealth creation speed and production capacity of agricultural civilization and industrial civilization are completely different. What's more, both sides are currently operating under the economic system of the Galactic Empire. The resources and wealth that the Jiwen people can produce are far beyond what the locals of the Losar planet who grow vegetables can compare to.

Soon, a large number of locals on the planet Losar began to trade with the Given people, using their crops to exchange advanced and convenient industrial products with the Given people. The Jiwen people are also happy to see this. With the food supply from the indigenous people of the Losar planet, they have saved space for shipping food during the initial immigration, which can be used to transport more people and modular houses.

However, the Given people are basically aiming at the goal of building the Losar planet into their second home planet. Especially during the previous attack and defense of the Yago-Dur planet, the Yago-Dur planet encountered a once-in-a-century astronomical phenomenon. The planet was thrown out at high speed by the gravity of the star, and then was rapidly thrown away by the gravity of another star. brake!

In the past, the Jiwen people could only endure such a terrifying experience silently, but now, they have a new home! This new home was personally approved by Tang Xiao, the Grand Duke of the Dawn Principality!

What is the Galactic Republic to the Jivan people? Who is Palpatine? They don't want to pay attention at all! The Givens have become die-hard members of the Dawn Principality ever since their mathematical models calculated that nothing good would come of them continuing to follow the Galactic Republic.

Now they are under the flag of the Principality of Dawn, fighting against the Galactic Republic at the top and the Imperial fleet at the bottom. They eat well, drink well and wear good clothes. The mathematical model calculates that following the Principality of Dawn is at least an unknown quantity, full of possibilities. Now that there is a planet for them to immigrate to, what else can they do if they are not grateful to Tang Xiao?

So after getting Tang Xiao's approval, the Jiwen people immediately organized the women and children on their own planet to begin large-scale immigration.

In just the first year after they began to immigrate, the population of the Given people on the planet Losar had reached 14 million! They transported almost all the old, weak, sick and disabled people on their planet!

Moreover, the Jiwen people are not environmental warriors. After they arrived, they immediately began to explore the strata, mine resources, and build factories. Not only that, because the Jiwen people who immigrated did not have much labor force, they directly chose to hire local people to work in the factories.

At this time, the locals of Jiwen and Losar were relatively harmonious, and the locals were very willing to work in the factories of the Jiwen people and earn more income than they usually did from farming.

Then in the second year after the immigration began, the population of the Jiwen people exceeded 25 million, and they also began to build rail transit, build space ports, and build larger-scale natural resource extraction bases. And those local people who actively trade with the Jiwen people have also used intelligent and automated agriculture to assist them in larger-scale agricultural production.

It was at this time that the administration of the Losar planet began to discover that the fragile small-scale peasant economy on their own planet had long been torn to pieces by the Given people's automated industry! They found that their economic system began to be gradually annexed by the Jiwen people, and their own people began to become raw material suppliers and workers for the Jiwen people. They no longer had any independence at all.

At the same time, the factories and mines opened by Jiwen people also began to cause damage to the environment.

The Jiwen people who are eager to complete their immigration work and turn this place into their second hometown must have their first goal to form their own industrial system as soon as possible so that they have enough production capacity to expand the city and support more people. Therefore, they prioritize the construction of factories with higher production capacity but more severe damage to the environment.

The trigger was that the owner of a farm on the planet Losar discovered that one of his water sources had been contaminated by industry. The liquid flowing with green harmful substances began to corrode his farmland.

So the farmer immediately sued the factory opened by the Given people to the Supreme Court of the Planet Losar. The local Supreme Court immediately found the operators of the factory guilty and ordered them to close the factory immediately and clean up the pollution.

However, the Jiwen people turned a deaf ear to it. They did not even attend the court hearing, fully demonstrating their contempt for the locals of the Losar planet! And this factory should produce or produce, and should discharge sewage or discharge sewage.

So the angry Losar locals gathered thousands of people, rushed into the factory and clashed with the factory guards. The factory guards were outnumbered and were beaten up one after another and thrown into the river sewage discharged by the factory.

In fact, by this time, the situation is not out of control. But the problem is that two of the factory guards who were thrown into the sewage river died! !

The cause of death was complicated, ranging from drinking contaminated water after falling into the water to internal injuries suffered when being beaten. It turned out that the factory manager who had a worker killed went to the Enterprise Alliance to buy 2,000 B-1 combat robots without saying a word!

So when the Losar locals once again organized manpower to protest against factory pollution, the B-1 combat robot was dispatched! These ruthless robots easily destroyed the resistance of the defenseless locals.

The most powerful weapons in the hands of the locals are Molotov cocktails made of spirits. In addition, they are some of the oldest DL-18 blaster pistols. How could they withstand the attack of the B-1 combat robot!

As a result, this incident immediately turned into a bloody conflict among groups! Even the E-5 blaster rifle in the hands of the B-1 combat robot was set to non-lethal mode. However, in the conflict between thousands of people, many people were trampled to death or blasted in non-lethal mode. Can the beam hit a vital point like the eye and die!

Things suddenly got big!

Many locals on the planet Losar began to realize that the Given people did not pay attention to their expansion at this level. Their way of life was never respected. All the Given people thought about was how to bring Lothar to Make your planet their home!

So the authorities of the Losar planet once again sent a severely worded letter of condemnation to Jiwen and the Principality of Dawn, but still no one paid attention to them. So the authorities had no choice but to call on the people to protest in Jiwen cities and factories.

Although this approach seems outrageous, at that time many planets with serious liberal thoughts did so. Their thoughts are very simple. They think that if they can escape from all the conflicts in the galaxy, they can run their own city with peace of mind. They don't even consider establishing their own armed forces!

Because in the eyes of these people, organizing armed forces will give people a bad and unfree impression. And if you are patronized by pirates, just go to mercenaries for help - in fact, the Losar planet has not encountered pirates before, but at that time they went to the nearby Dark planet, and the Quarren took it away. The money also helped them clean up the pirates.

However, now, Planet Dark will not pay attention to them at all. Therefore, the only option left for the Losar Planet authorities is to protest.

The response of the Jiwen people was to specially bring a Rookery Hook-class battleship over! It is filled with B-1 combat robots, with a total of 600,000 installed!

So friendly immigration activities turned into armed invasion and violent occupation!

In front of hundreds of thousands of B-1 combat robots, the local Losar people were simply broken into pieces at a touch. Then several managers of the planetary authority were dragged out of their offices by the robots and thrown into the river. Another one was replaced. A group of officials who were friendly to the Jiwen people went up, and the occupation of the planet was completed.

In addition, the industrial production of the Jiwen people has indeed brought benefits to some local people who are not so single-minded, so there are still many people in the Jiwen people who support it.

After all, the planet Losar was originally an immigrant planet. There were hundreds of races living here, and most of them came from other places to escape war.

After the establishment of the Galactic Empire, human supremacy began to rise, and many non-human races living in the inner and core circles encountered varying degrees of discrimination and suppression. Basically, except for the powerful non-human races in the core circle such as the Trade Alliance and the Technology Alliance, many others are forced to immigrate to the outer ring.

The planet Losar is also a place chosen by many immigrants, so there are no indigenous races in the strict sense. Therefore, many people are not particularly unacceptable to the settlement and rule of the Given people.

So the Jiwen people continued their immigration plan. According to the instructions of Tang Xiao, the Grand Duke of Dawn, the Quarren and Mon Calamari from the planet Dark also joined.

The planet Dark is not too far from the planet Losar, and in the original plot, the planet Losar and the planet Dark are also one of the important bases of the Rebel Alliance, relying on such mutual support.

The most important thing is that the two major races on the planet Dark, the Quarren and the Mon Calamari, can now be said to be the races with the most developed industry and the highest quality engineers among the Confederation of Independent Systems.

The Quarren and the Mon Calamari were actually hostile to each other during the Galactic Republic. The Mon Calamari supported the Galactic Republic, and the Quarren supported the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Later, the Federation of Independent Systems sent Reeve Tamson to the planet Dark to interfere in the internal affairs of the planet, triggering a civil war on the planet, and later the Galactic Republic also got involved.

As a result, under Tang Xiao's operation, all the blame for launching the civil war was placed on Reeve Tamson, making him a common enemy of the Quarren and Mon Calamari, and then expelled the Galactic Republic. Reuniting the planet Dark into a whole.

The current planet Dark is much stronger than the split state in the original plot.

Tang Xiao chose to let the Given people immigrate to the Losar planet near the Dark planet because of this consideration. Now in the three major star regions under the direct jurisdiction of the Principality of Dawn, since the industry of Rendili Interstellar Power Company has begun to move inward, the industry there has great potential for development, and no additional things are needed.

As for the Yago-Dur planet, its industrial production capacity is not stable due to Trisolaran environmental problems, and it is also unsafe for the Titan battleship's dock to be placed there. So Tang Xiao decided to win over the planet Dark and build a new industrial center on the planet Losar. It was also a dark sword inserted in another direction of the Galactic Empire!

In the original plot, the Rebel Alliance, with the support of the Mon Calamari planet dominated by the Mon Calamari, was able to push back the Galactic Empire to victory. Tang Xiao believed that under his own operation, the Quarren and the Mon Calamari united to achieve victory. Planet Ke will provide a more powerful impetus for the destruction of the Galactic Empire!

Now that the Salukami planet has been captured and the Confederacy of Independent Systems is facing collapse, the Dark Planet naturally needs to find another way out. Therefore, he and Tang Xiao hit it off, and the two sides soon finalized the construction of a new Titan shipyard and industrial zone here. Cooperation matters. The Titan shipyard on the Yago-Dur planet will also be dismantled and moved after the second Ankeron-class Titan battleship Yuanzhu is put into service.

After that, the planet Yago-Dur will exist as a single-function fortress planet.

After the Jivin people established a foothold on the planet Losar, in the third year of their immigration, the Free Dark Volunteer Engineering Corps, the largest industrial company on the planet Dark and the largest industrial company in the Confederation of Independent Systems, also sent an engineering team. Come to the planet Losar and start building factories and mines.

But such a naked invasion also aroused the resistance of the people of the Losar planet. A large number of rebels and underground resistance organizations began to appear. They attacked transport convoys, mines, and even cities of the Given people. Moreover, the resistance movement is getting more and more intense, causing headaches for the Jiwen people.

So they also began to send more immigrants here, and the overt and covert fighting between the two sides continued. (End of chapter)

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