1897. Ending

"The secret of Guthzerion's resurrection?" Darth Malthael frowned, "What did you discover?"

"I found a tree." Darth Lilim's eyes flashed with excitement, "A tree growing underground, a blood-red tree!"

She licked her lips and seemed interested in the tree.

"Tree?" Darth Malthael thought thoughtfully, because he remembered the definition he just gave to Guthzeraine-she was like a dryad.

Das-Lilim nodded and said: "In an underground palace, there is a huge tree... There are countless fruit-like sacs growing on the tree, but inside each sac is a corpse! "

"Where did the body come from?" Darth Malthael asked.

"Some of the corpses of witches are dressed differently from the Night Sisters. They look like savages living in the woods, hey. But... they use the disgusting light side force, hahahaha...those light witches , just hung on the tree like a fruit! Hahahaha!" Das-Lilim laughed.

Charal said from the side: "Those witches who use light magic should be the descendants of Elya. They are bound by the "Book of Laws" and cannot come into contact with shadow magic. In the legend of our Dark Night Sisters, The Queen of the Night has always wanted to unify all witch tribes, but in fact, it seems from now on, she just wants to kill all the witches of light."

She had betrayed the Sisters of the Night for more than a hundred years, and she had long looked down upon the conflict between the dark Sisters of the Night and the light Elya race on the planet Dathomir.

"Do these trees and corpses have something to do with Guthzeraine?" Darth Malthael frowned and asked again.

"Hmm~~~" Darth Lilim licked his lips, "I secretly wanted to go over and have a look, but I heard an old woman on an altar in front of the big tree say that this tree provides magic power to Guthzeraine. Yes. The old woman didn't look very dangerous. I originally wanted to kill her, but the tree suddenly started to extract magic power crazily. After a while, many corpses that were sucked into skin and bones were removed from the bags on the tree. Spit it out."

She felt a little regretful, "The old woman also ran away quickly. I heard her saying that Guszeraine was seriously injured and needed a lot of magic power to supplement, and once the magic power started to be extracted, the area around the big tree would not be safe. So, I quit too.”

"The old woman you are talking about should be Daka. She is the eldest witch of the Sisters of the Night. She is proficient in the Song of Resurrection and can make the dead body stand up again and become an undead army. At that time, I came from Dathomir She also chased me when I escaped from the planet," Charal said.

Darth Malthael now remembered that Dakkar was the old witch who resurrected countless zombies in the original plot to fight against the invading Federation of Independent Systems robot army. That was also a rare scene of undead creatures vs. mechanical legions that was popular in the original plot.

He showed a sarcastic smile, "Those tattered zombies controlled by the Force like puppets, are they still qualified to be called the undead army? Hahahaha..."

"Daka's meager means are naturally impossible to compare with your master..." Charal said quickly.

"Ah! By the way, when I came here, I did see several destroyed villages. There were traces of battles, but there were no corpses. They carried all the corpses underground and used them as Gethzeraine's batteries. "Darth Lilim said, "It seems that all those witches of light have been killed by Guthzeraine! Hahahahahaha!"

As a Sith Lord from the dark side, Darth Lilium naturally cannot have any good impressions of the Elya race who use the force of the light side.

Darth Malthael smiled coldly and said: "That makes sense. Guthzeraine has always wanted to seek immortality, and she did find some ways to extend her life and lived for hundreds of years. But immortality is not after all Eternal life, so she still inevitably faces death... Faced with this equal gift, she made a final struggle, leaving herself the last glimmer of life and extending her life by sleeping."

He stood up and looked at the red planet outside the porthole, "I was still surprised before, how could a character like Gus Zerlain be resurrected without warning? It seems that this is Darth Tyne. It's one of Burroughs's arrangements. That tree is undoubtedly the tool he used to resurrect Guthzeraine and maintain her incomparable power."

"Maybe that tree will be blown up..." Judgment also came to Darth Malthael and looked at the planet Dathomir.

Those Imperial-class Star Destroyers were launching orbital bombardments on the planet, and the flames of countless explosions were clearly visible even in space. So if it were on the ground, the flames of these explosions would probably be a terrifying sight stretching tens of thousands of meters!

"If Darth Tenebrous wasn't stupid, then he would have definitely foreseen the orbital bombardment and taken precautions." Darth Malthael said, "It doesn't matter, anyway, Guthzerion's The number one hatred must be towards Darth Sidious. No matter how much trouble she and Darth Tenebrous have, they won't be able to cause trouble on our planet Dawn."

He turned back to Darth Lilim and said: "After you go back, you and Severance Tann need to strengthen the monitoring of the planet Dathomir. In addition, I will ask Ni Yongxiao to find a way to infiltrate his gang forces into Manchuria." Go to the Daro Star Sector and pay attention to the movements in the darkness."

"As you command, Master." Darth Lilim immediately knelt down on one knee.

"Okay, you can go." Darth Malthael waved his hand.

A blush appeared on Darth Lilim's face, "Master... you have just experienced a battle, and you are already very tired, so why not..."

"I said you can leave." Darth Malthael said coldly.

"Yes..." Darth Lilim didn't dare to show any disobedience, so he quickly saluted, stood up and walked out.

After the Viking fighter she piloted took off, the Archon-class aircraft carrier Darth Malthael was on had recovered all the swarm drones, turned the ship around and left the planet's gravity well, and started a hyperspace jump. left.

After Darth Sidious bombed the planet Dathomir for several hours, he felt that it was almost done. He did not want to waste time anymore, so he left the five Imperial-class Star Destroyers to continue monitoring. On the planet Dathomir, he took a Lambda-class shuttle and returned to the center of the empire.

In the hyperspace channel, Darth Malthael looked at Luna Dream and Luna Phantom, who seemed extremely well-behaved, and asked with some confusion: "Where have you been in the past few years after the destruction of the Jedi Order?" Already?"

Luna Dream and Luna Phantom were found by the priestess when they were shopping in a colony on an inconspicuous planet.

And he also felt that the illusion of the Dream Sisters was very useful. In this situation where he and Darth Sidious were pretending to join forces, but actually digging holes for each other, it could be very useful, so he invited the two sisters to go together, and then we were done. Go back to the Principality of Dawn with yourself.

"We have been in a space station of the Galactic Empire. It is a relay supply station, and fleets occasionally come to rest and recuperate, so the supplies are very abundant." Luna-Meng said calmly, still so calm.

"Hahahaha! Everyone there is living in our fantasy world. Whatever I want them to see, they can see it!" Luna Fantasy said proudly, "If I don't like anyone, I will He will let him use the toilet as a restaurant, and then go in and feast, hahahaha!"

Luna Dream obviously couldn't stand it anymore. She quickly interrupted her sister and said, "There are not many little pranks like this. We created a false environment in the supply station through the illusion, and then we kept talking with my sister. Live there. The people inside always think that we are the supreme commander of the space station, and the fleets that come from outside to supply us will also be confused by our illusion."

Darth Malthael frowned slightly. Even with this simple narrative, he could feel how those people lived in the terrifying illusion of the Dream Sisters. Maybe except for some small pranks, it can't be said to be bad, but this situation where every sense is blinded by illusions and completely controlled by others is really a very scary thing.

This also shows that the power of the Dream Sisters is also growing.

Because it is very easy to confuse a person with an illusion in a short period of time. Even he himself can use the Force to easily make people fall into the illusion. But like the Dream Sisters, they create a false small world through illusions, and completely deceive everyone who comes in and out of it. To such an extent, Darth Malthael can't help but be amazed.

"Then since you are living so well there, why did you run out to a remote imperial colony? If you just want to buy things, you can just ask those imperial officers to serve you." Das-Masai I asked.

"Ah! It's because the Galactic Empire discovered something was wrong with the accounts!" Luna-Huan waved her hands, a little annoyed.

"Although we can use illusions to deceive everyone who enters the space station, and even the warships docked at the berth of the space station are within our scope of influence. But illusions are not real after all, and the supplies and accounts that come in and out cannot be solved with illusions "." Luna-Meng explained in detail: "Although we have been asking the space station's financial staff to make false accounts in the past few years to cover up the abnormal material in and out of the space station, we still couldn't hide it after all."

Luna-Huan shook her head, "Humph! Didn't I just ask them to send the maintenance data of the Executor-class Super Star Destroyer? By the way, I also asked them to prepare the maintenance materials for the Super Star Destroyer..."

"The problem is, ours is a Level 4 supply station... It is impossible for the Executor-class Super Star Destroyer to dock at a Level 4 supply station..." Luna Dream sighed softly.

As usual, she would do whatever her sister asked her to do unconditionally. Even if she knew the problem and the key to the matter very clearly in her heart, she would accompany her sister to make mistakes.

Darth Malthael's eyes twitched, good guy! You two had so much fun! Maintenance data for the Executor-class Super Star Destroyer? This thing is equivalent to half a blueprint! Then, to maintain this kind of super Star Destroyer, the amount of materials required is naturally very huge. It’s no wonder that the Galactic Empire is not suspicious!

Luna-Huan continued: "As a result, the Galactic Empire came over with a surveillance fleet, led by a white bald man..."

"It's the Grand Inquisitor..." Luna-Meng added.

"Then, although the white bald man failed to see through our illusion, he also sensed that something was wrong, so he captured a few officers from the supply depot and prepared to take them back. When my sister and I figured it out, we felt that we might not be able to hide it anymore, so we borrowed Using the cover of the illusion, he wounded the bald man and took the opportunity to escape." Luna-Huan said.

Darth Malthael was a little surprised, "How much have you embezzled? You actually brought the Grand Inquisitor here?"

"It's not that much..." Luna Huan suddenly looked a little guilty and her voice became softer.

"Near the planet Mingban." Luna-Meng said, "After the Galactic Empire began to attack the planet Salukami, it removed the military base on the planet Mingban, so we hid the materials we applied for from the rear in the abandoned base there. in."

"So, how many are there?" Darth Malthael was also curious.

"Want to see it? We have no use for most of those things. If you want it, then take it." Luna-Meng said lightly.

After all, the Archon-class aircraft carrier is a 3125-meter-long giant ship. It is still too conspicuous to drive around. The Galactic Empire's hyperspace outposts all over the place are always monitoring it. So Darth Malthael and his party allowed the Archon-class aircraft carrier to return to the Principality of Dawn on its own, while they flew towards the planet Mingban in the Red Comet Sith Infiltrator.

The planet Mingban was once a battlefield between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Moreover, the Galactic Republic suffered a tragic defeat here, and many crashed battleship wreckage can still be seen on the planet. Most of these wrecks are Jaeger-class battlecruisers, as many as 7!

Although the Galactic Empire has set up a department to recover and dismantle the wreckage of these battleships, there are too many after all. During this war, battles of various sizes broke out on countless planets, and as the Galactic Republic was reorganized into the Galactic Empire, some information was missing, so it was difficult to verify where the fallen warships were, or even to know where they were. , and didn’t bother to deal with it.

Therefore, this planet still retains the cruelty of that time.

Then, the Dream Sisters took Darth Malthael and flew towards the abandoned Galactic Empire military base. Before he could descend, Darth Malthael, who had amazing eyesight with the blessing of the Force, saw two behemoths parked on the ground from a distance.

A black line appeared on the forehead, "You... you actually embezzled two Imperial-class ships???" (End of Chapter)

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