The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1897 A fly turns into a tiger

1898. A fly turns into a tiger

The spacecraft landed next to the two Empire-class Star Destroyers, and only saw a dilapidated-looking military base in the middle of the two Empire-class Star Destroyers.

But in front of the terrifying size of the Imperial-class Star Destroyer, which is 1,600 meters long, even this military base looks like a kitten standing next to a tiger.

And after the spacecraft landed, it was discovered that there were more than 20 small and medium-sized spacecraft of various types parked next to the two Empire-class Star Destroyers, including Gozanti-class transport ships, Oro-class cargo ships, etc., and even four A Corellian gunship. Basically, this is a small fleet!

Luna Dream explained as she walked: "The two Star Destroyers have been fighting illegal smuggling crimes at the edge of Hutt space, and have fought many fierce battles with pirates raging everywhere, destroying at least three pirate bases. . Oh, in the first half of the year, they also received the Imperial Medal of the Third Class from the Imperial Navy."

She raised her head and looked at the Empire-class Star Destroyer from this distance. It was completely towering into the clouds. She had to raise her head hard to barely see the top. (Actually, the Imperial-class in "The Mandalorian Season 3" where he sneaks into the Imperial-class Star Destroyer to steal things looks just like the model... Think about it, the Imperial-class is 1,600 meters long, and the highest point is more than 300 meters. You What does it feel like to stand under a 300-meter-high building? Even if you enter from the middle of the Empire level, running back and forth is basically equivalent to a long-distance run.)

"And in order to support the battle to exterminate pirates, the Galactic Empire Navy Department did not skimp on logistical supplies. During a battle last year, they received a combat report that one of the Empire-class Star Destroyers encountered a large number of ghost fighters purchased from the black market by pirates. After the attack, which suffered severe damage, four Corellian gunships were immediately dispatched to provide additional air defense," Luna-Dream continued.

Darth Malthael rubbed his forehead and asked, is this the Star Wars version of free money? The battle reports were vivid and tragic, but in fact, these spaceships were parked here brand new, and except for the wind and rain, they had not even touched a big stone.

"Hahahaha! Those people from the Imperial Navy are so deceitful! We said that our logistics fleet was attacked, but it turned out that all they equipped us with were powerfully armed transport ships like the Gozanti class!" Lu! Na-Huan said happily.

"Perhaps it's not that those imperial officials are easy to deceive, but simply because such actions can also make them a lot of money." The priestess said lightly, "Maybe four Corellian gunships have been sent to you, but In fact, the report received by the Imperial Navy is that there are 8 ships, and the cost of another 4 ships has already fallen into their pockets."

"What a pathetic empire... because at the end of the day they spent a whole fleet of money and got nothing done." Judgment had also witnessed the Galactic Republic since being awakened by Darth Malthael. The decline of the Galactic Empire and the rise of the Galactic Empire are full of emotions.

"But unlike the Galactic Republic, the Galactic Empire will transfer this money to the exploited planets in the middle and outer rings. They will not even hide themselves, they will directly engage in predatory development, and then transfer huge amounts of Money and resources are concentrated in the inner circle,” the priestess said.

"It's because the Empire is so stupid that we have a chance to get a Star Destroyer!" Luna-Huan couldn't understand the feelings of the Priestess and the Judge.

The group of people walked towards the direction of the military base and opened the gate of the base. They saw some armors and equipment of clone soldiers scattered everywhere. After several years of ups and downs, these equipment were covered with mud and could not be used. .

Finally, Luna-Meng took them to the warehouse of the base. In the entire base, only this warehouse looks slightly newer, and it seems to be opened frequently.

Luna-Meng raised her hand, and under the fine control of the Force, the password was entered instantly, and the huge iron door began to slowly slide open on both sides.


Countless neat gun racks and armor racks are neatly placed here, so dazzling that you can’t even see the end at a glance! Looking up, there are even more than a dozen armored units such as AT-TE walkers, AT-ST bipedal walkers, AV-7 self-propelled artillery, and TX-130 Saber hover tanks inside the warehouse! ! And there are thousands of Westwind-G hover motorcycles!

Darth Malthael felt a headache again, "So you also embezzled an army unit from the Galactic Empire??"

"Of course, the Marine Corps equipped with one Imperial-class Star Destroyer is a legion, with 9,700 people. Two ships are 19,400 people, plus the losses caused by constant combat, so there are a total of 30,000 people here with equipment! Luna-Huan said excitedly.

"What about these Marines? Kill them all." Darth Malthael said calmly.

"No. We let them live in that space station all the time, and from time to time they will fight against pirates that don't exist at all." Luna-Meng said.

"So? What are you going to do after you have embezzled so many things?" Darth Malthael asked, "If these things can hit the Galactic Empire, they are just a drop in the bucket. But let's say they are less. There are indeed quite a few, and we have been able to suppress most of the planets in the outer ring star region."

Luna-Huan tilted her head and said: "We don't know what to do with these equipment... In fact, at first we just planned to give it a try and wanted the Galactic Empire to send us some fun things. So my sister gave them to them. We sent a letter saying that this place was attacked by pirates, and a few days later the imperial military sent us two Aquitens-class light cruisers..."

Luna Dream sighed and said: "Then this lie couldn't stop... because the imperial military kept asking us to report on the combat process of these two light cruisers. We just randomly created an illusion of a space battle for them. A few officers looked at it, and it turned out that their professionalism was quite strong, and the combat reports they wrote were better than Master Jing's novels... Then, the imperial military sent reinforcements..."

"The empire has never been stingy with this kind of weapons and equipment. They give us whatever we want. In the end, they gave us such a lot of weapons and equipment... At first we wanted some delicious food to improve the food, but it was Not at all." Luna Huan said this a little unhappy, "My sister and I ate for a full year before the fantasy world grew up and could confuse the officers and let them go out to buy delicious food with military expenses. of marching cookies!”

So... this is the typical process of small greed turning into huge greed, from a fly to a tiger... Darth Malthael shook his head. (End of chapter)

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