The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1895 The interruption of the plan

1896. Interruption of planning

Seeing Guthzerion's body turn into countless roots and burrow into the ground, right under the noses of Darth Malthael and Darth Sidious, who can be said to be the two strongest men in the galaxy. After running away, the two of them looked at each other, their expressions not very good.

The soul-shaking scream that Gus Zerlain had just made in the desperate situation now left the two of them with lingering fears. Because that can't even be called a Force skill, it can only be said to be a chaotic instinct, a very primitive use of the Force.

That's almost like the chaotic force of nature that gathers countless creatures, undead, or the will of the planet to burst out directly through screaming. No one can handle it! Of course, that includes Guthzeryan himself.

A scream knocked back the two strongest men, Darth Malthael and Darth Sidious, and her own mind was probably shaken away at the same time!

However, thinking that even when Guthzeraine was using the force of death to absorb her life force, she could grow roots on her body and absorb the force of the planet to replenish her own life force. This made Darth Masay Er also wasn't very confident about whether she really yelled at him as an idiot.

After all, the way of cultivation of the Night Sisterhood witches is very close to nature, so maybe Gus Zerlain has hidden some life-saving means, which is not certain.

After all, the location of this battle was also chosen by Guthzeraine herself. If she really hid something like a magic circle here, Darth Malthael would not be surprised at all.

"Look at the way she looked just now. Even if she doesn't die, she's no different than a cripple." Darth Malthael stepped forward and looked at the line that was cut off by the lightsaber thrown by Darth Sidious. leg.

I saw that there was no blood flowing out of this leg, but it had turned into something like a dry piece of wood. Darth Malthael gently swiped it with the force, and it immediately fell apart with a click.

"But she's not dead yet! And you've seen her power. If we hadn't joined forces, no one would be her opponent!" Darth Sidious looked gloomy, "She must die!"

This battle allowed him to see the power of the Queen of the Night, but at the same time, he also felt that the opponent was stronger, but compared with himself, the gap was not so huge that it made people despair. He felt that if he continued to practice and grow, he could reach the same level when he was hundreds of years younger than Geth Zerlain.

But that doesn't mean Darth Sidious thinks he can win without Darth Malthael this time.

Because the power is so strong at their level, masters at a lower level can no longer pose a threat. For example, if Darth Malthael hadn't come this time and he brought Darth Vader, Black Hole, and Kadan with him, it would be difficult to defeat Guthzeryan.

Just like the battle just now, if Darth Malthael hadn't used the Force of Death to restrain him from behind, then no matter how powerful his Black Hole Force was, it would still have been suppressed by Guthzeraine.

A battle between powerful Force-sensitive beings is just that, a battle of lightsabers is one aspect, but more importantly, both sides use their own Force powers to fight for control of the surrounding area! It's like two people fighting in the river. Whoever controls the water flow around the other person's body will win.

And among strong men of Darth Sidious's level, the competition for control of the domain can be said to be all-round. He raises his hand to be the Black Hole Force, Guthzerion is directly the Lightning Storm, and Darth Malthael is the Death Sandstorm. These are all manifestations of them using their respective Force powers to fight for control.

In other words, without Darth Malthael's sharing, the two masked women of Depa and Billaba would have no chance of getting close to Guthzeraine.

"She can grow roots from her body, and her severed limbs can turn into wood, and she can also give life to those trees. It seems like this guy is already a tree demon or something like that?" Das - Malthael said with a frown.

"No matter what she is! Find it for me! We must find her whereabouts! If not, then I would rather plow the planet Dathomir to the ground!!" Darth Sidious roared.

"Then I suggest you go search the depths of the underground passage just now. I saw that there are many forks leading deeper underground." Darth Malthael said lightly.

Darth Sidious let out a distorted laugh, "Hehehehe, Your Majesty the Angel of Death. Since you have already been to the underground passage, it is natural that you should continue to explore it, right?"

I'm afraid I've just entered with my front foot, and you will let the Imperial-class Star Destroyer completely blow up this place with my back foot! Darth Malthael sneered in his heart.

He did not expose it, but said very seriously: "My people were injured by the trap there just now, and after this fierce battle, I don't have the strength to continue underground. Those senior judges of yours Haven't you ever participated in the war? Let them find it."

Now that their greatest enemy has escaped with serious injuries, the two Sith Lords have entered the mode of digging holes for each other again. There was just such an underground passage, and the two of them had been trying to get rid of it for a long time, but to no avail.

At this time, in the underground passage, those who had not participated in the war came out one after another.

On Darth Malthael's side are the two cloaked women and the witch Charal, and on Darth Sidious's side are the seven strange dark Jedi knights and Antilles and Jerrick. A senior judge.

Witch Charal's body was still trembling. She kept looking around, fearing that Guszeryan would jump out again. At the same time, she was also horrified that the two beings in front of her could defeat the Queen of the Night.

The two women didn't say much, walked over to the priestess and stood quietly.

But Darth Sidious snorted coldly, looked at his men and cursed: "Trash!! Did I bring you here to let you get into a dog hole to watch a show?!"

Those people quickly knelt down and said, "Your Majesty, please forgive me..."

However, before he finished speaking, the expression on Darth Sidious's face suddenly turned ferocious. He raised his hand and the lightsaber in Antilles' hand flew to him. Then the blood-red lightsaber shot out instantly, sweeping across with terrifying power! !

The heads of those seven dark Jedi were moved directly!

Seeing this scene, the corners of Darth Malthael's mouth just turned up slightly, and he quickly said: "Oh, your Majesty, please calm down..."

Darth Sidious looked at the two women who had never shown their faces standing next to the priestess, and said with a ferocious smile: "It seems that the underground trap has indeed seriously injured your men!"

"I'm afraid it won't last ten days and a half months." Darth Malthael smiled slightly.

"Hehehehe... Since Guthzerion has escaped and our people have suffered serious casualties, let's just blow this place up!" Darth Sidious said.

However, at this time, a message suddenly came from Darth Malthael's universal tool. He looked at the message and said, "It seems that my apprentice has discovered something. Why don't we go and have a look together?"

Darth Sidious ignored him at all, turned around and walked towards his shuttle, saying, "I only give you half an hour. In half an hour, the orbital bombing will begin!"

He made it clear that no matter what he found, he would die for me.

At this moment, Darth Sidious had indeed discovered that he was being used as a weapon by Darth Malthael this time. Although Gethzeryan is indeed a huge threat to his Galactic Empire, there are many ways to eliminate such a threat, and it does not necessarily have to join forces with the Death Angel to have an extremely dangerous head-on confrontation.

He was very sure that Darth Malthael definitely had some information that he was not telling him. On the one hand, it’s why Darth Malthael is so determined to eliminate Guthzerion, and on the other hand, it’s why he understands Guthzerion so well, both in terms of his personality and combat methods. The latter is easier to explain, indicating that the witch of the Sisters of the Night beside him knew more than she imagined. She told Darth Malthael, but Darth Malthael did not tell him.

Thinking of this, Darth Sidious glanced at Charal with his cold eyes. The witch suddenly felt the hairs on his body stand up and shuddered involuntarily.

So this time Darth Sidious plans to blow up this place completely no matter what Darth Malthael wants to do!

The Lambda-class shuttle flew into the sky carrying Darth Sidious and two senior inquisitors, and soon disappeared into the sky, leaving only the seven headless corpses lying on the ground.

"This emperor is too sensitive. He immediately discovered that those seven stupid men were deceived by our illusion." A voice as sweet as a silver bell came.

Only to see the two women covering their faces with cloaks did they lift their hoods, revealing their smooth blond hair. One has her hair tied into a ponytail on the left with a red ribbon, and the other has her hair on the right with a blue ribbon.

Who are Luna-Dream and Luna-Fantasy if this isn't it?

"I've told you a long time ago, don't do this kind of meaningless temptation! And never underestimate any of your enemies!" the priestess said sternly, "And this time you actually want to test Das -Sidious!"

Luna Meng quickly lowered her head and admitted her mistake, "I'm sorry, Master... we must reflect on it."

The Dream Sisters were so quiet all the way, thanks to their former master. Otherwise, even if Darth Malthael was here, they would have had a falling out.

"No, I ordered them to do this this time." Darth Malthael said, "Darth Sidious was still very cautious and did not give us any opportunities. He even did not hesitate to play alone. When fighting, I must leave others behind and always watch my back. Hahahaha... an old fox is still an old fox after all... let's go, time is limited, he said he would start bombing in half an hour, I bet he will wait for us for fifteen minutes at most .”

This time he and Darth Sidious both worked hard to find ways to plot against each other and prevent each other from plotting against each other. Darth Malthael found the Dream Sisters, and his original plan was to use their ability to create illusions. Come to confuse the audience and see if you can win by surprise. And in order to achieve a better sneak attack effect, he didn't even bring the soul-stealing sword. Instead, he hid on the Red Comet, waiting to summon the soul-stealing sword immediately if he turned against him.

As a result, even when Darth Sidious faced a powerful enemy like Gus Zeryan, he still did everything flawlessly. If Darth Malthael doesn't take action, he will never take action. If Darth Malthael leaves a few people behind, he will also leave a few people behind. In short, the main thing is to use one mechanism to count them all.

The two spent a long time playing with each other's dolls, but naturally they broke up on bad terms.

"Don't you care about what Darth Lilim found?" Judgment asked. "At least you can go over and destroy what she found."

When she spoke, the Dream Sisters calmly moved a few steps away from her. It seemed that they still couldn't let go of the last time they were severely punished by the trial on the planet Onderon.

"It's not necessary. If that thing can be destroyed and needs to be destroyed, then Darth Lilim will definitely do it. If she doesn't do it, we don't have to waste time." Darth Malthael said At this moment, a group of people had already run into the Red Comet, took off in the spaceship, and flew towards the coordinates sent by Darth Lilim.

Sure enough, not long after the Red Comet flew away, an extremely huge mushroom cloud rose up where they had just fought! A large area, dozens of flowers!

Darth Malthael looked at the time and cursed secretly, "It's only been 12 fucking minutes! That old guy must have ordered the bombing as soon as he got back to the spacecraft!"

Without making any stop, the Red Comet quickly flew over to pick up Darth Lilim, and flew towards outer space with its engines at full speed.

Arriving in the outer orbit of the planet Dathomir, they saw that the Archon-class aircraft carrier they were riding on had also arrived and was confronting three of the Imperial-class Star Destroyers. A large number of swarm drones have been launched from the aircraft carrier, and they are always ready for combat.

It has to be said that the Archon-class aircraft carrier's huge 3,175-meter-long hull brings a terrible sense of oppression, even in front of the three Empire-class Star Destroyers. That huge size is almost equivalent to two Imperial-class ships in length alone!

The other two Imperial-class Star Destroyers have now entered synchronous orbit and are conducting intensive orbital bombardment of the area where they were just now on the planet Dathomir.

The Red Comet entered the landing platform of the Archon-class aircraft carrier, and Darth Malthael also exchanged experiences with Darth Lilim.

After learning that his master actually fought against such a terrifying enemy, Darth Lilim showed a look of excitement and frustration on his face. She looked forward to fighting side by side with her master, but she seemed to miss it every time.

After hearing about Gethzerion's strange situation, Darth Lilim thought for a while and said, "Master, I think I have found the secret of Gethzerion." (End of Chapter)

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