1865. "Death Star" plan (Part 2)

Tang Xiao took a deep breath and then asked: "Orson Krennic. Have you found this person?"

Saratan Moss answered directly: "Orson Callan Krennic was born on the planet Lexrul 35 years ago (51BBY). He was once a talent reserve program of the Galactic Republic. ——A member of the Galactic Republic's Future Program, and later joined the Republic's Corps of Engineers and became a visiting professor at the Institute of Applied Sciences. At the beginning of the war, he was secretly recruited into the Republic's Strategic Advisory Group, but his public identity remained Republic Engineer Corps. But after the war entered its second year, he disappeared, and all information was classified as highly classified by the Galactic Republic."

He didn't read any information at all, and immediately told all the information about this person, "This person is outgoing and cheerful, with handsome appearance. During the future plan of the Republic, he had sex every night, and he would sleep with a different woman almost every few days. Someone. It is said that he slept with every beautiful woman recruited by this plan... and what is even more surprising is that he finally graduated with honors, which shows that under his frivolous and romantic appearance, he still has very rigorous and professional knowledge. . In addition, during the Republic's Future Plan, he was very good friends with Galen Erso, another accomplished energetics scientist, although the two men had completely opposite personalities."

Tang Xiao nodded and said: "Continue to search. If we can find Orson Krennic, then immediately send out ghost agents and assassinate him at all costs! In addition, the Queen of the Geonosians, Emperor Karina, is now She is also missing, and she is not on the planet Geonosis. I think the Geonosians are still working on building the DS-1 combat space station."

"Wait a minute, you said that Emperor Kalina is not on the planet Geonosis?" Saratan Moss caught this point, "If this is true, then this probably started several years ago. Because According to our current control of the planet Geonosis, it is impossible for them to have any spacecraft leave, and we don’t know about it yet.”

He thought for a while and then said: "But the social system of the Geonosians does make it difficult for us to monitor them in detail. They usually live underground, are extremely exclusive and have a huge population, and their reproductive methods It’s not known to outsiders at all. If you hadn’t told me about the existence of Emperor Kalina, Governor, and that the Geonosians were bred by the queen alone, I wouldn’t have known anything about it.”

Tang Xiao said: "Emperor Karina usually lives in the deepest holy place under the planet Geonosis. She never shows up and controls the working class of the Geonosis people through her unique telepathy. It can be said that, The Geonosians are a very peculiar race of semi-Gestalt consciousness. Regarding the departure of Emperor Kalina, I still don’t know how Severance Tann learned this information, but I think this information The level of credibility is very high.”

"In other words, do you think Emperor Karina left the planet Geonosis just to breed a Geonosian engineering team out of thin air in a new place, and then build the DS-1 battle space station for the Galactic Empire? ” Saratan Moss understood the key.

"Yes, in my opinion, this is how this weird information is connected to DS-1." Tang Xiao nodded.

In the original plot, the DS-1 battle space station, also known as the "Death Star", was proposed by Geonosian scientists.

It's just that at that time, the Geonosians only proposed an idea. They only had a rough concept of the entire design, including the super energy generator that could destroy a planet instantly. Geonosian scientists only proposed it. Try using kyber crystals as a source of energy.

Later, the leader of the lower caste of the Geonosians, Bogor-The Lower Class, launched an uprising and overthrew the then Archduke of the Geonosians. He became the ruler of the planet Geonosis, and he and Count Dooku Make an alliance. As a result, the planet Geonosis also received investment from Count Dooku to further refine the design.

Then, there was the design data that Bogle-Inferior gave him when the Clone Wars broke out. This data was later transferred to Darth Sidious by Count Dooku.

In fact, the design of the DS-1 at that time still did not solve the problem of the energy generator. The real solution to this problem was after Orson Cullen Krennic became the director of the Galactic Empire Weapons Research Institute.

"But Emperor Kalina is a very sacred existence to the Geonosians. She lives in the Holy Land and it is absolutely impossible to leave. Otherwise, for the Geonosians, this would mean the collapse of faith. . How did the Galactic Empire do it?" Saratan Moss was a little unable to understand.

But for Tang Xiao, it is not difficult to understand this. He only needs to compare it with what happened in the original plot and find out the difference, and then he can know where the fuse is.

The trigger was the destruction of the business guild!

After Count Dooku received Tang Xiao's advice and saw through Darth Sidious's conspiracy, he became the head of the Confederation of Independent Systems and fought the war wholeheartedly. This became Count Dooku's only chance of survival. hope. He couldn't just deal with it as hastily as in the original plot, so in order to strengthen his rule, he launched a reform within the Confederation of Independent Systems.

Moreover, this reform was also fueled by the Mutual Aid Alliance organized by Tang Xiao. The result was that those super corporations gave up some of their privileges and interests, handed over greater power to Count Dooku, and strengthened the administrative power of the Confederation of Independent Systems.

In fact, to put it bluntly, it is to reform the Federation of Independent Systems into the Federation of Independent Systems.

Among those super corporate giants, the Trade Alliance and the Interstellar Banking Association have long since taken refuge in Tang Xiao. They also understand this harsh situation, so they are willing to give up their own privileges and interests in exchange for longer-term survival. The Enterprise Alliance was beaten to death, and it also had certain connections with Tang Xiao and the Mutual Aid Alliance, so naturally it was unable to oppose it.

Therefore, the main opponents are the business guilds and technology alliances. However, Walter Tambo, the chief foreman of the Technical Alliance, is relatively more cunning, and the Technical Alliance has their core competitiveness and is not afraid of Count Dooku weakening their power.

Therefore, the final target is to focus on the business guilds that are the highest ranked among the five major corporate giants, the weakest, and have no core strength of their own! (End of chapter)

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